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<mnemoc> moin
<n01> monin
<mnemoc> ssvb: those hwpacks are made out of the defconfgigs, and not updated in months. rm has openly refused to help improving the defconfigs.
<rm> blah
<rm> all is public
<rm> look/see/use/pick up
<rm> I am not going to try spoonfeed this or that to anyone
<rm> only to face a wall of no one caring
<gzamboni> moin
<mnemoc> the same attitude olimex has. we have our public tree, if you want the improvements find them out yourself
<mnemoc> instead of submiting patches
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<mnemoc> i would love to have spare time to be able to do that, but unfortunatelly I don't. and things get into the linux-sunxi repo via commits posted on the ML
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<bipbiponlinux> mnemoc: someone tells me that you have one response for me :)
<bipbiponlinux> mnemoc: do you know if cubie 2 is compatible with sata multiplier ?
<mnemoc> no
<mnemoc> if have to use a raid device that fakes a single sata
<mnemoc> you have to use a raid device that fakes a single sata
<bipbiponlinux> ok
<bipbiponlinux> do you have some reference ?
<mnemoc> my old orico raid1/esata works fine
<mnemoc> can't tell about newer models
<mnemoc> you'll have to check the specs of the sata controller within the device to see if it multiplexes or fakes a single drive
<bipbiponlinux> ok thx
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<chuprex> hello all
<chuprex> can somebody help me about IR on Cubieboard??
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<chuprex> can somebody help me about IR on cubieboard2 ??
<FR^2> Hi chuprex. Repeating won't help. What answer could someone give to such a question? Why not describe what you have, what you're intending to do, what you've achieved so far and what problems you're currently dealing with?
<chuprex> i use cubian on my cubieboard2
<chuprex> but i can't see IR device
<chuprex> i can't found module sunxi_ir on kernel cubian
<JohnDoe_71Rus> IR device need kernel module?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> by analogy, since some kernel my MCE Remote at ubuntu(not cubieboard) can work like keyboard or i can set like lirc device
<chuprex> this cubian on cubieboard bro, not ubuntu
<JohnDoe_71Rus> I meant that the system at the xorglevel can operates with ir devices.
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<dongs> cubian, nigerian, whatever the fuck.. problem is: shit is broken. fix it instead of coming up with clever names for new distros that just swap a couple of wallpapers and move binaries around to nonstandard places.
<dongs> i bet some lunix user actually faps to that.
<dongs> probably because he has no chance to ever be near a female creature
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<ttmrichter> I'm guessing that Linux raped your mother?
<n01> lol
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<chuprex> dongs :: edan
<dongs> wuat
<dongs> i dont speak ESL
<ttmrichter> Apparently not English either.
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* froy is excited for cubietruck, but why didn't tom use the 4-core cortex a9 like the radxa rock? Did Radxa come after he designed it?
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<froy> radxa rock looks way cool, but I can't see a sata port on it.
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<suhanc> re
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<jelly-home> froy: rk3188 present in that product isn't as open as Allwinner SoC are at present
<jelly-home> perhaps that's going to change and rockchip is going to give open source drivers for their hw, that would be rather nice
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<shafire> hi
<shafire> !ls
<popolon> jelly-home, Rockchip in their history refused to respect GPL as far I know, so their is work to do in this way
<shafire> Does the cubieboard 2 have a simple case too?
<popolon> shafire, yes
<popolon> this is exactly the same shape than cubieboard1
<popolon> so the same case
<shafire> If I buy a cubieboard 2 there will be a simple case be enclosed?
<shafire> Or where can I buy it
<popolon> I bought mine here
<shafire> And is the cubietrack the new cubieboard 3?
<shafire> ah, thanks popolon
<popolon> yes, the two names seems to be used by Cubietech
<popolon> but cubietruck is larger
<popolon> as far I know
<popolon> didn't find the exact dimension
<popolon> there is a case too
<shafire> mh, it does not look like the simple case
<popolon> I leave in france and received the box in two weeks
<popolon> what is the simple case ?
<popolon> the two plates ?
<popolon> there is a cubietech breadbord too
<popolon> where you can put the cubie on
<popolon> ok
<popolon> don't know where to find it
<popolon> :)
<popolon> I seen at some aliexpress shops perhaps ?
<popolon> 4$
<popolon> with free shipping
<shafire> okay, thanks!
<shafire> don't like the second case ;)
<popolon> I had only the brown, not the grey
<popolon> ???
<shafire> the 4$ is nice
<shafire> the open case is nicer :)
<shafire> can put one large ventilator for 3-4 cubieboards
<shafire> ventilator = fans
<popolon> this one
<shafire> thats your case, or?
<popolon> don't know if that's really needed
<popolon> but if you want to overclock it
<popolon> yes my case (as in the first link
<popolon> there is another with plastic plate at top for cover with hole for wiere
<popolon> wires
<popolon> I have only a thik cardboard (?) plate
<popolon> (you see it in the second picture)
<popolon> of the last link
<shafire> I see
<popolon> don't like too much
<popolon> could burn
<popolon> this one has the case you want + cubieboard2
<shafire> yeah, but shipping is 70$ :D
<popolon> the 'rich package'
<popolon> (with serial wire)
<shafire> I will get it from exp-tech.de
<popolon> You should take serial wire to see what's good or wrong
<shafire> last link is cubieboard 1
<popolon> no
<popolon> cortex a7
<shafire> [21:48] <popolon> You should take serial wire to see what's good or wrong <-- explain
<popolon> oh yes
<popolon> sorry :)
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<popolon> power adapter 5V 2A for Raspberry Pi Enhanced Version cubieboard
<popolon> fun to see raspberry pi enhanced version everywhere :))
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<shafire> thanks for your help
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<deasy> shafire is going build a DC of cubie in his home
* deasy ===> []
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<froy> jelly-home, thanks!
<froy> so I guess we have to wait for Allwinner to produce a 4-core cortex a9?
<popolon> ;/
<popolon> I don't think they will go backward
<popolon> a7 is more recent than a9
<popolon> instead hop a a7+a15 or dual/quad a53 :)
<popolon> with mali GPU !
<popolon> not this crappy PowerVR stuff
<popolon> that's strange if I search allwinner on arm website
<popolon> in the result I have : ARM Development Tools for ARMv8 - ARM :)
<popolon> but if I click on the page
<popolon> nothing about allwinner
<popolon> have they already license agreement for armV8 ?=> allwinnerA40 = lot of 64bits Cortex-A5x ?
<popolon> :D
<popolon> what is the chinese name of allwinner ? 全?
<popolon> 全something
<popolon> 全志科技
<popolon> Quánzhì kējì
<popolon> (allwinner technology
<popolon> oh, f3 is next in ff 24 :/
<popolon> that was search/translate on my starcict
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<Minelli_> Good night must create an img ubuntu for Cubieboard Cubieboard A10 and A20 to run our system, someone could help me how to proceed or have interest to do the job for us?
<popolon> :D
<popolon> this is a jolke or a true product 8)
<popolon> which GPU ???
<popolon> when I say allwinner A40, that was imagination of the futur :)
<deasy> popolon, i don't see it on the website...it's probably a sheet in preparation for future release
<popolon> so don't think about Rockchip a9
<popolon> this will beat it
<popolon> hop this will 2 A7 + 2 a15
<popolon> not 4 a15
<popolon> but that's better than 4a9
<popolon> or 1 a7 + 3 a15
<deasy> 4 a15 + 8 core on mali
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<popolon> well, after all, it can shutsown 3 A15 too
<popolon> shudown
<deasy> see on others products page
<deasy> weird
<deasy> maybe they are fake product for china market
<deasy> (lie on spec)
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<popolon> information in february 2013 ???????
<popolon> What the fake ?
<popolon> :)
<popolon> wtf!!!
<froy> ha, popolon, I'm so messed up trying to follow the cortex version numbering... :)
<popolon> :)
<popolon> a12 should be nice too
<popolon> I worked a lot to understand generations and so
<popolon> on Cortex-A serie
<popolon> 1st generation-Cortex A8
<froy> so the Allwinner A40 uses a15... where's that in the generation?
<popolon> 2nd generation : Cortex-a5, cortex-a9
<popolon> third generation : cortex-a7, cortex-a12, cortex-a15
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<froy> ah.
<popolon> all those are ARMv7-A family
<popolon> A like appliance
<deasy> "Given Allwinner’s excellent track record this kind of “giant leap” could be done by them as well, and as early as in H1 CY2013 a big.LITTLE product most probably named A40 may be introduced by them on the market. "
<popolon> next serie are ARMv8 (64 bits)
<popolon> called Cortex-A50 family
<popolon> fist generation will be : Cortex-A53 & Cortex-A57
<froy> So the cortex a15 in the A40 is the same as the cortex a7 in the A20, just 4 cores instead of 2?
<popolon> no
<popolon> really more powerfull
<froy> ha.
<froy> so confusing
<deasy> yes a7 is for lowerend
<popolon> Cortex-a7 is 100% compatible version of Cortex-A15
<deasy> a15 is highend
<popolon> but use far less energy
<deasy> really more powerful
<popolon> and they can work together in big.LITTLE architecture
<popolon> where a15 are started only when need of lot of computing power
<popolon> the a12 is a little bit less powerfull than a15
<popolon> but use less energy
<popolon> and can replace it in big.LITTLE architecture
<deasy> " This will go not only as far as achieving in 2013 as much as 12 times of the Cortex-A8 performance with 65 nm implementation, by using a combination of 2xCortex-A15 and 2xCortex-A7 with 28 nm implementation and still having the almost same energy consumption"
<popolon> as far I know, there is today no SoC using a12
<deasy> wait and see
<deasy> if i remember right
<deasy> the allwinner website have take time for add the a20
<popolon> yes
<popolon> and thes spoke about A23 recently
<popolon> still nothing on their site
<deasy> the products was released before the add on their website
<deasy> iirr
<deasy> (if i remember right :p)
<popolon> I believe too
<popolon> they don't need to communicate a lot for their product
<Minelli_> All: Good night must create an img ubuntu for Cubieboard Cubieboard A10 and A20 to run our system, someone could help me how to proceed or have interest to do the job for us?
<popolon> because they are cheap and efficient
<popolon> I'm interestd
<popolon> I've started
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<popolon> with ubuntu 13.10
<popolon> (because of linux-3.11 support that have basic support for a20
<popolon> well, jsut boot
<froy> So, the best pre-built kernel I've found for cubieboard2 is the fedora 19 one. It has many modules compiled which is way convenient. Does anyone know what sources fedora used and what config they used? I can't find it anywhere.
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<popolon> don't know, but the best as far I know is to use linux-3.3 (or 3.4 but didn't find hardware pack) to have a full support
<popolon> of every hardware modules
<froy> fedora even fixed the overscan on hdmi, which was nice
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<popolon> I, for now don't care, only want a stable bootable system
<popolon> and upgradable (on sata)
<popolon> for server
<froy> yeah, fedora's uname has 3.4.43.sun7i
<popolon> I suppose with the same system you can boot on both 3.4 with blog and 3.11 100%open
<popolon> s/blog/blob
<froy> popolon, me too. I want a stable system, but I also want modules, like vpnc, and be able to run swap files and stuff.
<popolon> swap files ?
<popolon> what's that ,
<popolon> ?
<froy> yeah, I'm actually using the fedora kernel in a gentoo system
<froy> you know, virtual memory?
<froy> qb ~ # uname -a
<froy> Linux qb.lump.net 3.4.43.sun7i #131 SMP Thu Jul 18 18:36:33 CEST 2013 armv7l ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l) sun7i GNU/Linux
<froy> qb ~ # cat /proc/swaps
<froy> FilenameTypeSizeUsedPriority
<popolon> ho, swap partition ?
<popolon> :)
<froy> /dev/sda1 partition209714884-1
<froy> partition, file, whatever. :)
<popolon> I use SSD, I don't want swap partition :)
<popolon> not the same thing
<popolon> (file or partition
<popolon> partition is a fixed space dedicated
<froy> not exactly the same thing, but the swapper can use either
<froy> I just used "swap file" because most people are familiar with that phrase, even losedows people. ha.
<popolon> well especially losedows one :)
<froy> the fedora kernel has iptables stuff and tunnel modules too. :)
<popolon> 4core A7 2.0ghz Mail-450 mp8 320MHZ 28nm
<popolon> november
<popolon> :)
<popolon> november 16
<froy> 320mhz?
<popolon> mali 450 mp8 is an improved evrsion of the 400
<popolon> the frequency of the gpu, not the cpu
<froy> aaj/
<froy> er, ahh.
<popolon> 8 * mali 450 :)
<popolon> make sense
<froy> hrm, that says the a40 is a four-core a7
<popolon> yes,
<popolon> at 2Ghz :)
<popolon> I would like it
<froy> mmm me too. :)
<froy> tom, update for cubieboard3! :)
<popolon> froy, cubieboard4
<popolon> cubieboard3 use A20
<popolon> (cubietruck)
<froy> ah, cubietruck is cubieboard3? ok.
<deasy> wait and see for the next products of allwinner
<deasy> rombus say the a10 cost 7$
<deasy> 7$ is nothing for a chip with 441pins haha
<deasy> the cost is ridiculous aside of complexity
* froy agrees with deasy
<deasy> and 55nm is not a so old fab process
<popolon> this msg can't be take serious ?
<deasy> some actuals bridge by Intel are always in 65nm process
<popolon> no link, no information
<deasy> which?
<popolon> the link I give
<deasy> that's why i say "wait and see for the next products of allwinner"
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<popolon> same information
<froy> I wonder if the $7 cost has to do with almost slave labor china :(
<froy> or if it's because it's an open platform and all they have to do is copy it
<deasy> frop, my link say allwinner had 500 employees
<deasy> popolon, ils ont aussi une date de release "environ" ?
<deasy> oops sorry for the French
<popolon> froy all countries use slave in their factory
<popolon> the whole planet copied to china most of their technologies
<deasy> i agree than factory work is usually a robot work...
<popolon> (ink, paper, compass, print, abacus, porcelain, ...)
<froy> yeah, but they're paid diddley squat
<deasy> here it's warm (around 21 celsius)
<deasy> but maybe in China they works in cold temperature
<deasy> hmm sory i was talking about the temperature for people in factory
<deasy> +r
<popolon> yes due to air conditionning everywhere :))
<deasy> cold temp was what some chinese people say on a documentary on chinese factory than i have watch
<popolon> froy, around the planet the same
<deasy> i have see also foxconn factory and this seems really shit...
<popolon> but in china everything is less expansive because one or two centuries of poverty after european/japan/us invasion
<popolon> ~1 century if invasion ?
<popolon> s/if/of/
<infobot> popolon meant: ~1 century of invasion ?
<deasy> foxconn seems to have a bunch of slave
<popolon> yes
<froy> the US invaded china? News to me. I know UK, Japan, French, Vietnam did. But not the US.
<deasy> also some student are put in factory against their desire...
<popolon> hey, they do it
<popolon> they invaded japan too
<popolon> and of edo era, start of meiji era
<popolon> well lot of countries
<popolon> far bebore the new invasion wave
<froy> hrm.
<popolon> hawai...
<froy> I wish we could all just get along. :)
<froy> heh
<froy> there was a rescue mission: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Relief_Expedition
<popolon> 1871 invasion of Korea by the United States
<popolon> didn't know this one
<popolon> well and no they give democracy :D
<popolon> what a nice army
<popolon> would like to get their bombs in my face !
<popolon> (but I'm french, and france do about the same)
<froy> I'm sorry I went off-topic talking about slave labor. :\
<popolon> no problem :D
<popolon> at least you learn a little bit of history
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<deasy> froy, as China don't care of human right , it's healthy to think about how their people are treat in factory
<popolon> well foxconn is taiwanese (also chinese then) company
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<popolon> and they do some illegal things in china
<popolon> (as most factory do around the world as well)
<deasy> boss always try to have slave, no matter of the country
<popolon> there are the laws, there are the companies, there are the politics, and there is the reallity
<deasy> i'm sure than even here in belgium and France some of them dreams to have slaves :)
<popolon> they have ;)
<deasy> in life you must learn your right and always be awake when someone try to abuse of something
<deasy> if you let's them do it, they think it's ok and continue
<popolon> mostly foreigners in (official) illegal situation
<deasy> they always try...
<popolon> some always do
<deasy> you must be on your deffensive state :)
<deasy> it seems than it's the usual rules in this world
<popolon> probably
<deasy> business men in UE don't care of China people in factories
<deasy> what they care is how much it cost for each hardware build by China people
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<popolon> most foxconn customers are us and europe one
<popolon> with some korean, japanese and chinese one
<deasy> i say it because i work a bit for one...
<popolon> and the whole planet are the cusomers of their customers
<froy> I care about them, but there's nothing I can do, and it's too tempting to buy that cheap hardware. If I didn't buy it, they'd probably starve though :(
<popolon> if you buy a cheap hw in china, at least you have less chance to give money to something that will make war :/
<deasy> and all what he thinks is how many dollars cents for the time of assembly by a chinese people
<popolon> and this will be cheaper to you
<deasy> per product
<popolon> apple do huge benefits on so low price objects
<popolon> for example
<popolon> The Opening to China Part I: the First Opium War, the United States, and the Treaty of Wangxia, 1839-1844
<popolon> etc..
<deasy> popolon, dodo :p
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<popolon> I installed a lubuntu on a virtualbox on a lubuntu on a computer managed by ipmi, using lubuntu on a virtualbox on a xubuntu environnement this evening :D
<popolon> at each step, everything is slower
<deasy> O_O
<deasy> you do the Linux Inception?
<popolon> and they grab your mouse, and there are cumulative keyboards problem
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<popolon> no, only want some tools ready in a data center
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