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<ezpn> !ls
<ezpn> hem hello
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<wens> does anyone have corrupt packets using EMAC? I have trouble getting data transfered over SSH to a Cubieboard 2
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<harijsme> hello
<harijsme> i just ordered cubieboard2
<harijsme> and was wondering if its possible to add to cb2 l2c lcd
<harijsme> ?
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<ezpn> harijsme: you can use i2c
<ezpn> so i2c lcd should work
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<harijsme> cd /sys
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<JIV> can someone explain to me boot process on cubie?
<mnemoc> google for a10 boot process
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<JIV> its same for a20?
<JIV> uEnv.txt and boot.scr are part of Uboot?
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<wens> JIV: uEnv.txt and boot.scr are read by U-boot
<mnemoc> JIV: yes, only the a31 is different
<mnemoc> uEnv.txt and boot.scr are read by U-boot *IF* u-boot envs tells so
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<wens> mnemoc: sunxi-u-boot's default env does so i believe
<mnemoc> but your installed env has precedense
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<JIV> i have different root parameter in uEnv.txt a boot.scr
<JIV> which one is taken?
<wens> depends on the bootcmd in boot.scr
<JIV> so boot .src is primary loaded?
<mnemoc> depends on your env
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<JIV> where is this documented? what do you mean by "env"?
<mnemoc> u-boot follows an script stored in a place called environment
<mnemoc> it's this script who decide what extension files to support and on what order
<JIV> and where i can find that?
<mnemoc> log into u-boot and `printenv`
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<JIV> how i log into uboot?
<mnemoc> get a serial console
<JIV> ok i dont have that
<JIV> no other way how to get uboot params?
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<mnemoc> depende what u-boot you are using where the u-boot env is stored
<JIV> its on SD card?
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<mnemoc> if you boot from the uSD, yes
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<JIV> so its some partition on uSD? or file?
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<mnemoc> it's raw somewhere in the 1st MB
<mnemoc> don't remember the exact address
<mnemoc> it's documented in u-boot-sunxi's wiki
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<JIV> idk its default Cubian image
<JIV> i just want add some sunxi parameters but they are ignored in uEnv.txt
<deasy> i think than uboot can be compilate with or without uEnv.txt support
<deasy> compile? compilated? (help me English people :p)
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<JIV> yes but which is used by Cubian?
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<JIV> ok i found it on forum
<JIV> i need modify boot.src
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<wooy> anyone considered plan 9 on cubieboard? how hard could that be?
<jelly-home> or HURD!
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<popolon> :D
<Hukka> jelly-home: I don't think plan 9 would beos very hurd at all
<Hukka> (it's aaaaalmost Friday here)
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<aalm> !explpm sata-harddrive
<aalm> !explpm sata-max-limit
<aalm> !explpm sata-multiplier
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