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<Swat-> Hello, i tried to install bucardo which succeeded, but ran into a problem running bucaro_ctl install on RHEL6 (postgres 8.4)
<Swat-> it gives me 'INSTALLATION FAILED! ()' - which leaves me with no indication as of why
<rm> and you think this is somehow a Cubieboard problem?
<Swat-> rofl
<rm> actually I don't think CB runs RHEL6 to begin with
<Swat-> sorry
<Swat-> no, i obviously typed in the wrong channel
<Swat-> my CB is running fine on debian ^^
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<Cylta> any ideas why wifi dongles and sata hdd does not work at all?
<Bushmills> they do.
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<Bushmills> hdd -> power issue? wifi -> driver support or setup?
<Cylta> i tried with default android and cubie-debian. i can see both of them on dmesg in debian, but hdd is locking down system on mount, and wifi simply do not do anything..
<Cylta> I have 3A 5V input. should be enough and disk is spinning ( i can hear it)
<Bushmills> system locks when heads are moved?
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<Bushmills> consider that current is not all what matters. voltage needs to remain within specs on changing load.
<Bushmills> some "charger" supplies don't mnanage to regulate well enough
<Cylta> I can put 6V 3A
<Bushmills> charging batteries usually doesn't involve quick changes of load, and even if there are, the batterie buffers changes to voltage
<Cylta> I checked it with multimeter on no load, there was just 5V
<Bushmills> you won't be able to see voltage drop because of impulse load with a multimeter
<Cylta> ohh. okay.
<Cylta> should I increase voltage to 6V?
<Bushmills> no
<Cylta> okay.
<Cylta> another problem - I can't boot microSD with proper debian DVD armhf image.
<Bushmills> you'd use a power supply known to regulated well, and quickly
<Cylta> but I can see it from booted OS
<Cylta> I can put huge capasitors to make it more stable.
<Bushmills> hard disks are notorious for imposing impulse loads
<Bushmills> that may help
<Cylta> okay. how to make it boot from a microSD? just dvd image is not enough, according to my experience..
<Bushmills> there are ready to boot images around. image write them to sd-card and off you go
<Cylta> they do not work well with it (no drivers, i think and screen is not show image correctly (left side 5-20px missing, bottom -5-10px missing))
<Cylta> so, I want to use another image (just debian armhf)
<Cylta> in another channel people said that I have to use bootloader and iso image on disk, instead of just copying image on microSD by dd. is it right?
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<clements> !ls
<clements> !explpm sata-hardrive
<clements> !explpm sata-harddrive
<clements> !explpm sata-multiplier
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<clements> !explpm sata-max-limit
<Phibs> hello nubs
<clements> im having an issue with slow transfer speed via sata on external powered HD.. getting around 1MB/s.. ive tried a few different distros and updated hw pack but cant figure it out
<clements> any help?
<Cylta> clements: my sata hdd does not work at all.. happy you..
<clements> hah
<Cylta> how did you able to start it at all? =)
<Cylta> and what distro do you use on your cubieboard?
<clements> is your 2.5" or 2.5"
<clements> er 3.5"
<Cylta> my one is 2.5"
<clements> there is a kernel module that must be loaded and i think something set to enable power
<Cylta> hdd power is enables (it's spinning). but where to take that modified kernel
<clements> you see nothing when you do fdisk -l?
<clements> which distro you running?
<Cylta> - the only one, that I was able to launch so far
<Cylta> i do not see it in blkid, did not check the fdisk -l..
<clements> im running cubian as well..
<Cylta> did you modify it somehow to see the hdd? you said something about driver. i did not add it.
<clements> its the sata kernel module..
<clements> 1 sec
<Cylta> could you upload your version of kernel, or give a link with it? I would appreciate this =)
<clements> i think cubian loads the module
<Cylta> hmm... then I have problem with something else//
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<Cylta> and my screen is not centred (20px from left, 10px from bottom). do you have the same effect?
<Cylta> (so, i do not see left and bottom parts)
<clements> modprobe sw_ahci_platform
<clements> check /etc/modules and see if you see that.. you should
<clements> just "sw_ahci_platform"
<clements> gota run Cylta.. bbl
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<Cylta> ehh.. thanks..
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<vectory> so whats the big difference about cb 1 and 2 in terms of os support?
<vectory> or cortex-A8 vs A7
<danimo> vectory: exactly :)
<vectory> ?
<vectory> and whats the eta on the cb 3, can i ask that here?
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<mnemoc> also mali is doubled
<mnemoc> vectory: no cb3, cubietruck
<mnemoc> vectory: first batch (15) of development samples will be shipped this week
<mnemoc> don't blame me for publishing the pictures within a pdf
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<popolon> I wand a cubietrucl with the taiji symbol box :)
<popolon> s/wand/want/
<infobot> popolon meant: I want a cubietrucl with the taiji symbol box :)
<popolon> cubietrucl/Cubietruck/
<popolon> s/cubietrucl/Cubietruck/
<infobot> popolon meant: Cubietruck/Cubietruck/
<popolon> pffff
<popolon> ^^
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<Cylta> if this thing works, then it's definitely should be putted in topic. explanation how to build your system on host machine (later you will just have to write this img to your sd, if I understand correctly)
<Cylta> that will solve a lot of time to many people, i think...
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<popolon> echo 'T0:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 115200 linux' >> /etc/inittab
<popolon> this seems strange
<popolon> isn't the os use /etc/init/*.conf instead of old fashioned /etc/inittab
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<Cylta> you can add it in discussion there... so, i do better not to use that part of manual, right?
<popolon> don't know at all
<popolon> I've my cubieboard since only one week
<popolon> and only tried first flash of nand 2 days ago
<Cylta> it's not about cubieboard.. just about armhf debian
<popolon> yes
<popolon> but you are on #cubieboard channel :)
<Cylta> what OS do you use on cubie?
<popolon> I tried lubuntu desktop
<popolon> and I want to install lubuntu server
<popolon> will wait cubietruck for desktop
<Cylta> did the lubuntu work?
<popolon> yes
<Cylta> hdd, screen, wifi, usb tethering?
<popolon> still not optimal, due to lot of progress those last weeks
<popolon> dont have wifi
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<popolon> didn't tried hdd
<popolon> screen work
<popolon> I've ethernet so no need to usb tethering
<popolon> I've a cubieboard2
<popolon> support for the a20 is still recent (and the SoC itself too)
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<popolon> on the A20 lot of things are still not managed on the mainline linux kernel
<Cylta> what is not managed, for example?
<popolon> the official ARM X11 driver is not really optimal
<popolon> on the mainline kernel, the SMP is still not managed
<Cylta> sorry, but what is SMP? =)
<popolon> A20 has 2 CPU cores, 2 GPU cores
<popolon> I suppose that's managed in allwinner version of the linux kernel (3.4 or something)
<popolon> mainline kernel is 3.11 now
<popolon> the 3.12, will see lot of improvement for allwinner SoCs
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<popolon> oh, all is already merged for 2.12 :)
<Cylta> 3.12?
<popolon> yes 3.12 :)
<Cylta> dpkg-reconfigure locales # here I set to install ALL locales.. it's take about 1min per locale, and there are about 200 of them... =(
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<clements_> anyone have any ideas as to why im getting 1MB/s read rates on sata drive?
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<freq> are there two power inputs on the board?
<Cylta> no, it's sound
<Cylta> there just one power input
<freq> ah that would have been perfect for my battery :p
<freq> i'll use somethin else
<Cylta> why not to connect battery to the same contact?
<freq> yes
<Cylta> *terminals
<freq> i could do that
<Cylta> battery will be charged when charger is on, and supply the board when charger is off, and it may helf against current jumps on board.. but it's hard to control it..
<freq> so it kind of makes a good buffer also
<Cylta> yeah
<freq> the battery is a 12v with a car adapter for usb on it
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<Cylta> i'm using the same scheme
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