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<freq> _ _
<freq> | |_ (_)
<freq> | ' \ | |
<freq> |_||_||_|
<freq> sorry. hope that's not considered spam
<Phibs> _ __ ___
<Phibs> | '_ \ / _ \
<Phibs> |_| |_|\___/
<Phibs> | | | | (_) |
<freq> lol
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<Freq> hi
<Freq> so i can get to cubian via hdmi and not vga
<Freq> and i can ssh into other machines but cant ssh into cubian
<dongs> swim across the keys
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Freq: ssh port for cubian not 22
<Freq> i know
<Freq> still. asks for password
<Freq> i put cubie in
<Freq> nothin
<Freq> keeps asking
<jelly-home> Freq: did you use the correct username for logging in?
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> Freq: https://github.com/cubieplayer/Cubian/issues/13 like this?
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<Freq> sorry. lost my connection there
<Freq> yeah it just keeps asking for a password on ssh port 36000
<jelly-home> Freq: did you use the correct username for logging in?
<Freq> yeah cubie
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* qlex says hi
<qlex> cubieboard2 seems to fulfill our requirement of a robust sbc to power up our digital signage system
<qlex> would i find here somebody that could prepare an android image with 1920x1080 (or at least 1280x720) resoluition ?
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<qlex> noone ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> you can see build.prop file
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> or not
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<qlex> JohnDoe_71Rus: if i connect on serial to cubie2, i can
<qlex> i assume the question re: build.prop was to me ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> no. you need change kennel parameter
<JohnDoe_71Rus> some like this
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<Freq> #cubian needs residents
<JIV> i guess there is no need divide it
<JIV> you can ask here cubian q, or maybe even on #debian
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<federico3> uh
<shineworld> hu
<Freq> lol
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<Phibs> hu hu hu hu
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<xHire> what's the trick with SD card? does the partition need to start at specific position or something? I've just resized the partition (dd to file, delete and recreate and dd back) and it doesn't boot anymore
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<Olaff> xHire, first 1024 bytes are for uboot and spl ... i see that somewhere ..i think
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<xHire> Olaff: I think that there were 2048 bytes skipped
<xHire> aha, good to know. thanks :c)
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<Cylta> Hi. Can I install debian on NAND flash by normal installation process (write a CD iso on SD card and install it step-by-step, instead of installing whole img file on NAND at once)
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> think no. if installer can use nand device
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<Cylta> can I connect HDD and install everything on it, and boot from it later?
<Cylta> i think it will work. and I still can't understand what for somebody does need NAND memory for main partition.. something like media-server without any changing files, or what?..
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<Dave77> when is new cubie released?
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<vectory> hey, do the linuxdistros use both cores on the cb2?
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<Olaff> vectory, htop say that 2 cores are used
<popolon> On the cb-a20-lubuntu-desktop-card-v105.img
<popolon> I seen that /etc/init/console.conf has a lowerbitrate than the default rate
<popolon> need to be changed to 115200
<popolon> else the console should be lost after boot, need serial console reconnexion with the good bitrate
<popolon> the default in this file is : 38400 (exec /sbin/getty -8 38400 console)
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<popolon> bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 in boot.scr, so kernel boot should be visible, but probably no prompt after
<popolon> or crappy chars
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<popolon> I tried to connect an usb card reader on the usb port of the cubieboard, but the reader light don't activate
<popolon> do you think I've a power problem ?
<popolon> ok
<popolon> in fact the led of the reader start after booting on the android device
<popolon> more strange, the led start when the cubieboard is off
<popolon> (stopped by 5 seconds on the on/off button
<popolon> but it is off during u-boot phase
<popolon> and prompt
<popolon> the usb reader seems to be seen as sdc by the default installed android
<popolon> http://wiki.samygo.tv/index.php5/Boot_from_USB_using_u-boot <= in this documentation there is a 'usb start' command
<popolon> usb isn't on the cubieboard2 default version
<popolon> is there a mean tu upgrade u-boot but not the default system ?
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<deasy> popolon, if it's like on pc, the usb is down in some phase of the boot
<popolon> yes, but no mean to activate it in the default u-boot version :(
<deasy> #inkscape-fr
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