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<suhanc> re
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<mnemoc> moin
<FR^2> moinmoin
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<lunra> aw man, really, military ads on youtube -_-
<lunra> well, maybe that's bad vibes if you don't like things that are slimy
<FR^2> oh come on! Stay on topic.
<lunra> *dammit.*. screen didn't update
<lunra> wrong channel
<FR^2> :D
<lunra> sorry
<FR^2> no worries :
<FR^2> :)
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<FR^2> Hehehe, How about a pin-compatible Allwinner A80 for a cubieboard8? ^^ *dreaming*
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<jelly> FR^2: you know what pin-compatible means in that case? "less memory bandwidth than the cpu of that power ought to be able to manage"
<FR^2> *g* Yes, just kidding :) I just read about that a80 and began dreaming ;)
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* ttmrichter is away: 好记性不如烂笔头
<Vostok> roger that
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<popolon> A80 looks like one year ago rumoured A40
<popolon> it was rumoured to be available in november 2013
<popolon> and still Octa, instead of Octo :d
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<suhanc> bye
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<mateobur> Hello
<mateobur> I just downloaded the last android image
<mateobur> but last LiveSuit cloned from git
<mateobur> says it's an invalid image
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<mateobur> image file invalid :(
<mateobur> for all the versions
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<mateobur> everything gives image file invalid
<mateobur> I tried 2 different OS's
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<mateobur> how can I put cubieboard in FEL mode?
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<popolon> mateobur, which software say image file invalid ?
<mateobur> popolon, I tried with phoenixsuite
<mateobur> and it worked
<mateobur> in a virtual windows :S
<mateobur> do you know if I can flash the NAND
<mateobur> from the device itself
<mateobur> booting from SD
<popolon> still didn't tried
<popolon> if you create a sd card
<popolon> under linux, dd works fine
<mateobur> so it does have
<mateobur> like a dev for the nand?
<mateobur> that you can dd
<mateobur> I see there is a /dev/nand
<mateobur> actually
<mateobur> I can try to dd the image there...
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