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<JohnDoe_71Rus> Who build images for this page? http://cubiebook.org/index.php?title=Cubieboard2/Android_Prebuilt
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<JIV> kcan i remove /lib/modules/3.3* if using 3.4 kernel?
<rm> yes
<JIV> thx, and pls whats is difference between boot.cmd and boot.scr?
<JIV> its compiled from cmd?
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<massi> !ls
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<test_nic_name> does someone knows how to change hdmi resolution on cubieboard2?
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<popolon> does someone know if there is enough space to put a 3,5" HDD in the cubieboard box ?
<popolon> or 2,5" ?
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<jelly-home> popolon: which cubieboard box? this one only fits the board. https://cubieboard.myshopify.com/products/black-white-case-for-cubieboard
<popolon> yes this one, ok, thanks for the answer, so the hdd is outiside of the box, there is an hole for the wire ?
<popolon> (my cubieboard2 and its box wait me at the post office :)
<popolon> ok
<popolon> well, not really clear
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<shineworld> :)
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<xristx> hello community
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<xristx> I 've just got my cubieboard, and it seems that do not work. :S
<xristx> Is that anyone here to help me?
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<thesheff17> what are you trying to do?
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