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<maheanuu_> test
<maheanuu_> Hello, I am totally new here and am looking for manuals etc on the cubieboard 2 along with the Cubie Baseboard
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> CB2 has otg usb. if i plug to this otg usb 7 port usb hub, all device pluged to hub can work at otg mode?
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<ttmrichter> !ls
<ttmrichter> Hmmm... Is there actual instructions on how to use CubieFAQ somewhere? !ls was less than enlightening.
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<wooy> ttmrichter: i think the faq is on the web somewhere
<wooy> it is really basic though
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<utente> what is the maximin speed for Mali-400 in A10 and A20?
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<FR^2>,528.0.html <-- Interesting. I will definitely try that :)
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<jelly> 3.4.43 sounds horribly old
<jelly> current sunxi-3.4 tree is at 3.4.61
<FR^2> Hmmhmm?
<FR^2> I never managed to compile a working kernel and such
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<utente> jelly, not posible to move to linux 3.10? can it be used the vanilla version or it is necessary to patch it?
<jelly> utente: 3.10 has very basic support for the hardware,
<utente> it seems better to wait for 3.12
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<mnemoc> utente: there is a sunxi-3.10 experimental branch which is intended to get backports of what it's mainlined and DTSed versions of the crap drivers
<mnemoc> aiming at replacing 3.4 before the whole set of drivers becomes mainline ready
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<mnemoc> wip/exp/3.10 branch is blind cherrypicking
<mnemoc> experimental/sunxi-3.10 will get the mainlined drivers once the *censored* decides to boot
<jelly> heh
<mnemoc> after that, forward porting of all drivers regardless their quality, just to turn 3.4 "legacy" and move forward
<mnemoc> and teach fexc to produce .dts files out of the script.bin/.fex
<mnemoc> 3.10 will allow "real-life" usage and more massive testing of the drivers that go into mainline
<mnemoc> but not yet
<mnemoc> 3.12 will not be LTS. 3.10 is LTS, LTSI and smells to android 5.x too
<mnemoc> (due to activity in google's kernel-common repo)
<mnemoc> so it's a good usable stepping stone toward mainline and DTSized sunxi world
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<utente> mnemoc, thanks for info. there is roadmap for 3.10 to leave experimental label and became usable in all-day-activity? what DTS stay for?
<rm> mnemoc, 3.4.61 considered stable/usable?
<rm> I see it's only at -r0 yet
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<akaizen> cubieboard2_android_SDK_v1.03
<akaizen> ** Hi, is there a mirror for cubieboard2_android_SDK_v1.03 ? Its downloading very slow (11 Kb/sec). I can mirror it on my fast server if you would like
<akaizen> Also does anyone know what the different build configs mean? sugar_ref001, sugar_evb, wing, wing_k70, etc...
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<alabaster> rats
<alabaster> I'm looking for config for cubieboard2 (kernel config)
<alabaster> I used to have it somwhere but can't find it now..
<alabaster> Think I got it...
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<BW^-> what's the general Allwinner A10/A20 chat channel?
<BW^-> anyhow, the Allwinner A20 or A30 or A31, does it have SDXC support (i.e. >32GB)?
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