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<thesheff17> I'm trying to install to the nand flash for a cb2 and I'm using just stack traces like crazy and freezes when I try to run sudo ~/nandinstall/
<thesheff17> anyway to fix this?
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* qlex says hi again
<mnemoc> hi
<qlex> back here to find somebody who would know about building a more stable android than the one deliveered with my cubie2 and mars2 boards
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<qlex> noone here to help out on cubieboard channel ??
<mnemoc> afaik all android images for a20 currently are made out of allwinner's SDK
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<qlex> mnemoc: i could see sources for cubie1 and marsboad a10 but nothing for a20 ?
<mnemoc> a10 has been out there for years
<qlex> is the allwinner sdk all i need to pass on to somebody who could build the android image for me >?
<mnemoc> a20 just for a couple of months
<mnemoc> if you want a gpl violating android, yes. the sdk is enough
<qlex> gpl violating ?
<qlex> now, when starting marsboard a20, im getting an error "unfortunately, BLuetooth sharing aplication has been stopped"
<qlex> there's no bluetooth on marsboard and this message can only be closed when i attach a mouse
<qlex> was installing droid vnc server and busybox - could they interfere with bluyetooth message ?
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<mnemoc> qlex: the SDK are tools for factories to get easy ready-to-run products. not real source releases
<mnemoc> one of the features of the SDK is that the core parts are pre-compiled so the vendor can not screw things up
<mnemoc> and that means, gpl violating
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<qlex> is this the reason that cubie2 and mars2 dont have good images of android for them ?
<qlex> nobody wants to publish one, as it violates the gpl of google ?
<qlex> or allwinner
<mnemoc> there is no gpl of google
<mnemoc> all android code is BSD
<mnemoc> the gpl parts are the bootloader and kernel
<mnemoc> the reason is that A20/A31/A31s are just too new
<mnemoc> and the community takes time to get stuff polished/sanitized/integrated/....
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<dongs> < mnemoc> all android code is BSD
<dongs> so its officially dead, since BSD is dead.
<dongs> no wonder.
* mnemoc does BSD code...
<rm> simply that Android sucks
<rm> and no one cares about it
<rm> and you are silly person for wanting Android on a devboard
<rm> if you want a finished device go buy Mele A1000G
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<qlex> rm: can you provide me with polish distrubutor or mele a1000g ?
<qlex> i need a polish distributor with ability to issue EU-VAT invoice
<qlex> and have only found 2 and they have cubie and mars but dont have mele a1000g
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<mnemoc> qlex: aliexpress and DX are probably your only choice
<mnemoc> qlex: and so your customs will issue the VAT invoice
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<mnemoc> cubie and mars are developmnet board, for people wanting to get dirty
<buZz> for development
<mnemoc> :)
<buZz> if you want a finished device, why do you need an allwinner device?
<dongs> or lunix.
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<buZz> or cocaine
<mnemoc> not sure if that will make android's ui easier to use
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<buZz> mnemoc: well, all these glossy smooth devices sure are usefull for it
<mnemoc> :)
<qlex> tried all those "usb-sticks' with android
<qlex> they fail in my production environment
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<mnemoc> qlex: olimex board are tougher if your env is harsh
<mnemoc> boards*
<qlex> olimex - does it have 1080p ?
<mnemoc> olimex has a10s, a10 and a20 boards too... not only a13
<mnemoc> and all those support 1080p
<mnemoc> but you will have the same android than on cubie or mars
<mnemoc> just a more robust (and oshw) board if your production environment is too ugly
<mnemoc> for indoor the CBs are great
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<qlex> mnemoc: im using them inside of a LCD screen metal case
<mnemoc> the whole family support 1080p on RGB/LCD I think
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<buZz> qlex: maybe that 'chromecast' device is more up your alley?
<qlex> p[robably also not
<buZz> ok
<buZz> maybe just give up
<buZz> buy a small house in greece
<buZz> and retire
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<qlex> lol
<buZz> also, send me all your arm devices
<buZz> they are clearly worthless to you
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<qlex> buZz: jeeez, you're crazy
<qlex> coming here, looking for help, and im getting a sarcastic comments - with absolutely no use to me
<qlex> is this a #cubieboard channel or not ?
<buZz> lol yeah, i am insane
<buZz> dont worry about it
<buZz> diagnosed and just happy
<qlex> well, to be honest, i would like to go retire and live in greece
<qlex> creta or rhodos would do just fine !
<qlex> until then, i need to set up 50+ units of cubieboard with a working android
<buZz> friend of mine ownes a couple acres of land in greece :P
<qlex> i need android because my client uses his android software to power his digital signage system instaleld in public transport buses
<qlex> if i do it correctly, in 5 years , i will retire !
<buZz> :P
<qlex> but im stuck for the moment, as the android on cubie2 is not stable
<qlex> and i would like to hire somebody to build a stable android image for me
<qlex> possible ?
<buZz> i havent ever seen stable android to exist :D
<buZz> on whatever device
<buZz> there is this other OS which is a lot more populair
<buZz> called linux ;)
<dongs> there's also that one called 'lunix'
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<MrBar> hi
<MrBar> sorry for offtopic but, someone know why in sunxi kernel no drivers for sound and csi for sun5i (A13) ?
<dongs> probably because original chinese versions were shit
<MrBar> hmm, maybe
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<xtofury> hi
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<xtofury> Ok red led issue solved, nail polish it is.. lol.. but now I have a new annoyance that I just simply do not get. There are two internal storage partitions, and the one for apps is too small seeing as if I wanted to store anything else I'd use sata or I'd use extsd. Where do I find the part of the source that can change the size of these partitions, so that the end compiled image winds up
<xtofury> giving my apps more breathing room, and, is there any reason for mnt/sdcard at all or can I get rid of it entirely?
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<sepen> hi
<sepen> I'm trying to boot cubieboard2 with a custom kernel, but I have a continuous reboot after this line 'aw_clkevt_init: sun7i_timer0_clockevent mult 6442450, max_delta_ns 170000, min_delta_ns 1000, cpumask 0xc04dc7c0, irq 54' any idea? this is the full paste
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<theTroy> Did anyone get OpenVPN to work on cubian?
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<theTroy> Well, if anyone is aware of an image which has tun/tap support in the kernel, please share :( default cubian does not appear to have one. And compiling kernel for A20 chipset is something that I would rather not get into at the moment (unless there really isnt any other options).
<theTroy> option*
<thesheff17> I tried to put the cubian version on my nand flash and it crashes during the install
<Olaff> theTroy, archlinux have a tun/tap module
<theTroy> Olaff: oh cool, is it in the default downloads webpage for cubie? (if not too hard, could you link it please)?
<theTroy> Olaff: found it, thanks! now hoping the a20 support is reasonable :)
<Olaff> i'v a cb2 and archilinux on it , seem to be ok (not trying xorg)
<theTroy> Olaff: yeah, pure ssh here, just need it for openvpn, ssh, mumble servers and local NAS
<theTroy> I guess if it works headless for you well, it should do so for me too
<theTroy> any way to measure the temperature of the chipset btw?
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<theTroy> Olaff: apologies to bother again, I flashed the micro sd with arch, launched the cubie, the green LED seems to be on (and once in quite a while it briefly switches off), blue led is completely off. I cannot see the board on the local network though, and hence cannot ssh into it. Is it that it just did not boot to arch? or something else?
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<Fenix2412> !ls
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<Fenix2412> !explpm monitor
<Fenix2412> Hi i got a question does cubieboard support 1440x900 display resolution?
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