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<popolon> !ls
<popolon> !ls ram
<popolon> !ram
<popolon> oops
<popolon> !ls faq
<popolon> !expl ram
<CubieFAQ> ram: Look at the ID on the chips themselves. Then, if there are two chips mounted on the board and the description says 256X16 then 256Mbit x 16 = 512MB per chip. If your Cubieboard has two of those chips, then the total memory is 1GB.
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<verysoftoiletppr> can anyone help me out figure out how can I turn off the green led in my cubie board?
<verysoftoiletppr> this is my script.bin: http://ix.io/7fE
<verysoftoiletppr> errr
<verysoftoiletppr> this is it: http://ix.io/7ij
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<verysoftoiletppr> help
<verysoftoiletppr> rm do you have any idea?
<dongs> lol, server
<rm> no idea
<rm> paint it with a black marker or something
<rm> if it annoys you
<verysoftoiletppr> rm can you control the leds?
<verysoftoiletppr> did you compile your kernel with gpio_sunxi?
<verysoftoiletppr> dongs server?
<verysoftoiletppr> what's the problema?
<dongs> im just laughing that a $10 chinese processor could even jokingly be considered a "server"
<rm> verysoftoiletppr, I did not try controlling the LEDS
<rm> not sure about gpio_sunxi
<rm> couldn't you check in the config.txt
<rm> it does have sun4i-gpio
<rm> if that helps you in any way
<verysoftoiletppr> rm not really
<verysoftoiletppr> but this guy says your kernel should work https://groups.google.com/d/msg/cubieboard/SPHsSUorvUg/Newm5eBCnnAJ
<verysoftoiletppr> [05:36:01] <rm> paint it with a black marker or something <-- still consuming power
<rm> of course I wasn't entirely serious
<rm> it just strikes me as perhaps the most superficial problem anyone has ever had with their cubieboard
<rm> "omg my led is on, wat do I do"
<rm> and I am sick of everyone somehow expectihng that I of all people must know everything about LEDs and GPIO
<rm> I never touched any of that crap on the CB
<rm> yet every other mail I get is "how do I gpio"
<dongs> you mean
<dongs> how do I gpioed
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<verysoftoiletppr> rm look what I've found: "As Alexandr posted, you need the gpio_sunxi driver loaded, the driver name is gpio_sunxi. You can use modprobe gpio-sunxi to load it. The sun4i_gpio is the old ugly gpio driver, not recommend to use it now." -- https://groups.google.com/d/msg/cubieboard/PTpUp1uP9uA/myPRLyrvXHkJ
<verysoftoiletppr> can you make a kernel with gpio_sunxi instead of sun4i_gpio ?
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<rm> filename: /lib/modules/3.4.43-20130531.1334-s-rm1+/kernel/drivers/gpio/gpio-sunxi.ko
<rm> my kernel already contains both
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<verysoftoiletppr> rm just to inform that solved the led issue already
<verysoftoiletppr> had to modprobe leds-sunxi
<verysoftoiletppr> is it possible to turn off the red led too?
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<Swat-> Anyone here using the CB2 with a SATA disk? I have problems with the link that keeps resetting after a period of thime
<Swat-> time
<bfree> I've had a sata drive hooked up to one though admitedly not that much (but I'm sure I did a kernel compile on it). first suspect is always "got enough power"? I admitedly have an external seperate psu on the (3.5") drive
<Swat-> I bought a real 5V 2A adapter specially for that
<Swat-> But could it be some sleep command not fully supported on the cb2/kernel
<Swat-> btw, its an ssd, so its not consuming much power either.
<verysoftoiletppr> Swat- it could be the quality of the adapter
<verysoftoiletppr> ssd consume almost as much power as hdds
<verysoftoiletppr> but it could be something helse
<verysoftoiletppr> anyone has came with any solutions on how to attach the an hdd to the cubieboard transparent case??
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<soletti> theres any u-boot src for cubieboard 2? can't find any in git hub
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<soletti> nvm, found it
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<wickwire> Hi guys, I just finished setting up uvcvideo, mjpg-streamer and motion on my cubieboard A10
<wickwire> would it be relevant for the sunxi linux wiki pages?
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