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<onca> I can't seem to boot my system on my microsd card when I hava an sata drive attched, whyyy
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<suhanc> re
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<Tekkharibo_> Hi I test xbmc on Android on cubieboard2 and it's very slow and don't you know a secret
<Tekkharibo_> S/a secret/an full Linux xbmc for cubieboard2? /
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<buZz> if you want a mediaplayer, get one, dont get a developerboard and complain xbmc is slow
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<buZz> Tekkharibo_: NO
<buZz> i am not developing _ANYTHING_
<buZz> and you are now going on ignore\
<deasy> buZz, sorry for the bother, it's me who have send him to you
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<buZz> deasy: send him to yourself
<deasy> Haha
<deasy> buZz, it was for the fact than it was harder for you to get the cubie2 working
<buZz> harder?
<buZz> eh?
<buZz> just RTFM
<deasy> you have say than you have to try more for the 2 than the first
<deasy> for get it works
<buZz> i had to try longer for cubie1 to get it working
<buZz> because i knew nothing about allwinner arch
<buZz> where are you reading this advanced inside knowledge?
<deasy> hmm i think you have write it here. i have not the log
<buZz> so, you are basing all this on estimates in your memory?
<deasy> maybe it was another person
<buZz> could you please stop accepting your memories as fact without any written confirmation?
<buZz> it would make the world a better place
<deasy> i have just say to him to ask to yourself
<buZz> stop with assumptions
<deasy> i watch in the log
<buZz> enjoy :)
* deasy fall asleep
<deasy> jajajaja found :p
<deasy> <buZz> it took me ~10 attempts to get a proper one for A20
<deasy> <buZz> took me less attempts on A10 :)
<Olaff> haha !
<deasy> *voice of nelson*
<Olaff> owned
<rm> now buZz what do you have to say for yourself!
<deasy> XD you are funny
<buZz> ah rootfs?
<buZz> yeah i am getting good in making debian rootfs's
<buZz> wait what
<deasy> but i agree, my memory fails lot of times :p
<buZz> well, no clue about the context
<buZz> it wasnt android-xbmc anyway
<deasy> nop
<deasy> i was sure you say about context :p
<buZz> yeah context is important
<buZz> yeah its a nice case
<buZz> 20:10 <buZz> i recommend ppl expecting hand-holding to go to raspberry pi
<deasy> rasp is not enough power :p
<buZz> its not usefull to have a ferrari without any knowledge of how to drive it
<deasy> (even if float seems same than cubie1)
<deasy> for the rest a8 can do peak 2times an a7 core
<deasy> i don't know how much "server usage" call the float unit
<deasy> it seems not important for my use.
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<deasy> and i'm a bit kamikaze, even if i have not the knowledge and risk to broke thing, i try :p
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* qlex says hi
<qlex> testing both cubie2 and mars2 boards - is here anyone that would have extensive knowledge of builing android for those boards?
<qlex> im not happy with the android that's on nand on those boards and would like to talk to somebody that could help create a better build for productioin environment
<federico3> is there any build script to generate Debian rootfs's?
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<qlex> no one ?
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<wickwire> Hi guys, I've been at the online shops on the website but couldn't find it - where may I buy a Cubietruck?
<buZz> nowhere
<buZz> it doesnt exist yet
<buZz> qlex: try #android
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<qlex> buZz: are there ppl there that would know something about cubie or mars boards ?
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<buZz> no clue
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<seb1> Does somebody know if it is possible to record sound at line-in with a samplerate > 48000? (A10)
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<valdodov> hi guys
<valdodov> does someone knows how to resize nand partition of cubieboard2?
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<valdodov> !ls
<valdodov> !explpm expand-rootfs
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<valdodov> !explpm flash-linux-nand
<valdodov> !explpm preinstalled-images
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<chron0> Which kernel branch is known to work with cb2? I'll try (sunxi-3.4cb2) - anyone else having any recommendations?
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<thesheff17> I'm also trying to get access to the nand flash with a cb2? but can't get it to work...this is the command I was using from the forums I found but errors out ./nand-part /dev/nand 'boot 8192' 'root 0'
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<sint> can anyone help me with booting a custom kernel on cubieboard2? i'm using the 3.3.0 from git with cubieboard2 config but i get stuck in endless reboots with this output:
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<thesheff17> sint: where you able to get linux on the nand flash?
<sint> thesheff17: yes i used the cubian and even installed another distri on sata
<sint> it boots fine with the old kernels but won't do it with the new ones
<thesheff17> did you do ./nand-part /dev/nand 'boot 8192' 'root 0' to get it to detect the nand I doing this wrong?
<sint> no i did boot up cubian from sd card and run it wiped out android and installed cubian to nand
<thesheff17> ah ok...didn't know cubian was working with cb2 yet
<thesheff17> its super confusing to find docs on this :-/
<sint> it does
<sint> you should take a look into the cubian forum
<sint> i mean cubieforums
<thesheff17> cool I will def check this out...thanks
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<buZz> thesheff17: also on google groups (basically the mailinglist archive) its pretty good
<buZz> and has a lot of knowledge aswell
<thesheff17> buZz, coolt hanks...yea I just got my cb2...and finally diving into set it up...just confusing sometimes because I dont' know what works for which cb
<thesheff17> *thanks
<buZz> just see it as a steep learning curve :)
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<thesheff17> hehe yea I'm getting there...Its certainly a challenge :)
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