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<FourthDr> make sure it's a 3.3v version
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<Haodemon> Hey guys! I hav e a question, on which sound chip the cb is based? Is surround system had 2.0 or 5.1?
<Haodemon> Hello?)
<Haodemon> ls
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<eagles0513875_> hey guys :)
<eagles0513875_> !ls
<eagles0513875_> :-/
<eagles0513875_> i created a buildroot image for my cubieboard yet when it comes to boot off the memory card it seems to find nothing there :-/
<n01> eagles0513875_: are you using the official buildroot?
<eagles0513875_> n01:
<eagles0513875_> thats where i got it from
<n01> eagles0513875_: are you using A10?
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<eagles0513875_> n01: a20 and im running the latest version from the git repo
<eagles0513875_> as i was told cubie support was only added recently
<n01> the porting is only for cubie1 then A10
<eagles0513875_> then what do i need to do if i want to embed my own distro
<eagles0513875_> ok maybe i should use something like open embedded is something like unetbootin enough to create a bootable memory card?
<n01> well, you can write a recipe for A20 :) it's not that hard, and you can use my recipes for cubie1
<eagles0513875_> n01: O_o
<eagles0513875_> what do you mean by recipe?
<eagles0513875_> and what programming language would one need to know
<eagles0513875_> n01: isnt the recipe mostly the same for the a20just a different cpu?
<n01> eagles0513875_: well, at least I think you have to change the config files used to compile kernel/uboot
<eagles0513875_> would build root know what th a20 is or would it be a bit more involved
<n01> eagles0513875_: g2g sorry, ask in #linux-sunxi
<eagles0513875_> ok thanks n01
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<onca> I need guidance configuring xorg to run on my cubieboard 1 with the mali400 gpu
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<popolon> they used cubieboard1 instead of cubieboard2 for a bench against a card that will be sold in few month only
<popolon> openssl source code include NEON specific optimisations
<popolon> at least for sha512
<popolon> e_aes
<rm> who cares
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<popolon> and probably more, there are several asm neon optimized code in openssllib, so with a cubieboard2 it should have about the same result than cortex A15 (both use vfpv4) for monothread benchmark
<rm> cubieboard1 has a higher single-threaded performance anyway
<rm> since the A20 cores are crappier AND run at lower Mhz
<popolon> most of my connexions are encrypted
<rm> I mean @ <popolon> they used cubieboard1 instead of cubieboard2
<popolon> crappier ? why for ?
<popolon> only a little slower on integer
<popolon> but really faster on float or SIMD, most of their bench are based on stuff than can be accelerated by SIMD
<popolon> the openssl bench is monothread
<popolon> for other it depend on js implementation
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<eagles0513875_> hey all :)
<eagles0513875_> n01: hey :)
<n01> yo
<eagles0513875_> hows it going n01
<n01> $work
<eagles0513875_> i know the feeling
<eagles0513875_> still fighting with buildroot :) yet i still have not gotten the first step in ur recipe to work
<n01> and fighting with fedex for a delivery
<eagles0513875_> n01: i dont get this when using putty to connect to /dev/ttyUSB0 it fails to connect for me
<n01> are u using putty in vm?
<eagles0513875_> n01: correct i attached the serial device to the vm so the host system isnt using it
<n01> try to use minicom
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* eagles0513875_ goes looking up how to attach minicom to the necessary tty
<eagles0513875_> minicom did the trick n01
<n01> good
<eagles0513875_> now the issue seems to be with uboot it for some reason doesnt like something it just says uboot and hen under it DRAM 32mb
<eagles0513875_> and hangs there
<n01> just compile uboot with the correct config for cubie2
<eagles0513875_> n01: and that is done through make menuconfig?
<n01> yes
<n01> BTW for uboot take the latest git release
<eagles0513875_> n01: how would i tell buildroot to use the latest version then if i do that
<n01> I don't remember if you can modify the version through make menuconfig ... otherwise modify it directly from cubieboard_defconfig
<eagles0513875_> ok
<n01> eagles0513875_: see BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_GIT_VERSION="1a8ac55429f7f8cc9f100c1cf2dc0195cf81e76f"
<eagles0513875_> n01: its already using a custom git version in make menuconfig
<n01> yep, use the latest version
<eagles0513875_> n01: ok :)
<eagles0513875_> n01: so the way i have it with custom version it is ok? or do i need to change to the 2013.07 version
<n01> eagles0513875_: uboot used by cubie is not the official one, so I don't think you have the 2013.07 version
<eagles0513875_> ok
<eagles0513875_> i left it as it is
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<n01> actually I don't know if has support for A20
<n01> humm better if you ask hno or simply in #linux-sunxi
<eagles0513875_> when you initially linked that to me earlier i was wondering the same thing
<eagles0513875_> n01: im quite impressed how quick these cross compilers are
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<Tekkharibo> Do u have test android and xbmc on cubieboard ?
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