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<agath> Hello! I'm wondering if OpenSuSE ARM works on the Cubieboard 2 ...
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<dongs> haha opensuse
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<teuteuguy> !ls
<teuteuguy> !sata-harddrive
<teuteuguy> Hello everyone, would someone have a link towards a tutorial or example of how to install debian or ubuntu onto the sata drive and run from it ?
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<mnemoc> teuteuguy: point root= to your sdaN
<mnemoc> but the bootloader and kernel needs to live either in nand or uSD
<teuteuguy> mnemoc: thanks. I understand this, but how do I know if my bootloader / kernel has this capability built in ?
<teuteuguy> mnemoc: is there a tutorial somewhere I can read
<mnemoc> the bootloader doesn't know about sata. it will load the kernel from nand/uSD
<mnemoc> your kernel needs sata support built-in, check /proc/config.gz
<teuteuguy> checking now
<teuteuguy> sorry
<teuteuguy> how do I actually check ?
<teuteuguy> just did a cat /proc/config.gz and got a lot of crap back on the terminal
<mnemoc> zcat
<mnemoc> the .gz means it's compressed
<mnemoc> and look for ahci
<teuteuguy> nope
<teuteuguy> nothing
<teuteuguy> => I guess this answers my question then ...
<teuteuguy> the linux I'm running doesn't seem to have this capability built in.
<teuteuguy> Maybe I need to look for a different / better distribution
<teuteuguy> Recommendations ?
<jelly-home> wouldn't having sata support in initrd be enough or is builtin really a requirement?
<teuteuguy> thanks rm
<rm> I don't think I ever used initrd on sunxi
<rm> hm or wait, maybe I'm mistaking with Loongson
<rm> on Loongson the u-boot loads initrd painfully slow
<rm> so it is common to build a kernel to not require it
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<dongs> initrd is a typical lunix solution looking for a problem
<bfree> just having the sata module in the initrd is fine once the initrd will load it. http://linux-sunxi.org/Initial_Ramdisk
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<mnemoc> making ahci + fs built-ins is much simpler
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<teuteuguy> Hello rm are you still there ?
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<deasy> nobody get weird caracters on ttl console as me?
<deasy> it seems to happens even when it was ok before
<deasy> (closing term, open term and use screen)
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<suhanc> re
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