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<utente> i duno too.
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<verysoftoiletppr> mount: unknown filesystem type 'xfs' http://paste.debian.net/21192/
<verysoftoiletppr> help
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<Kamilion> mike_sun: no idea about ubuntu, but I've been using the '1.03' lubuntu NAND image from http://cubiebook.org/index.php?title=Cubieboard2/Lubuntu_12.04_Desktop
<Kamilion> i have the CB2 though
<Kamilion> ymmv
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<bjdooks> 2
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<FR^2> in which path has the uEnv.txt to reside in order for the extraargs mac address thing to work? ^^
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<bfree> FR^2: to be strictly accurate that depends on the u-boot env of your device. unless you changed it though I think just need to drop it into the top level of your first partition
<FR^2> my sdcard only has one partition (ext4) where the /boot folder resides, so I'll try /uEnv.txt
<FR^2> no success :/
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<bfree> FR^2: ah, sorry, just rechecked ... for an ext partition it goes under /boot
<bfree> by default on a cubie1 that is
<FR^2> I'll try that :D
<FR^2> extraargs=mac_addr=3a:f3:cf:c5:d8:cb
<FR^2> is the only line in /boot/uEnv.txt - should that at least be correct?
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<bfree> FR^2: where did you get that from? pretty sure that would just pass "mac_addr=3a:f3:cf:c5:d8:cb" as an extra kernel command line argument so it would depend on your "distro" what you would want. I suspect you probably just want (no extraargs): ethaddr=3a:f3:cf:c5:d8:cb
<FR^2> I'm pretty much helpless differentiating all the forum posts and finding out what applies to my distro and what doesn't ;)
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<bfree> forget all that, read the last sentence again. just "ethaddr=3a:f3:cf:c5:d8:cb" should do I think (telling the board not your distro to set the mac address)
<bfree> (ok telling u-boot to do it ... I just might be wrong of course and that might not work when you aren't doing networking with u-boot, in which case back to some extraargs schenanigans and my apologies)
<FR^2> Yes, I'm aware that I can't take anything for granted :) I appreciate your help
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<FR^2> no success.
<FR^2> even adding "ethaddr=..." or "mac_addr=.." to /boot/boot.cmd didn't succeed.
<FR^2> dmesg | grep "Kernel command line" doesn't show any change.
<FR^2> Aha!
<FR^2> I think I found something: /boot/buzz/cubie2kernel_config
<FR^2> argh.
<FR^2> it's just a folder I created to store some info.
<bfree> boot.cmd (did you mean boot/scr) and uEnv.txt are different (but related) things ;) I think I'd suggest to stick with uEnv.txt. and just "ethaddr=whatever" won't work, that way (ethaddr) needs extraargs
<FR^2> "/boot/boot.scr" is binary.
<FR^2> "/boot/boot." is binary. Changes to "/boot/boot.cmd" don't seem to have any effect.
<FR^2> "ethaddr=3a:f3:cf:c5:d8:cb" as the one line in /boot/uEnv.txt doesn't seem to have any effect.
<bfree> you have to mkimage boot.cmd to get boot.scr (see first steps page in linux-sunxi wiki) ... btw re-reading it yet again I notive you don't have to put it into /boot even on ext* (it just checks in /boot first)
<bfree> ok, then I guess it doesn't apply it unless you use u-boots networking ... so you probably have to do it via extraargs (did you try your "extraargs=mac_addr=3a:f3:cf:c5:d8:cb" in uEnv.txt ... not that I can find anything yet to confirm how that might/should work)
<FR^2> Okay, boot.cmd -> boot.scr works.
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<bfree> you can set the mac address in the script.bin anyway (need to use bin2fex and fex2bin to edit it)
<FR^2> I tried that as well and it didn't change anything.
<FR^2> Okay, using /boot/boot.cmd -> /boot/boot.scr, at least "dmesg" shows the added kernel parameter "ethaddr=40:61:86:e9:82:12" now, but that didn't change the mac address
<FR^2> trying with mac_addr
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<bfree> nah mac_addr is for u-boot, not going to work (afaik) as a kernel command line option
<FR^2> hooray :)))))))))
<FergusL> (did anyone order with dhl/fedex from Europe ? )
<FergusL> (uh, to Europe that is)
<FR^2> bfree: Thank you for your help, I finally have a static mac address :) *\o/* :D
<FR^2> Finally I can reboot as much as I want ;)
<FR^2> And I can delete the 40+ entries in my fritz!box :)
<FR^2> And now I'll call it a day :)
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