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<Cylta> Am I right in this: cubieboard first checks uSD card, and if there is a proper partition table, where 1 to 4 partition has a boot flag, then it will try to boot it at normal linux, if not, NAND flash with android will be booted. right?
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<Cylta> should I install something to nand, or I can use uSD to boot?
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<Cylta> may I use other file systems, not only fat? (ext3 for example?)
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<peifeng> Does Anybody know if there is anyway to set a gpio pin to low for a short time during boot, then set it to high? Do I have to modify kernel to achieve this?
<Cylta> i don't think that you may have any control over your cubieboard before your kernel is fully loaded.
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<TheSeven> I've built XBMC according to with CedarX drivers. However h.264 video (I haven't anything else yet) is running at ~3 FPS. And it seems like the A10HWR environment variable doesn't have any effect. Even if I set it to 0 it runs at the same speed. Ideas what could be wrong?
<zhangpeifeng> How do I set gpio level after the kernel is loaded? Appreciate it if you could point me to the documents
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<dg_> hello
<dg_> I am thinking of installing cubieboard to my car and I was wondering would it be able to work as CD changer...
<dg_> I know that there are microcontrollers that can be configured to communicate as CDC:
<dg_> but would it be possible to use cubieboard GPIO's to connect directly to car stereo?
<dg_> or would I still need a microcontroller in between?
<bjdooks> I'd say you may need a micro, or at-least buffering between the gpio and cd-changer depending on what format of data the changer needs
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<dg_> bjdooks, the data format is described in the hackaday forum post but the source code is unfortunately not available. But PIC assembly is available :)
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<dg_> Anyhow, since I'm a total n00b when it comes to microcontrollers, serial connections and GPIO, any kind of direction would be greatly appreciated.
<dg_> and at the moment I dont' even have a cubieboard yet..
<bjdooks> I tend to use a micro, it is cheaper to sacrifice to magic smoke escape than say a cubie
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<dg_> bjdooks, that is actually a good point.. But then again I would need to figure out how to communicate a micro with cubie. This means there is still a chance to fry something up :P
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<dg_> But theoretically, would cubie GPIO be able to use the protocol described in here:
<dg_> _The protocol is actually two uni directional links using 2 different methods of communication. This is only a brief description and.._
<dg_> and so on
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<TheSeven> I've built XBMC according to with CedarX drivers. However h.264 video (I haven't anything else yet) is running at ~3 FPS. And it seems like the A10HWR environment variable doesn't have any effect. Even if I set it to 0 it runs at the same speed. Ideas what could be wrong?
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<clements_> !ls
<clements_> !explpm sata-multiplier
<clements_> !explpm sata-hardrive
<clements_> !explpm sata-harddrive
<Defiant> !ls
<dg_> !ls
<clements_> need some help with slow read speeds on external powered sata hd.. getting 1mb/s transfer rate and cant figure out why
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<D0pamine> clements_ smartmontools might help? not sure if cubie supports smart
<D0pamine> sdparm/hdparm is useful too
<clements_> thanks.. ive found my logical/physical sectors dont match working to fix that first
<clements_> 512/4096
<D0pamine> oh is one of those akward ones - like the one on my desktop
<D0pamine> yeh theyre a pita
<clements_> having troulbe fixing that atm
<clements_> pita.. agreed
<D0pamine> i think i did it with gparted
<clements_> im headless and remote .. lol
<D0pamine> or sfdisk?
<clements_> tried fdisk and parted
<D0pamine> cant remember - ive been drunk since
<clements_> thx ill try sfdisk
<D0pamine> iirc it doesnt matter for <1tb
<clements_> AANNNDD my session just died..
<clements_> ok its back hehe
<D0pamine> what distro are you using?
<clements_> deb wheezy
<D0pamine> i got that but it was so slow
<D0pamine> i'm doing a gentoo build atm
<D0pamine> but i want the root on the nand
<D0pamine> no usd
<clements_> nice.. yeah just using cubie for nfs and print server atm
<D0pamine> its quicker off the usd than debian on the nand
<D0pamine> quite alot faster if i'm honest
<D0pamine> with gentoo^
<D0pamine> not even started with the tweakage too xD
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<clements_> yeah im not skilled enough for gentoo..
<clements_> performance is sufficient for what im doing
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<D0pamine> its easier than you'd think - when i get it running off the nand a-ok i'll get distcc on the case so the big amd can do the compiling
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<xtofury> anybody in here figure out FTDI kernel drivers yet?
<TheSeven> xtofury: as in running them on the cubie?
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<xtofury> yes
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<cagedwisdom> hey all does anyone know when the WIFI connection with antenna on board is coming?
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