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<JIV> Hello gang, any idea why after "shutdown -r now" i getting "ssh: Exited: Error connecting: No route to host" ? I just run cubia-resizefs before
<JIV> i can see its connected in router LAN table
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<n01> JIV: what's on serial?
<th__> milk
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<n01> nope, I don't drink milk
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<xtofury> anybody know if there's a way to use software to not have that red power status indicator turn on? I'd like to switch it with green, for a greenhouse (seeing as green doesn't bother sleeping plants), PH20 (from what I understand) for it. I've seen it off (the blue was used instead) for ubuntu, and both the green and red for certain versions of allwinner-tvbox... This is in relation to
<xtofury> the cubieboard a10.
<xtofury> PH20 for green, PH21 for blue.....which is red though?
<Olaff> i'm not an expert , but powering off power red led seem to be impossible
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<xtofury> if that were the case, then how come the ubuntu image doesn't have the red led powered on?
<xtofury> seriously give it a try, it's using only the blue led...
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<tekkharibo> hi all
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<tekkharibo> do u have test cibian ?
<tekkharibo> s/cibian/cubian/
<infobot> tekkharibo meant: do u have test cubian ?
<Olaff> xtofury, they have to poweroff 3.3v ... using some PMU configuration , sorry i'm too noob for more ;)
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<xtofury> oh if it was one of the other led's I'd have it solved by now, but that's a bit of a lead I suppose with the PMU. I'm a little disappointed in the PMU and am looking around for a power circuit for a battery backup.... I got a 15000 mah battery coming in, plus am going to use it to power arduino as well.
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<jv13613> !ls
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<jv13613> hello. I have a quick question, the cubieboard currently uses kernel 3.3 (on arch). http://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effort explains that stuff has been merged into 3.11. Why arent I running 3.11?
<jv13613> are there cubieboard specific things that need to be appied to the kernel
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<bfree> jv13613: mainline (e.g. 3.11rc) has hardly any hardware support, no disp (video output), mmc, nand, sata or usb (at least). it has the main chip, gpio, uart and ethernet support but that's about it afair. so if you want ~everything to work you want 3.4. look harder at that wiki page and at all the "to be done" stuff
<jv13613> ok thanks. im having trouble with the ethernet on my cubieboard so I though updating the kernel would help but I guess not
<bfree> try a full power off to see if it improves your ethernet. but I'm not really sure why they are using 3.3 anyway (that's allwinners own mess, with it's own bugs afaik, the linux-sunxi community 3.4 should be saner)
<jv13613> oh i have pulled the plug many a times. its weird it works fine in the onboard android but i have to manually start dhcpcd in arch. Whats the best minimal linux distro for the cubieboard 2. I saw ubuntu was having probs w ethernet too
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<jv13613> @bfree what distro uses 3.4
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<bfree> jv13613: pretty sure Fedora does ... and probably just about any other images you will find for allwinner/cubies
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<jv13613> Im gonna try out Cubian which has 3.4 for A20. thanks for the help
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<thesheff17> can anyone help me copying the debian linux for the A20 chip to the nand? I'm very new to this...but at least have debian running off the SD card.
<thesheff17> !ls faq flash-linux-nand
<thesheff17> !ls flash-linux-nand
<thesheff17> !ls flash-linux-nand help
<thesheff17> !expl flash-linux-nand help
<CubieFAQ> flash-linux-nand: The fastest way is to use the PIMP_MY_MELE utility from guillaume. For more detailed, roll-your-own instructions, see this thread in the miniand.com forums. (https://www.miniand.com/forums/forums/development/topics/boot-ubuntu-lubuntu-from-internal-4g-flash?page=2#post-3555)
<thesheff17> !explpm flash-linux-nand
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