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<verysoftoiletppr> rm do you know if script.bin is used it a uEnv.txt is present only with the root= line?
<verysoftoiletppr> can't seem to control the leds..
<verysoftoiletppr> sys/class/leds/green:ph20:led1/brightness: No such file or directory
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<rm> it is used by default
<rm> uEnv only overrides the defaults
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<qlex> !ls
* qlex says hi
<qlex> can any of the img android images be put on an SD card (to try out?) or they're only meant for NAND ?
<ljere> they seem to me that we can just test them on the SD card
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<qlex> ljere: did u try on cubie1/2 ?
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<qlex1> and also, can one try those images on sd with marsboard a20 ?
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<ljere> qlex1 I've tested on linux sd card cubieboard a20 it worked hassle
<qlex1> what do you mean hassle ?
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<ljere> * without neither problem
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<ljere> My English is not perfect and the translators did not really help
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<mnemoc> unless you are sweedish or something, no one here has perfect english
<mnemoc> swedish*
<FR^2> my personal edition of english 2.0 is perfect, thank you very much! ;)
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<ljere> if one of you is if it is possible to copy my SD card on the nand
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<ljere> -if +else
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<verysoftoiletppr> sys/class/leds/green:ph20:led1/brightness: No such file or directory
<verysoftoiletppr> can't seem to control the leds..
<verysoftoiletppr> idead?
<verysoftoiletppr> rm can you control the leds with your kernel?
<verysoftoiletppr> this is my script.bin:
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<Jbohr> !ls
<Jbohr> !expl faq
<Jbohr> can anyone comment on the xbmc support for the A20 linux distros, and what needs to be done?
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<Jbohr> !expl preinstalled-images
<CubieFAQ> preinstalled-images: See for those images.
<deasy> Olaff, it works?(sinon vont encore me taper)
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<Olaff> deasy, bha mon anglais est nul , et en plus ma pove cervelle a grillée au soleil presque toute l'apres midi
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<deasy> people of cubieboard channel, burn him for use the french.
<Olaff> i'm already burned !
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<deasy> not enough, you are always alive.
<hedgi> hi to everyone
<hedgi> does anybody know, what issues are known, when one tries to use HDMI=>DVI cable to connect cubie to LCD panel? TY in advance for any reply
<wooy> hedgi: as far as i know its the same, you will loose any audio that might your hdmi transport though
<hedgi> ty for reply. Video is OK without any issue?
<wooy> it will be the same
<hedgi> do you mean, that also video doesn't work properly with a such conversion cable?
<wooy> nope, using the conversion cable you wont loose any video quality
<hedgi> ok, ty for spending your time with me :-)
<wooy> hedgi: to nebyl problém
<hedgi> krajan? :-)
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<wooy> jasně. btw můj cubie prošel celnicí bez problému... jestli zvažuješ nákup.
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<hedgi> jeden mám, díky. Vybartroval jsem ho za nějaké věci, co jsem nepotřeboval ...
<wooy> dobrej obchod
<hedgi> určitě, jsem celej nažhavenej na to si s tím pořádně pohrát a něco se přitom naučit :-)
<wooy> hedgi: tak to máme stejný cíle, jestli sis dokoupil serial kabel, tak si můžeš postavit vlastní image (to bylo vcelku naučný ;)
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<jelly-home> Ingliš pliz!
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<hedgi> my appologies :-)
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<Jbohr> does anyone have experience with using the cubieboard2 as a media center?
<Jbohr> or just a computer to plat 1080p movies on
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<Jbohr> no one?
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<xtofury> is there a 32-bit version of the packer tool yet? I saw it mentioned somewhere but couldn't find one....
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