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<deasy> mateobur, ouchie
<deasy> dunno but maybe
<mateobur> mmm
<mateobur> that's a problem
<deasy> mateobur, ask at #linux-sunxi
<mateobur> sending this back is more expensive than the original payment
<deasy> mateobur, order in china?
<mateobur> yes
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> hi
<JohnDoe_71Rus> !ls
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> !ls display-support
<FourthDr> hello
<JohnDoe_71Rus> !expl display-support
<CubieFAQ> display-support: While A10 comes with support for VGA/TV/LVDS/HDMI only HDMI connetor is actualy provided on cubieboard out of the box. HDMI is DVI compatible but you need recent kernel to use most DVI screens. The pre-installed android kernel is configured for 720p digital TV mode.
<JohnDoe_71Rus> need help with A20 + hdmi-to-dvi adapter, pink image and black screen. even try latest sun7i_android_sugar-cubieboard2.img. the same
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Found the information that is necessary to build ahdroid
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<mathieui> JohnDoe_71Rus: I have the same issue
<mathieui> I also have no sound with android
<JohnDoe_71Rus> sound not tested yet
<mathieui> (but since I don’t plan on using it, I don’t really care)
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<xHire> !ls
<xHire> !explpm pin-header-space
<xHire> !explpm processor
<xHire> !explpm software
<xHire> I've just received my cubieboard and installed Cubian on microsd. I found out that it's running as little endian, but I would like to experiment with big endian on ARM. Do you know any OS for CB which is built as big endian?
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<utente> xHire, what difference between littleendia and big endian?
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<xHire> utente: for me? I'm a developer and wanted to test my network software if it's written corretly to work on big endian architectures as well
<xHire> if the question was meant in general, then I would redirect you to wikipedia :c)
<utente> xHire, afaik, you (the end user ) *cannot* decide the endianness, because it is defined by the hardware archetecture of the cpu.
<xHire> utente: that's the trick. ARM is bi-endian
<utente> ah, it is ne info to me. thanks.
<utente> i suppose you have to recompile all hte distro.
<utente> where did you rea dthat about arm? the dua n endianness ,i mean.
<jelly-home> a google search for arm endianess will throw a couple results, utente
<utente> me stupid, i didnt think by myself... i ma steel sleepy
<FR^2> interesting fact. What difference does it make?
<utente> mmm i read. it seem iteresting feature, but it dont specify the % il performaces gain.
<utente> FR^2, difference is that a cpu must use time to translate enianness before to senf to network, consuming time, power and transistors. id a pu is with same eneanness of network protocol ,this is not necesary., i duno how mych % of save it means.
<rm> utente, you are painful to read
<rm> are you 12 years old?
<rm> > id a pu is with same eneanness
<rm> ...
<utente> rm, sorry, wish to reply fast make me do typo. i will write slower.
<FR^2> utente: Ah, okay, so especially in terms of i/o little endian can have some advantages?
<utente> if a cpu is...
<utente> FR^2, wait let me read more.
<utente> teorically, the cpu that have the same endiannes of network protocol, will be more efficent.
<FR^2> you don't have to get into details for me - most of the time I'm a user and I don't fiddle much with cpu internals ;)
<FR^2> utente: that's what I assumed, yes.
<utente> FR^2, this topic (endianness) is new to me: i know it before, but i never thoungth it has big impact on performances. if (i.e.) it give 10% of network speed to move drom end to bing endian, so it wotreh to move to it, less than 5% dont... betwrrn 5ad 9% it is up to each one. just my personal evaluation, of course.
<FR^2> I don't have any expertise, but I don't consider it to have much of an impact on anything but embedded devices
<utente> i test cubie network in past: with netcat i got 9.9MB/s, with ssh i got 8.2MB/s. so u can see that cb can saturate 100Mb/s channel if no encryptiuon on going.
<utente> usually enbedded device has low "horse power" so every optimizaton is wellcome.
<utente> anyway if CB, thanks to change of endanness, can be 9.9Mb/s also with ssh, it worth the pain of change.
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<utente> reading wikipoedia it seems it is possible to chage endiannes style at start up of core... should be investigate dellply this.
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<xHire> utente: when testing throughput and line saturation, don't go for Mbps. go for pps (packets per second)
<utente> xHire, why?
<xHire> utente: because it's obviously much easier to saturate 100 Mbps with 1500B packets than with 64B packets :c)
<utente> i see. who to dedine those details? im not skilled in network topics.
<xHire> dedine?
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<utente> how to define (sorry typo again)
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<utente> xHire, i guess, if it is used 64B packets, there are a lot of overhead compared to 1500B? i mean there are a lot od metadata (headers., etc) comparedwithe the % o r real data, so it should be better, i think, to have 1500B packets.
<xHire> yes
<xHire> for example peering center NIX.CZ measured that an average packet has 600–800 B
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<xHire> to be more specific. if you benchmark a device that it can handle 40000 pps of size 64 B, you can be sure that it could handle the same amount of 1500B packets if the line has enough capacity
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<pacopad> Hi All,
<pacopad> where could i found A20 android TV box firmware ?
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<pacopad> i'd like to flash it on CB2 to try the multimedia part
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<jelly-home> pacopad: Mele M5 is an A20 stb-ish box
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<pacopad> @jelly-home : "stb-ish" ? sorry i'm french
<jelly-home> it's an STB.
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<pacopad> Ok , so no way to put it's firmware on the CB2 ?
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<jelly-home> no idea, but you asked for a tv box with android and A20, that that is one
<pacopad> @jelly-home : i asked for a firmware of A20 android tv box :)
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<jelly-home> ah, indeed. I do not have any firmware updates at hand
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> Found the information that is necessary to build ahdroid. Who can build for A20? I have little experience and a place for the source.
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<AndroideSite> !ls
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<AndroideSite> hi
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<tekkharibo> hi
<deasy> su -
<deasy> baKlOpnYoaK
<deasy> oops
<jelly-home> gotta change that password now
<tekkharibo> ^^
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<tekkharibo> I have buy yesteday a cubieboard for use on mediacenter
<tekkharibo> do you think it's more intesting to flash and install xbmc system (like raspbmc/openelec) or stay in android ?
<Gumboot> That doesn't look like a fun password to have to type.
<wooy> Gumboot: lol, i was wondering the same
<deasy> it was a joke people :)
<jelly-home> who types in passwords manually?
<deasy> me on fedora
<jelly-home> there's secure storage tools like keepassx or lastpass to store and copy/paste them
<Gumboot> Flash can steal your cut buffer, can't it?
<Gumboot> gerrit uses a wee flash widget to paste things into the cut buffer, because security settings on a lot of browsers try to prohibit that action from javascript.
<Gumboot> So... fat lot of good that protection is.
<Gumboot> Anyway; implication is, if you have a Flash-enabled web broswer, it may not be wise to use any password handler which uses copy/paste to transmit those passwords.
<Gumboot> But I don't know for sure.
<Gumboot> But let's not forget that tekkharibo asked an on-topic question (to which I don't happen to know the answer)...
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<wooy> tekkharibo: you can keep android on flash and test whatever system you want on sd card. but xbmc sounds like what you want..
<tekkharibo> wooy: thx
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<robert5> Does cubieboard have s/pdif support built in? It only needs a connector to hook up to the board, right? Something like
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<robert5> !ls
<Turl> robert5: I believe it should be there, yes. Check the mailing list for past experiences to be sure
<robert5> If I install debian on the box, does it support h/w acceleration? I assume it can play 720p video fine
<tekkharibo> !ls
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