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<qlex> #ls
* qlex says hi
<qlex> just joined cubiecrowd as i purchased cubie2 for tests..seems more stable and mature than marsboard
<qlex> but wondering why both boards have a "stock" android which is only 720 and not 1080 ?
<mnemoc> so it works out of the box on people with older TVs?
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<qlex> mnemoc: was this question to me ?
<qlex> i plugged both mars and cubie a20's via hdmi to fullhd screen and tv and got resolution of 1280x720
<buZz> its just a setting
<buZz> and they dont really autodetect max resolution well
<mnemoc> the free sunxi kernel does support EDID. allwinner's doesn't.
<qlex> mnemoc: should i build android image from scratch or should i just use one of those on sunxi ?
<mnemoc> i don't do android... but i suppose it's well documented how to replace the stock kernel with one made out of linux-sunxi
<qlex> are these the ones ?
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<dongs> lol fullhd.
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<ljere> hello
<ljere> I installed this version of http://www.cubieforums.com/index.php/topic, 568.0.html on my cubiebord2 I am very happy but is it possible to put it on the nand
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<qlex1> main question is, is android working with gpu enabled or not on cubie2 ?
<ljere> the nand has been formatted by following a tutorial in ext2
<ljere> So instead of android
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<qlex1> any1 could help me out with android image for cubie2? is there any SDCARd images or only nand and if they're better than the stock one i have
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<hramrach> qlex: thre is a guide for making SD image from nand image on the wiki
<hramrach> the linux-sunxi.org wiki
<hramrach> qlex: do you have serial console?
<qlex> nope
<hramrach> that complicates things. there is machine id mismatch in kernel and u-boot
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<qlex> i have a serial console cable that i used with APC board - that has UART thing
<qlex> would that work with cubie or mars ?
<hramrach> what is broken in the image you have?
<hramrach> what are the cable specs?
<qlex> hramrach: its 720 pixels and not 1080 pixels and doesnt have drivers for usb webcam and gps on usb
<qlex> but resolution mainly - plus im not sure if the current "stocK' image has GPU enabled
<hramrach> you can specify display mode in script.bin
<hramrach> as for drivers - you might be able to build sjut modules if the cubie image comes with sources
<qlex> that's the cable
<qlex> so i edit the script.bin and then build the image again ?
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<hramrach> qlex: nice converter but can't tell what voltage it is
<dongs> hm
<dongs> TSC on F20 supports DVB-CSA descramble
<dongs> no reason one one A10 wouldnt
<dongs> since its same stolen IP
<dongs> amirite?
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<dongs> anyone doing any baremetal coding on cubiebored/A10/A20?
<hramrach> qlex: you can try connecting just gnd and rx to cubie gnd and tx and see if you get something or not. Connecting the tx of wrong voltage dongle could damage the board but just rx should be fine
<qlex> hramrach: do i need to connect the board with that serial cable? i though i can just use mini USB OTG and upload an img file onto the board ?
<hramrach> qlex: you connet that cable to see kernel messages
<hramrach> when something goes wrong and your iamge does not boot you can see where it is stuck
<qlex> ah ok
<qlex> how about changing the logo on the boot ?
<qlex> i.e. replace android animation or android logo with my own ?
<hramrach> you probably can
<qlex> also in script.bin and no need to uart cable for this ?
<hramrach> you do not need uart cable when everything works
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<hramrach> but when making your own image something will likely break and then you need the cable
<hramrach> CP2102 datasheet suggests that the bridge is 3.3V so unless the Chinese did something weird it should work with cubieboard but ymmv
<hramrach> also you might want to look at the UART spec of the board with which you used the dongle previously
<FR^2> I have a 10c4:ea60 "Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. CP210x UART Bridge / myAVR mySmartUSB light" that connects to raspi and cubieboard2 just fine :)
<FR^2> (and to the GPS chip as well)
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<dongs> is this what is considered "hacking" in 2013?
<dongs> changing android bootlogo?
<dongs> what hte ufck, does anyone actually do anything serious with this hardware
<hramrach> yes, in 2013 changing andriod logo is called hacking
<hramrach> and sadly the andriod people do make it needlessly difficult
<FR^2> "Internet ~ Neuland" ;)
<hramrach> android is not designed to be self-hosted
<hramrach> so to change the logo you have to step outside
<hramrach> on sane system you just copy the f*** logo to the f*** logo place with the f*** tool there is for copying files. Oh, right, copying files is not something Andriod is designed to do either /o\
<hramrach> when you live in an age when sytems are designed for uselessness doing anything is hacking :/
<FR^2> useless for anything but surveillance by others ;)
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<D0pamine> !ls flash-linux-nand
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<hedgi> !ls
<hedgi> !expl display-support
<CubieFAQ> display-support: While A10 comes with support for VGA/TV/LVDS/HDMI only HDMI connetor is actualy provided on cubieboard out of the box. HDMI is DVI compatible but you need recent kernel to use most DVI screens. The pre-installed android kernel is configured for 720p digital TV mode.
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<hedgi> !expl monitor
<CubieFAQ> monitor: You really need an HDMI monitor capable of either 1280x720 (720p) or 1920x1080 (1080p) for use with the pre-installed image. Newer kernels should support and monitor with valid EDID.
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<hedgi> !expl vga-lvds-tv
<CubieFAQ> vga-lvds-tv: VGA/LVDS/TV outputs are available on the 2mm headers. To make use of them you need to add the resistors/buffers and connector required by the interface you want to use. Cubieboard only supports two displays at the same time and some pins are shared between VGA/LVDS/TV. You have to provide the interface hardware *and* properly configure the pins to which it is attached.
<hedgi> !expl who
<CubieFAQ> who: Tom Cubie and some of his friends created Cubieboard.
<eebrah> cool
<hedgi> nice day to everyone
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<hedgi> I am trying to figure out, how to properly connect old CRT TV (PAL) to cubie using SCART. I understand, that I have to connect some circuitry to expansion port and probably rebuild image with linux and make some configuration. At this moment, I'm seeking for any pointers to articles, which will give me some clue, how to make this work. I will be glad for any information, which will shift
<hedgi> me toward my goal
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