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<Smashcat> !ls
<Smashcat> Hi, I've just found the Cubieboard while looking for alternatives to the RPi. Can anyone tell me if it's possible to use the GPIO pins on the Cubieboard A20 with Android?
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<janeUbuntu> !ls
<janeUbuntu> !explpm sata-multiplier
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<janeUbuntu> hello, can using GPIO PH14, PH15 (edge/interrupt) + SATA?
<janeUbuntu> when i'am echo 10 > export, SATA Link down, filesystem error.
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> hi
<JohnDoe_71Rus> how to build android from source ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Get error
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<onca> I followed this tutorial -- -- but now I want to install arch linux to the NAND, but I am sort of confused by the process.
<onca> please help..
<onca> I am at work and ssh'd into my cubieboard.
<onca> What is Cubian ? this totorial is all I could find on the subject.
<atsampson> onca: it's a Debian image that can install itself to NAND, but (IIRC) it's pretty easy to do by hand
<atsampson> the instructions on that page aren't Debian-specific, so if you've got an Arch system working on an SD card you should be able to do the same to copy it over to the NAND
<onca> There's a complication..
<onca> first is I am at work and ssh'd into it.
<onca> secondly it's running Archlinux, but not the version from the tutorial I want to install onto the NAND
<atsampson> well, if you want to boot from the NAND, you'd need to pull the SD card out, so that might be tricky ;)
<atsampson> but you should be able to set up the NAND, mount it and copy stuff over, at least...
<onca> I'd like to do at least that much.
<onca> My problem with the current installation is that it doesn't appear to have any GFX drivers installed.
<atsampson> as a first step, get a system built that you're (reasonably) happy with on an SD card -- which that Arch tutorial should do for you
<atsampson> then you can copy it over to the NAND (and still boot off the SD card again to fix it if it doesn't work)
<onca> Okay, I can do that. Would it be possible to replace the system from within it, or do I have to put this project on hiatus, yet again, until I get home?
<atsampson> hmm -- those Arch instructions give you tarballs of the contents of the filesystems, so I guess so, although it involves some gymnastics
<atsampson> I don't suppose you happen to have a nice big spare partition on your SD card ;-)
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<atsampson> there's no particular reason why you couldn't replace the contents of the root and boot filesystems while the system's running, although you'll need to be very careful about not removing something you're using to move stuff around
<atsampson> you're probably best off doing it from a statically-linked environment like sash or busybox (so it doesn't matter if you remove their libraries)
<atsampson> anyway, what I'd do is: unpack the new root filesystem into /new, move all the existing stuff into /old, then move the stuff in /new into /#
<atsampson> (without the #)
<atsampson> stuff like /proc and /sys (which'll have filesystems mounted on them) can just stay there anyway
<atsampson> do the same with the boot partition -- move /boot/* to /boot/old, and unpack the new stuff into /boot
<atsampson> then check very carefully that everything's in the right place, cross your fingers, and reboot ;)
<JohnDoe_71Rus> how to build android from source ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Get error
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<onca> AtSampson, thanks!
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<onca> AtSampson, even if I did use busybox, not that I know how, but if I did, wouldn't the ssh server crash?
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<onca> atsampson, I replaced the root filesystem using busybox, wich worked perfectly.
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<onca> but I am concerened about the next step/
<atsampson> the ssh server's actually quite good at running when bits of its environment are ripped out from under it -- you can even restart the ssh listener and still keep existing connections going...
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<onca> atsampson: everything worked perfectly, but it didn't reboot
<onca> good suggestion, using busybox
<onca> oh, well, it was a good attempt
<onca> oh, maybe it did. one sec, the ip probably changed on it
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<onca> nope. guess not.
<atsampson> when you get home, can you hook up a serial console to it? (if you've got another cubieboard/raspberry pi/similar device, it's just three bits of wire)
<atsampson> although it may be easier just to follow the instructions from scratch
<onca> atsampson: I'll do the later, at this point.
<onca> I don't think I'll ever get it running xorg at this rate though.
<onca> I waited forever to get a hdmi monitor to use with the cubieboard, but I'm set on using archlinux and I think I'm too much of a newbie to configure xorg properly.
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<xtofury> anybody around to help lead me in the right direction for a touchscreen? I thought resistive worked just by hooking up and modifying the fex file, but doesn't seem to... what gives?
<shineworld> you have two choice:
<shineworld> - exchange wire connections
<shineworld> - modify fex file about touchscreen
<shineworld> I've used second and worked for me
<xtofury> I did that and I can't seem to get it to even register a tap on the screen :(
<xtofury> if the wires were mixed up wouldn't it still do that?
<shineworld> ah you have to add the sunxi-ts module
<xtofury> and as far as I noticed the fex file came by default configured to do resistive touch on a 5" screen? Is the onboard controller disabled by default or missing a driver?
<shineworld> ok that is the checklist:
<shineworld> - add module compilation for sunxi-ts (touchscreen)
<shineworld> - add module load in init.sunxi.rc (or similar)
<shineworld> - configure fex to have ts enabled
<shineworld> - attach ts with its 4 wires to cubieboard U14 (or U15 I don't remember)
<shineworld> - power the system and try...
<shineworld> but ....
<shineworld> there are other questions:
<shineworld> - you have to enable the TSCalibration2 utility in android build to have calibration utility pre-loaded when you boot first time
<xtofury> yes I found a good one that works with any size screen
<xtofury> I got it in apk format, might be looking into getting it as source to put into the build but for now I just want this damn thing to work....
<shineworld> - unfortunately seem that often touch-screen settings are hard-coded in code and you work fine if you use a 7" display with 800x480 display
<xtofury> oh my display is not on lvds it has a seperate controller interfaced with hdmi.
<shineworld> to be compiled automatically during make you have to add just a line in a Makefile :)
<shineworld> I'm in a different VM so I need to boot it to get info
<shineworld> TS and display are de-coupled so no problems BUT events for android (in my example) are created keeping in mind (hard coded const) displays with 800x480 pixels so If you use android you have to grep -lir .... some source file to fix them to your resolutions
<shineworld> xtofury: have you enabled Touch Screen module in kernel ?
<shineworld> isn't enabled by default
<xtofury> not yet
<shineworld> this is the first step
<shineworld> I'm starting my xubuntu VM
<xtofury> thought so, ok I'll try and get this figured out when I get back from a smoke...
<shineworld> xtofury: if you are using openbox sources from I can help you to have touch working
<xtofury> hmmm not open box, running cubieboard-tv-sdk
<xtofury> I saw something about tslib with a13 patch but my digging is just confusing me, lol...
<shineworld> ah you are using A13 ... I'm using cubieboard1/2 with A10/A20
<xtofury> oh nvm A13 is not correct, cb1 gots A10, I was not paying attention trying to do too many things at once...
<xtofury> ok I guess I need to start somewhere, is there any way to get this without git? like as a compressed zip I can just extract into my sdk structure?
<shineworld> what board are you using ?
<xtofury> cubieboard 1
<shineworld> I suggest you to get openbox from github (is more update than cubieboard-tv-sdk)
<xtofury> pardon that last reference dev's seem to bleed stuff from other boards and I was getting distracted by a post in the cubieboard 1 forums...
<xtofury> git takes hours and fails, I pointed it to the new source, but I don't have hours to spare getting it again right away...
<shineworld> $chmod +x ~/bin/repo
<shineworld> $mkdir openbox && cd openbox
<shineworld> $repo init --no-repo-verify -u git:// -b cb -m openbox.xml
<shineworld> $repo sync
<xtofury> I was just going to document what I do and change and then transpose it once I got the time to spare.... perhaps maybe get everything working and wait for android 4.3 to get working so I can have a better shot at getting working kiosk mode
<xtofury> yeah no that don't work, points to linux-allwinner rather than linux-sunxi for one of the sources in the manifest, I need a break from that nightmare.
<shineworld> ok try to use your and change /kernel/.../arch/arm/config/cubieboard_defconfig adding:
<shineworld> this enable resistive touch screen management in kernel without use modules
<xtofury> ahhh let me figure out what is in those 3 dots and I remember seeing that in the forums with no reference to where it was in the structure...
<xtofury> yes that's exactly what I was looking for, perfect...k firing up vbox now
<shineworld> kernel/allwinner/common/arch/arm/configs/....
<xtofury> also have you ran into lunch disappearing after a make -j3 command?
<xtofury> I got it to produce an image, tested it, worked ok, then when I got rid of the portrait orientation issue for the screen, lunch command would fail and ubuntu would say I needed to apt-get install it :(
<shineworld> I've solved the question of portrait
<xtofury> yeah it's one line that needs // out
<xtofury> worked like a charm
<shineworld> is a hard-coded forced in
<xtofury> yup, that compiled good for me too, with my stuff in pieces still I got tired of looking at my screen sideways (as the lvds cable isn't very bendy)
<shineworld> I've connected a LVDS pannel to my cubie:
<shineworld> worked very fine and is fast to connect... (I've also connected some 10 and 12 inches monitor)
<xtofury> huh that's odd it's already set and not commented out... maybe this image will produce different results than the allwinner 2.2 image I tried the touchscreen on...
<shineworld> have you added CONFIG_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN=y to cubieboard_defconfig and rebuilt the system ?
<xtofury> Apparently it's already built with that, I just didn't test it on cubieboard-tv-sdk, as I said I tried using allwinner-tvbox 2.2 image which I'd assumed it would have been enabled on by default.
<shineworld> PS: I've moved away from resistive panels, now I'm using only capacitive with 10mm glass :
<shineworld> nope default image haven't
<xtofury> ahhhh that explains it, so if I try again I probably won't need compiling or nothing just try again and it should work (though I haven't fiddled with the fex yet, but that's no problems should be quick)... shit I had no idea my problem was already solved....
<shineworld> dual-touch of resistive sunxi-ts driver is a fake
<xtofury> oh no multi-touch?
<xtofury> is it even worth having capacitive without that?
<shineworld> resistive dual-touch is a fake
<shineworld> you can only pinch-zoom
<shineworld> and not ever works perfectly
<xtofury> oh.... yeah I didn't expect multitouch on resistive, I'm just turning this into a greenhouse automation controller so it's no big deal.
<shineworld> so I moved to a capacitive soluction
<shineworld> ok
<xtofury> I will probably pick up a new screen with one, any ideas where good suppliers are?
<shineworld> however, if you can download openbox, because solve some issues....
<xtofury> I don't need anything too big, 7" is fine for what I need it for...
<shineworld> I'm seeking/waiting some demo-product from
<xtofury> oh for the capacitive? Good point, yeah I can get openbox with git no problems it's just a matter of investing the time, my laptop is slow and I've avoided internet at home so I stop wasting time on my internet adiction, lol.
<shineworld> you can find lvds 7inches + touch very cheap
<shineworld> For capacitive I've used a PENMOUNT capacitive panel with related digitizer (board) which I've connected to cubieboard using USB
<xtofury> my mistake, I ordered the screen and assumed I would be-able to get a capacitive panel later... but that makes it tricky for exact fit.
<shineworld> I've left the I2C road at moment
<xtofury> I've got an egalax board but I figured it was worth avoiding as it is a waste of electricity.
<shineworld> are two devices of different sizes ?
<xtofury> most of the 8" panels I saw included no exact measurements or were otherwise a little off.
<shineworld> have you see my previous link photos ?
<xtofury> I should never got an 8" panel and just stuck with he 7", I was in too much of a hurry.
<shineworld> is the PENMOUNT 2401 ... works fine with cubieboard
<shineworld> ah
<shineworld> are you sure $repo init --no-repo-verify -u git:// -b cb -m openbox.xml doesn't work ?
<xtofury> gimmie a second I'll check if that is the one I used.
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<xtofury> uhhh few more second, vbox really bogs this thing down sometimes...
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<shineworld> I'm using vmware fusion... works fine with me
<xtofury> ahhh yes, here's what happens with it
<xtofury> I followed the instructions for google way here:
<xtofury> it hangs and asks for username and password at 98%
<shineworld> have you a github account ? it's free
<xtofury> so I had to go into the manifest and switch linux-allwinner reference for linux-sunxi, and that worked, but I've been trying to get the mucked dependencies.
<xtofury> oh yes I do, but it doesn't matter if you do or not, those logins don't work there, it fatals and nerfs it.
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<xtofury> I'm using ubuntu 12.04.2 x64...
<xtofury> seems it is a bit finicky in the order you issue apt-get commands for the various dependencies, if the order is mixed up certain co-dependencies get installed wrong, or uninstalls xorg and ubuntu desktop... lol...
chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
<shineworld> I'm looking for
<shineworld> I'm using a PC wich run Mac OS X Lion with run a VM with xubuntu 12.04 x64 :)
<xtofury> either way I've moved past the build problems, everything seems to be working now, thanks for the help -- hopefully I can scratch that off the list and move onto the orientation sensor, RTC issue, battery charge circuit, and kiosk mode, plus arduino connectivity so I can at least get arduino commander working over android before I go to making a suitable clone of the app.
<xtofury> hmmmm... perhaps I should try xubuntu in a fresh setup and see how that works one of these times...
<shineworld> If you get a way to have RTC with battery .... PLEASE write me :)
<xtofury> I'm thinking of just hooking it up to the arduino, lol
<shineworld> xubuntu is perfect to do android linux things... at IMO
<shineworld> ok, cya xtofury ... stay tuned
<xtofury> basically I was going to modify the arduino to send time stamp with packets, have the app on the cubie update the time as needed, and relay back an acknowledgement of transmission receipt, and if those stop, the arduino will just hit the reset switch on the cubie to deal with any potential freezing or lockups.
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<xtofury> because I've seen the cubie freeze before, can't have reliability issues like that in a greenhouse, lol, everything would die....
<shineworld> what is a greenhouse ?
<shineworld> ah ok... my english is so poor
<xtofury> for plants... I've designed a structure out of aluminum t-slots and it's meant to be like a medical cleanroom for plants....
<shineworld> have you a web page ?
<xtofury> I'm in the middle of setting that up too, I figured I would get something a little more substantial than portrait mode before I put it up though, lol.
<shineworld> PS: I've left 4 cubiebaord running for 30 days without problems
<xtofury> well just in case, I'm a paranoid engineer.
<xtofury> if it can go wrong, it probably will, lol...
<shineworld> I agree....
<xtofury> I should probably ask around if anybody's ever had an arduino freeze before... I was thinking having the cubie monitor and reset as needed via gpio would cover that issue as well.
<shineworld> I'm used with boards that NEVER freeze but I've wrote for them a custom OS
<shineworld> My primary JOB is in motion control (PLC) manufacturer
<shineworld> I never though linux is enough safe to do something for industry or safety
<shineworld> products like for health
<xtofury> safe enough if you have something keeping an eye on it.....
<xtofury> if it goes down for a minute or two for a reset, I'm fine with that.
<shineworld> that works and is suitable only for private gadgets....
<shineworld> you can afford any certification with such type of redundancy (watchdog) system
<shineworld> you can't
<shineworld> I don't know nothing about linux and its watchdog systems
<shineworld> hardware or software
<xtofury> oh I'm not aiming to sell a product, lol
<shineworld> ;)
<xtofury> open source greenhouse, I'm aiming to get rid of the grocery store as much as possible.
<shineworld> so you use arduino to check if cubieboard is running and you cut power and up power if something goes wrong ?
<xtofury> thinking of programming it to grow plants, or run aquaponics and hydroponics, or even farm chickens.
<xtofury> yup
<xtofury> and vice versa
<shineworld> should works
<shineworld> I've got some problems on boot with cubieboard
<xtofury> all they have to do is keep handshaking and if not, kill it and power it back up
<shineworld> sometimes the boot on SD doesn't work and boot from NAND
<shineworld> that is a strange issue in that board
<xtofury> oh I've had that too, but avoided the issue by building the .img and livesuit it over.
<shineworld> I've used my PLC for garden control
<shineworld> I'm 100 safe that it will works always ;)
<shineworld> is a pain to use livesuit to any changes and work with SD is very simple
<shineworld> and fast
<xtofury> I've read up on it though, trust me you aren't the only person with that particular issue.
<shineworld> I wrote a simple script to simplify the SD make
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<shineworld> so I can make Android (and kernel) and get SD with a commoand
<shineworld> how much I/O you need to govern a greenhouse ?
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<shineworld> PS: I've tried to use CAN bus on cubieboard without results... very hard to peek and poke (very old C64 basic language) without a good chip manual...
<shineworld> ok, I need to go.... cya
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<xtofury> ok my laptop died but I tested it out, no go.
<xtofury> thought the panel could be defective so I tested it on the laptop, works fine, so it is not defective
<xtofury> fex was fixed.
<xtofury> still nothing from my cubieboard
<xtofury> is the touchscreen controller defective on this thing?
<xtofury> I'm using cubieboard 1, and the cubieboard-tv-sdk
<xtofury> kconfig is fine, makefile is fine, what the heck is wrong with this thing?
<TheSeven> hm, what's the best way to run XBMC on cubie A10?
<TheSeven> is there an openelec port these days?
<TheSeven> does xbmc for linux or xbmc for android work better? (especially HW accel)
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