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<jcca> Hi all, I have a issue with my cubieboard (I have two boards, first works perfectly but the other not work - hdmi out problem) log: [william] hdmistatus = 0! [HDMI WRN] file:drivers/video/sun4i/hdmi/aw/hdmi_edid.c,line:85: ddc read timeout. Thanks for any help.
<jcca> !ls
<dongs> looks like ddc read timedout.
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<pythonsnake> hey
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<Bushmills> "you"?
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<jcca> !ls
<jcca> !expl
<jcca> !explpm <term>
<jcca> s
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<bjdooks> 2
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<verysoftoiletppr> hi
<verysoftoiletppr> what do I have to edit in script.bin/fex in order to set the rootfs on sata drive?
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<rm> verysoftoiletppr, you can't do this via script.bin alone
<rm> the kernel still must be on SD/NAND
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<verysoftoiletppr> rm nice I'm using that kernel
<verysoftoiletppr> your kernel?
<verysoftoiletppr> altough I created a uEvn.txt with root=/dev/sda1
<verysoftoiletppr> extraargs=rootfstype=ext4 rootwait
<verysoftoiletppr> now it doesn't boot
<verysoftoiletppr> and I lost the mmc adaptor
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<rm> uEnv, not uEvn
<rm> and not sda1, but sda2
<rm> sda1 will be just the same boot partition, if you followed my guide
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<verysoftoiletppr> rm yes, sda2
<verysoftoiletppr> I didn't follow the guide
<verysoftoiletppr> but the partition is the same
<verysoftoiletppr> I created /dev/sda2 ext4
<verysoftoiletppr> and rsynced the files of my current rootfs to /dev/sda2
<verysoftoiletppr> does the default android has any ssh server?
<verysoftoiletppr> now how I should fix uEnv.txt
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<rm> I'd suggest that you plug both the HDD and the SD card into your PC
<rm> and then 'dd' the root partition from SD to HDD
<rm> not rsync
<verysoftoiletppr> rm but I want 2 more partitions, one for the home folder and another for swap
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<verysoftoiletppr> rm is there anything in this uEnv.txt you think I should change?
<rm> I posted the literal uEnv.txt in my howto
<rm> it does not need contain anything else whatsoever
<rm> I suggest that you try to make it booting strictly by the howto first
<rm> and do any customization you need afterwards
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<verysoftoiletppr> rm it worked
<verysoftoiletppr> the problem was the uEnv.txt
<verysoftoiletppr> the rsync was fine
<verysoftoiletppr> thanks for your guides images and compiled kernels!
<verysoftoiletppr> rm do you know how to mount /dev/sda2 with noatime?
<rm> just do mount -o remount,noatime
<rm> in some script, e.g. /etc/rc.local
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<verysoftoiletppr> rm is that save? remount rootfs during boot?
<rm> yes
<verysoftoiletppr> mount: can't find /dev/sda2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
<rm> mount / -o remount,noatime
<rm> not sda2
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<nebuchadnezzar> Hello, I did not find if a SATA disc can be installed in the case and which size if yes:
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