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<suhanc> re
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<lunra> Anyone know if the entire cache must be flushed on a user to kernel (and back) context switch? I want to know if any of the cache is kept, or if it is all reloaded when the kernel finishes what it's doing and returns to (the same) program
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<crumb> hi!
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<crumb> where can i get the toolchain for compiling on the cubieboard2?
<crumb> they use A20's
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<crumb> so what distributions does the cubieboard currently support?
<crumb> just ubuntu?
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<crumb> hi
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<bfree> depends how you define support ... fedora has allwinner devices "support" ... plenty of distros packages will work fine on the cubie (just need kernel, uboot) and let you install compilers. check out linux-sunxi.org for lots of info
<crumb> i mean, like.. will the debian arm repo work with cubie?
<atsampson> crumb: Debian's userspace will work fine -- you just need the Allwinner-specific kernel and bootloader
<atsampson> note that that page has slightly out-of-date instructions for installing u-boot, though -- better to look at https://github.com/linux-sunxi/u-boot-sunxi/wiki
<bfree> yes, debian's armhf is great for the cubieboard (they even have an armmp kernel you can boot on it, but with just about no hardware support, ethernet, uart and maybe gpio, but no video output, audio, usb, nand, sd, etc)
<crumb> great :)
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<popolon> a question about compiling uboot
<popolon> in the linux-sunxi docs I see :
<popolon> make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- Cubieboard
<popolon> with a space between -gnueabihf- and Cubieboard
<popolon> is this a typo error or the good parameters ?
<popolon> I build for cubiboard2
<popolon> the compilation worked (but still didn't tested it)
<popolon> make cubieboard CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- # change to your board model
<popolon> well ass CROSS_COMPILE= is e variable def, should be ok
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<noz> popolon: No, it's not a typo. The CROSS_COMPILE environment variable is used as a prefix, hence the trailing hyphen
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<popolon> noz, thanks I just understood by reading more the doc here : https://github.com/linux-sunxi/u-boot-sunxi/wiki
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<Bebbi> Hello!
<Bebbi> Does'n habe the Cubieboard an IP-adress becauce of the Android in the NAND?
<popolon> Bebbi, have you a DHCP server ?
<popolon> in any case, the blue led, help to know the IP adress of the card. It uses morse code to give it
<Bebbi> popolon: no.
<popolon> good night all
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