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<Cmptr> is berryboot the best option for installing debian on the cubie?
<jschneider> depends on the definition of "best" :-) - debootstrap-ing the rootfs is an alternative
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<Cmptr> i don't know how
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<Cmptr> helpful. thanks
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<Cmptr> i plan on making a desktop bot of some sort along with a lan server with a cubie2
<Cmptr> the supporst for the cubie2 is there right?
<Cmptr> if i swap an sd card from a cubie1 to a 2 will it run
<Cmptr> embedian. nice.
<Cmptr> so much to do, so little time
<jschneider> the cubie2 support most likely is tied to the kernel version you compile... but dunno O:)
<Cmptr> honest answer. thanks
<Cmptr> i'm stoked about arm
<Cmptr> do the cubie developers come in?
<Cmptr> wang and tom
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<Phibs> anyone running debian or ubuntu via the SD?
<Phibs> if so, what image/process do I follow/
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<harijsm> hi
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<harijsm> to what CB2 pins should i connect i2c SDA and SCL?
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<harijsm> im asuming PB19 for SDA and PB18 for SCL
<harijsm> ?
<dongs> did y ou look at schematic?
<dongs> of all the i2c things you could connect, why the fuck would you use that dumb lcd?
<harijsm> havent thought of better things to connect to i2c yet :)
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<JIV> what would happend if i erase nand?
<JIV> im still ok to boot from uSD?
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<mnemoc> JIV: yes
<JIV> thx
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<wooy> Cmptr: +1 for debootstrapping
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<harijsme2> hello
<harijsme2> what diameter jumper wires i need for cubieboard2?
<mnemoc> 2mm
<mnemoc> well... pitch
<harijsme2> not 2.54mm ?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> not
<JohnDoe_71Rus> 2.54mm on the breadboard
* deasy wishs the imperial system disapear
<harijsme2> can i connect i2c 16x2 lcd to CB2 without baseboard?
<mnemoc> 2.54mm = 0.1", the cubieboard is metric so it uses 2mm
<harijsme2> hard to find wires with 2mm female headers
<mnemoc> i bought mine on ebay
<mnemoc> example
<mnemoc> there are boards doing the conversion (and adding VGA) too
<harijsme2> i know about thoes boards
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<harijsme2> the thing is i want not to use that board
<mnemoc> then try the wire jumpers I pasted you above
<mnemoc> or switch your life to metric
<JohnDoe_71Rus> :)
<harijsme2> my life is in metrics ")
<harijsme2> from EU
<mnemoc> good :)
<JohnDoe_71Rus> what kind RTC module will be beter for cubieboard?
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<harijsme2> ?
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<harijsme2> has someone tried Cubie baseboard?
<harijsme2> is it worth buying it?
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<th__> the inch standard connectors made it worth it for me
<mnemoc> harijsme2: those jumper wires have 0.1" on both sides
<mnemoc> harijsme2: you need an hybrid like I pastested you. 2mm on one side, 2.54mm on the other
<th__> and the whole cubie+baseboard fits nicely in a motorola sb6120 case
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<harijsme2> mnemoc can you paste that ebay link again
<harijsme2> ?
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<mnemoc> harijsme2: just search for "2.00 2.54mm"
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<harijsme2> ok i found how to scroll up in irrsi :D
<mnemoc> :)
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<mnemoc> that's a challenge :p
<harijsme2> for all these wires there is 2pin to 1pin. what does that mean. as i understand i have 1pin in CB and 1pin in other end to i2c lcd
<harijsme2> 2pin beeing 2.54mm and 1pin 2mm
<harijsme2> sorry other way
<th__> other connectors are for 0.1" (2.54mm) standard and the other end is for metric 2mm
<th__> as cubieboard has metric pins and the ~rest of the world uses 0.1" division
<th__> plug the metric end to cubie and other to whatever you might have
<harijsme2> ok thnx
<mnemoc> 2mm-s are too small for single headers, so they couple them
<mnemoc> on the other edge you have two separated 0.1" plugs
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<harijsme2> oh.. now i get it :)
<mnemoc> does anyone beside the US use imperial units?
<th__> burma
<harijsme2> canada?
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<th__> canada is metric
<harijsme2> oh
<th__> afair burma and usa are the last ones still using imperial measurements based on body parts and whatnot
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* mnemoc wonders what else burma and the usa have in common
<th__> "freedom" (:
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<RavenII> !ls
<th__> harijsme2: depends
<harijsme2> well for something like gps
<th__> cubie without external hdd should be less than 500mA so 5600mAh/500ma=hours it'll last
<th__> though I doubt that's 5600mAh @5V. more likely it has a 3.7V 5600mAh battery
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<harijsme2> then it wont work with CB?
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<rm> "chinese mAh"
<rm> may actually have any kind of battery inside, e.g. 1800 mAh, 2700 etc
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<mnemoc> chinese mA are converted to mA using a quantum generated random rate
<harijsme2> is cubieboard pin 6 labeled as SCK for i2c SCL ?
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<harijsme2> its quite clear that pin 7 is i2c SDA and pin 1 is 1,5V and pin 20 GND but question is what pin is i2c SCL
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<DigiDaz_> Awesome! an irc channel :)
<mnemoc> o_O
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<harijsme2> .
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<dongs> .. irc?
<dongs> whats that
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<Phibs> haha
<Phibs> dongs
<dongs> lol, hello.
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<Cmptr> wooy: hi
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<wooy> Cmptr: hey
<kenny> Anyone know how much faster using sata would be than using an enclosure and usb2?
<DigiDaz_> kenny: In a regular PC it would be much faster
<DigiDaz_> I believe its a regular SATA controller in there so it should definitely be faster
<rm> kenny, 100+ MB/sec SATA
<rm> vs 30MB/sec max USB
<kenny> interesting. As the network would max out at 12.5 if you're pushing/pulling data from the box would the sata make much difference? Do any of them share a bus?
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<wooy> kenny: well yeah, the network is bottleneck, unless you wanna use the hdd for something else than nas.
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<kenny> wooy: okay, the RPi uses the USB bandwidth for network, do you know if it's the same for the cubieboard?
<mnemoc> the cb has a dedicated 10/100 controller
<mnemoc> within the soc
<wooy> kenny: yeah -> mnemoc
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<kenny> excellent, the answer I was hoping for, thank you all.
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<Phibs> anyone have the Cubieboard 2 ?
<Phibs> and if so, what are you using OS wise ?
<aalm> OpenBSD.
<Phibs> barf
<Phibs> thinking not a good platform for make world or ports
<Phibs> anyone doing ubuntu or deb?
<Phibs> and should I install to nand or a msdxc ?
<dongs> < aalm> OpenBSD.
<dongs> hes fucking trolling
<dongs> there isn't even a working lunix for this shit, never mind any other OS.
<Phibs> hahahahahaha
<Phibs> so what should I even try then?
<Phibs> just got my two ub2s today
<Phibs> with 32G sdxc for them
<Cmptr> lol
<Phibs> so for real, what the hell can I load on this bitch tits :)
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<Cmptr> Phibs: check berryboot
<Phibs> interesting
<Cmptr> yea np
<Phibs> works on the A20?
<Cmptr> yeah
<Cmptr> ubuntu/debian/fedora
<Cmptr> all there
<Phibs> I have hope for this board
<Phibs> but right now yeah support is meh ;0
<Cmptr> its fine for a server
<Phibs> nod
<Phibs> thats all I want
<Cmptr> no problem if you are familiar with ftp/ssh
<Phibs> of course
<Cmptr> i use mine as one for the lan
<Phibs> what'd you load on it
<Cmptr> raspbian wheezy via berryboot
<Phibs> hehe
<Phibs> so all I need is to grab berry boot, connect the usb, and profit?
<Cmptr> sure. just dd the berryboot over and it sets itself up
<dongs> SDXC? does lunix even support that?
<Cmptr> not sure what linux is
<Phibs> dongs: are you the gay?
<Cmptr> i mean lunix
<Phibs> Cmptr: ah ok
<Phibs> does it default to an entry if nothing is selected ?
<Phibs> and do I need hdmi or does it work over ser
<Cmptr> Phibs: you are welcomed with a gui and you choose your distro from there.
<Cmptr> i set it up with a monitor first
<Phibs> hmm
<Cmptr> there might be a cli way, i just didnt bother
<Phibs> damn was hoping for sometihng w/ serial
<Cmptr> there is embedian and debian arm
<dongs> personally ithink these are useless until WinRT is running on htem
<Cmptr> you could net install
<Phibs> hahahaha
<dongs> desktop lunix is a joke as it ever been
<Phibs> I wish this was efnet
<Phibs> I'd /kill dongs
<Phibs> for being a dong
<Cmptr> you could ignore
<dongs> thats an opensores solution.
<dongs> don't agree with an opinion? ignore.
<Cmptr> i never was into dongs anyway...
<Cmptr> just not my thing.
<Phibs> haha
<Cmptr> debian iso options^
<Phibs> nod
<Phibs> the goal here would be to install to the SD card
<Phibs> or I Dunno :(
<Cmptr> Phibs: it's a little unconventional
<Phibs> yeah
<Cmptr> first you put the binary on the sd card
<Cmptr> then it builds from and installs to itself
<Cmptr> just make sure the card is clean
<dongs> Q: Does Lunix support SDXC
<dongs> answered.
<dongs> Phibs: throew away your sdxc and replace with some chinese sdhc
<Cmptr> also, you can encrypt the sd card and backup with berryboot. when new versions of linux for arm come out you can install them as well
<Cmptr> Just have a lot of fun.
<dongs> encrypt? you got something to hide?
<dongs> installing lunix is not my idea of "fun"
<dongs> Using windows to get work done, on the other hand..
<Phibs> nod
<Phibs> dun need encryption but yeah that sounds good
<Cmptr> Phibs: yeah if you have encryption and need to restart for any reason, you need the keyboard connected
<Cmptr> other than that, it defaults to your chosen distro by default
<Phibs> yeah
<Phibs> these will be in my 'server closet'
<Phibs> ie: laundry room
<Phibs> next to my networking gear
<agath> I like Arch Linux, but also Cubian works great.
<Cmptr> i've never heard of cubian :D
<agath> Still I wasn't able to recompile the kernel with the modules I need (but I didn't spend enough time, yet)
<Cmptr> always something new
<agath> Cubian is a Debian for the cubieboard
<Phibs> nod
<dongs> < agath> I like Arch Linux, but also Cubian works great | what's the difference? how many wallpapers did they change
* Cmptr looks
<Phibs> that's what I plan on using
<Phibs> or ubuntu
<Phibs> I'm assuming whatever has the newest kernel is the best choice ?
<agath> dongs: yes they are very similar
<agath> Arch Linux has pacman :-)
<dongs> k. so they're alls hit then.
<Cmptr> Phibs: sometimes
<Cmptr> depends on hardware age and peripherals
<dongs> ill continue waiting for WinRT to be released then I'll consider purchasing this hardware.
<agath> depends on what you have to do ... if you need the GUI probably you should go for lubuntu..
<Cmptr> compiling is sometimes a nightmare
<agath> if you don't, both Arch Linux and Cubian have a quite small footprint
<agath> I am sure there is better, but I didn't try all the distros
<agath> dongs: if they are all shit why don't you build your own shining distro?
<dongs> agath: I have better things to do.
<Cmptr> he's still donging away huh
<dongs> agath: the reason they're all shit is precisely because of this.
<dongs> agath: instead of all the lunix dweebs concentrating on one thing that isn't garbage, instead they make 9000 different versions with different wallpapers, and they all suck.
<agath> install windows then..
<Cmptr> wow is changing
<agath> oh sorry, for windows you need 100G hd and 16G ram otherwise it doesn't work... :-)
<dongs> its 2013, I have all that.
<Cmptr> where can i find cubian, pleases
<dongs> in cuba.
<dongs> I presume.
<Cmptr> i noticed that the download is taking forever
<Cmptr> im gonna put it up on my site for quicker downloads
<Phibs> agath: I want no gui
<aalm> dongs, i was not.
<dongs> who the fuck has less than 16gb ram in their desktop in 2013 anyway?
<aalm> i do
Cmptr is now known as slut
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<dongs> aalm: sucks to be you.
<aalm> why? because i still have few gb of free ram with 8gb?
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<agath> dongs: the cubieboard is not a desktop computer
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<DigiDaz_> Just made my first image :) A little VoIP server used a RPi distro that had been converted to Beaglebone and now its on a cubie2 and flying :)
<freq> DigiDaz_: that's very nice
<freq> is it your house phone?
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<dongs> my phone system at home runs on voip to ISDN converter that goes into ISDN key system.
<dongs> fuck voip and fuck lunix
<dongs> there's not a single usable lunix pbx that isn't garbage
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<DigiDaz_> Lol, I run a business on Linux PBXs :)
<freq> if anyone needs cubian, i have it on my site. i noticed that there was a lot of lag on the original downloads
<freq> bbl
<agath> did you install the root backdoor?
<freq> lol i just downloaded it
<freq> no.
<freq> check the checksum
<freq> from the original site
<freq> bbl
<agath> I was kidding