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<Hackelin> the sata of cb2 is 3gb only isnt it?
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<chuprex> help me about IR on A20
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<bipbiponlinux> Hackelin: sata II
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> chuprex: what kind system linux or android?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> chuprex: a part of android boot log http://pastebin.com/Phr0tube
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<chuprex> on Cubian bro
<chuprex> not Android
<JohnDoe_71Rus> dmesg?
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<chuprex> root@Cubian:/home/cubie# dmesg | grep IR [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:160 [ 0.572821] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 8 ports, IRQ sharing disabled [ 2.785223] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 251 [ 2.795164] IR NEC protocol handler initialized [ 2.803446] IR RC5(x) protocol handler initialized [ 2.811728] IR RC6 protocol handler initialized [ 2.819747] IR JVC protocol handler initialized [ 2.82784
<JohnDoe_71Rus> and ?
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<Montjoie> hello, any gentoo users with a cubieboard 2 here ?
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<FR^2> Montjoie: Not yet, really :) But I'm using gentoo and I have a chroot env on my cubieboard. Does that count? ^^
<Montjoie> I search for info for cross compiling kernel and the needed kernel options for writing the NAND
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<Montjoie> I have tried armv7l-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi but it seems that I must use armv7a-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi
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<FR^2> Can't help you with that. I didn't succeed in booting my self-compiled kernels :)
<FR^2> Cross-compilation environment on my x86 system didn't really work, or rather I couldn't set it up correctly
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<Amnience> Anyone having problems with rebooting cubieboard 1?
<Amnience> It seems to randomly freeze on reboot
<Amnience> when it is still powering off that is
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<Amnience> bump?
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<popolon> the lpae should be fine on A20 ?
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<froy> Montjoie, I'm running gentoo on my cubieboard2
<froy> my chost is armv7a-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi
<froy> Montjoie, I'm just running gentoo with the kernel and modules from fedora 19. They did a good job. I can't find their .config and what sources they used, though.
<deasy> fedora have usually the .config somewhere
<froy> I wish they'd just have IKCONFIG and IKCONFIG_PROC set so that /proc/config.gz would be there.
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<froy> there are many github projects for cubieboard2. is there an official one? Is it this one? https://github.com/cubieboard2/linux-sunxi
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<popolon> I suppose that everything is backported in linux-sunxi main trunk ?
<popolon> this is only ther kernel
<popolon> -r
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<froy> so, this one, popolon? https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi
<popolon> probably
<popolon> I imagine the fork are for testing
<popolon> or dev
<popolon> and, when they are ok, this is backported to trunj
<popolon> -j+k
<froy> yeah, there are some 3.4.43 tags, I think fedora 19 used one of those
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<popolon> I still didn't find where is the hwpack for 3.4
<popolon> the A20 one I mean
<popolon> or where are the modules in tarball at least
<popolon> the closed ones
<popolon> i seen that ubuntu have a classic cersion for Cortex A8/a5/a9 and a LPAE version (for a7/a12/15)
<popolon> LPAE mean 1TB of adressable memory instead of 4GB of the previous generations
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<popolon> (40bits)
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<popolon> ARMv8 (aarch64 / 64bits) don't need that extension...
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<froy> I just stole the bootloader from fedora 19
<froy> I don't know what hwpack they used
<popolon> Freyr, please could your add your test if they work to linux-sunxi wiki (seem to be really out of date) ?
<deasy> i need to compile mine :p
<deasy> froy*
<froy> to the Hwpack page?
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<popolon> froy, don't know
<popolon> I will try to add infos on netboot
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<popolon> I added with french translation, informations on blue led and other details on Cubiaboard firststeps page
<popolon> need to add them to english version
<popolon> the blue led use morse code to give configured IP address
<buZz> no
<buZz> that depends on what firmware is loaded
<buZz> its not a cubieboard feature
<popolon> oh, do you mean system, when you say firmware
<popolon> at least that's the case for the default installed Android
<popolon> perhaps depend on versions ?
<buZz> ok, mine didnt come with android on board
<buZz> just make sure not to add unchecked facts to the wiki
<popolon> buZz, which one ? Cubieboard1 or 2 ?
<buZz> this will confuse newbies a lot
<buZz> cubie21
<buZz> -1
<buZz> most cubie2 do come with android on it
<buZz> mine didnt
<popolon> there is already details about version
<popolon> ok, will add this
<popolon> and there was missing informations
<popolon> as red and green light start, without details : red = uboot, and after green=system boot
<popolon> I imagine uboot do this, so a modified uboot version should change everything
<buZz> uboot doesnt turn on the red led
<popolon> cubie turn on the red led
<buZz> axp does
<buZz> apx?
<buZz> hmm
<buZz> whats that chip
<popolon> ok power unit
<popolon> and the green didn't start until system start
<popolon> that what I mean
<buZz> green and blue are firmware operated
<buZz> yes
<popolon> ok, do green could not start depend on os
<popolon> not firmware
<buZz> what
<buZz> green can ONLY be turned on by os/firmware
<buZz> same with blue
<popolon> ok
<popolon> so
<popolon> ok, do green could not start depend on os
<popolon> :)
<popolon> s/do/so/
<buZz> green can ONLY be started by os/firmware
<popolon> yes
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<popolon> so
<buZz> so that means it depends on it
<popolon> could not star depend on os
<buZz> ,,,
<popolon> start
<popolon> yes
<popolon> depend on it
<buZz> i think you need to look up the word 'depend'
<popolon> could start, or not
<buZz> dependance ..
<popolon> understand, that's like in french
<buZz> green and blue leds can only be turned on / off by the OS / firmware
<popolon> yes
<popolon> that's what I said :)
<buZz> red can only be turned on / off by the power chip
<buZz> 19:20:46 < popolon> ok, do green could not start depend on os
<popolon> can be turned on,... or not
<buZz> thats totally vague
<popolon> not much that could start, depend on os
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<buZz> again, totally vauge
<buZz> vague*
<popolon> well need to know at least which part really start it in the process
<popolon> is it (in common case), uboot after loading the kernel, or kernel or installed operating system
<popolon> well about the blue led, buZz , do you have android as default system at least ?
<popolon> (have/had)
<buZz> i booted android perhaps once, then nuked it
<popolon> ok
<popolon> so that was android, and blue led didn't blink
<buZz> i have no clue, i booted it maybe once, and nuked it
<buZz> didnt look at the leds
<popolon> so why do you say :
<popolon> s/say/said :
<popolon> <buZz> ok, mine didnt come with android on board
<buZz> cubie2 didnt come with android on board
<buZz> cubie1 did
<popolon> oh !
<popolon> which system had you at this time ?
<buZz> THIS?
<buZz> i am on a core2duo now
<popolon> on your cubieboard2, don't care about what you use as pc
<buZz> debian
<buZz> i run debian on everything
<buZz> normal default debian
<popolon> but debian was preinstalled on cubieboard2 ???
<buZz> no it wasnt
<buZz> it came with linaro ubuntu
<buZz> running default images is a clear route to getting hacked ;)
<popolon> where do you buy your card ?
<popolon> don't find things like that on the net
<buZz> from taobao
<popolon> oh you live in china ?
<buZz> nope
<buZz> netherlands
<popolon> or have a contact do buy it in china
<popolon> as far I know, taobao doesn't sell in foreign countries
<buZz> yes taobao :) send email 'please ship to here'
<popolon> aliexpress does
<buZz> then you get a reply 'ok! send money to here'
<buZz> and everything is well
<popolon> oh
<popolon> nice to know
<buZz> people in general want to help people and arent nationalists
<popolon> yes :)
<popolon> far less expansive here :/
<popolon> this is china price
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<popolon> cubietruck with a big t-shirt :)
<popolon> presell
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<popolon> 中秋节快乐
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<jelly-home> is that official (does the $$$ go primarily to cubie's company or to some reseller?)
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<popolon> jelly-home, I believe it depend of where you buy it
<popolon> some place sell it twice the price of other
<popolon> but best is to ask to cubietech people ?
<jelly-home> I mean the link you gave
<popolon> oh
<popolon> don't know
<popolon> but on the official site, they speak about a tshirt too
<popolon> I only search for cubiboard on taobao
<popolon> 广东珠海 guangdong zhuhai
<popolon> that's the city of cubietech
<popolon> I suppose they are sleeping now
<popolon> and today will start the Mid autumn festival
<popolon> so lot of people will not work
<popolon> (only one day)
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<popolon> I will eat one now :p
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<popolon> there are 3 models with small, medium and large t-shirt :)
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<popolon> that's one of the two shop given in the official forum
<popolon> Someone know, if it's or not a good idea to plug at the same time the DC & the OTG wires as powerline ?
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<froy> so that *is* the official source?
<popolon> :)
<popolon> dunno
<froy> I think https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi has the most activity
<froy> http://linux-sunxi.org/Linux sunxi-3.4 branch is the preferred branch
<froy> it has had almost daily activity: https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi/commits/sunxi-3.4
<popolon> froy, don't know if you know there is a #linux-sunxi channel that speaks only about (general) sunxi implémentation of linux
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<popolon> Freyr, in this forum link there is a good A20 kernel with all modules
<froy> nice, popolon, that looks like an even more feature complete kernel compared to the fedora 19 one
<popolon> oops, I typed freyr instead of froy
<popolon> I'm searching how to boot on sata using the nand installed kernel
<popolon> strangly
<popolon> setenv root=/dev/sda1 return an error
<popolon> ## Error: illegal character '=' in variable name "root=/dev/sda1"
<popolon> tried with setenv nand_root=/dev/sda1
<popolon> as I use nand kernel
<popolon> same error
<froy> I'm booting from a uSD card, and setting the root to /dev/sda2 (/dev/sda1 is my swap)
<froy> so it basically just reads the kernel off the uSD card because you can't boot from /dev/sda
<popolon> I don't have µSD card :/
<froy> gah!
<popolon> definitivly need one
<froy> how did you boot to anything else then?
<popolon> nand
<froy> it's the uSD card or the nand
<froy> and nand comes with droid
<popolon> I installed a lubuntu using linux livesuit tool
<popolon> but marked some errors
<popolon> it crash now after some minutes of usage
<froy> eww
<froy> they practically give 2GB uSD cards away... :)
<popolon> so I have a true full linux kernel (well android use probably also a near full kernel)
<popolon> I know
<popolon> just didn't have time to go buy one by day :)
<froy> oh yeah, it's the middle of the night over there :)
<popolon> and after booting from µSD card you can easily rewrite the nand, without the bug of the beta livesuit for linux
<popolon> the same
<popolon> 1 o'clock here :)
<popolon> this is a bug I think
<froy> right, you can. Not all linux kernels can see the nand yet though, from what I've seen. The nand code is still experimental
<popolon> oh !
<popolon> like th tool then
<popolon> and didn't managed to get the tool working again
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<popolon> the cubie is detected as an allwinner in fel flashing mode
<popolon> but software don't start the flashing process :(
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<popolon> froy, how do you set root=/dev/sda2 ?
<popolon> do you do it on fs
<popolon> or at boot time ?
<froy> I go to /boot, edit boot.cmd
<popolon> and where on fs
<popolon> ok
<popolon> will try to do this, during few minutes of usage before crash :)
<froy> qb boot # head -1 boot.cmd
<froy> setenv bootargs rootfstype=ext4 root=/dev/sda2 rootdelay=5 rootwait panic=10 earlyprintk=ttyS0,115200 console=ttyS0,115200
<froy> then I compile it like this:
<froy> mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d boot.cmd boot.scr
<popolon> already crashed before boot end
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<popolon> root@cubieboard2:/boot# ls
<popolon> filesystem.dir filesystem.packages filesystem.packages-remove
<popolon> not the same fs organisation
<popolon> crashed
<popolon> I use SSD as sata
<popolon> but should still probably add more power
<popolon> ok 2* usb plug power + 1 usb port power
<popolon> seems more stable now
<popolon> able to mount /dev/sda1, nice :)
<buZz> :)
<buZz> i use a total overkill 4A 5V psu
<popolon> wooa !
<popolon> :D
<popolon> need an upgrade
<popolon> I was able to install deb package
<popolon> without crash
<popolon> nice :)
<popolon> so I know I'v not enough power now
<popolon> I'd not
irreplaceable has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
<popolon> edsp tls <= in /prc/cpuinfo features ?
<popolon> only one core seen
<popolon> Linux cubieboard2 3.4.43+ #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 29 16:54:44 CST 2013 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
<popolon> argh
<popolon> finally crashed
<popolon> even without ssd this time
<popolon> PHY_PageRead : too much ecc err,bank 0 block 77d,page 0
<popolon> PHY_PageRead : too much ecc err,bank 0 block 77d,page 0
<popolon> :/
<popolon> good night
popolon has quit [Quit: Quitte]
tinti_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]