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<mateobur> Hello
<mateobur> I'm using lubuntu on the a20
<mateobur> :D
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<popolon> nice !
<popolon> :p
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<popolon> I managed to flash one time with livesuite (64bit linux)
<popolon> but now, I can't do it again ???
<popolon> the procedure is not clear
<popolon> or livesuite buggy
<popolon> with my manipulations, system, see it il flash mode
<popolon> lsusb claims that's Onda tablet,( that use allwinner SoC too) but write in flashing mode too
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<mateobur> will mplayer
<mateobur> able to reproduce fullHD
<mateobur> using lubuntu
<mateobur> or just in android?
<popolon> there is an in dev open source driver and a closed source driver for Linux
<popolon> opensource driver can already play accelerated H.264, mpeg1,mpeg2 with mplayer using vdpau
<mateobur> popolon, how can I install the opensource driver?
<popolon> get the source and compile them, probably ?
<mateobur> sound reasonable yes :)
<mateobur> but there are like 5 variants
<mateobur> https://github.com/allwinner-dev-team/android_external_cedarx Allwinner Dev Team Android external CedarX fork
<mateobur> https://github.com/linux-sunxi/cedarx-libs linux-sunxi team fork of the official Allwinner CedarX libcedar source code libraries
<mateobur> https://github.com/huceke/libcedar libcedar decoder library for libvecore by Edgar Hucek (a.k.a. Gimli) fork for XBMC
<mateobur> https://github.com/willswang/libcedarx Wills Wang libcedarx library for libvecore fork for VLC
<mateobur> https://github.com/mortaromarcello/android_external_cedarx Android external CedarX fork by mortaromarcello
<popolon> this looks like the master
<popolon> for libvdpau
<mateobur> but you probably need
<mateobur> libvdpau
<mateobur> and the driver
<mateobur> right?
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<popolon> probably ?
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<popolon> well, this could be the driver ?
<popolon> $ export VDPAU_DRIVER=sunxi
<popolon> $ mplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffmpeg12vdpau,ffh264vdpau [filename]
<mateobur> let me see...
<popolon> after make && make install
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<mateobur> cc -MD -MP -MQ device.o -fpic -Wall -O3 -c device.c -o device.o
<mateobur> In file included from device.c:20:0:
<mateobur> vdpau_private.h:28:25: fatal error: vdpau/vdpau.h: No such file or directory
<mateobur> compilation terminated.
<mateobur> mmm
<mateobur> maybe I need libvdpau-dev
<popolon> probably
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<popolon> do you compiled by yourself the whole linux ?
<popolon> or used an image
<popolon> bonuit
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<mateobur> I used lubuntu image
<mateobur> nice
<mateobur> do you use just vanilla mplayer from the repos
<mateobur> or is a custom build?
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<mateobur> ok
<mateobur> im trying the mali drivers now
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<mateobur> ok
<mateobur> I have mali
<mateobur> I think, correctly configured
<mateobur> which player do I need now?
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<Guest354> !ls
<Guest354> !explpm power-specs
<Guest354> hello, anyone around?
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<buZz> hi
<Guest354> I'm yet to buy a cubieboard, I was wondering if I could ask a few questions. if this is the right place.
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<naquad> hi
<naquad> is there still no kernel headers in debian build?
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<n01> Guest354: just ask
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<Guest354> is there a way to make a cubieboard with sata hdd AND battery for both hdd and cubie?
<Guest354> or has anyone tried?
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<buZz> Guest354: very possible
<buZz> Guest354: but you need a good battery, one that can supply at least 2 , maybe 3A
<aalm> there's SSDs that require only 0.35A@5V
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<buZz> 2.5" laptop hdds do 0.5A at 5V
<buZz> _but_
<buZz> they usually use more for spinup
<buZz> i just went 'lets play this safe' and now run my cubie2 + sata hdd from 4A
<Guest354> what is the max current the cubie can take?
<Guest354> I thought it was 2A.
<Guest354> or are you using 2 x 5v2A outputs?
<aalm> it all depends..
<aalm> ie. usb host ports alone may take 1A
<buZz> i am using a 4A powersupply
<buZz> Guest354: there is no maximum at 'taking'
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<buZz> nor does a device 'take' all the power that a powersupply provides
<buZz> easy mindtrick ; your 10 watt desklight doesnt explode when you plug it into a 16A 230V wall socket (thats over 2000 watts)
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<Guest354> I see
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<Guest354> and for a battery pack how would I go about connecting one?
<buZz> battery to regulator, regulator to power input
<Guest354> rechargeable battery?
<buZz> i dont see any point in _not_ using rechargeable batteries
<aalm> should not matter, as long as there's proper regulator in between
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<Guest354> thanks
<Guest354> if I would use a 3.5" drive, which would be powered separately I assume the sata_power connector on the cubie doesnt need to be populated?
<buZz> make sure you connect the ground together\
<buZz> ground of the cubie should be connected to the ground you use to power the sata 3.5"
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<Guest354> ground from the.... sata_power?
<buZz> ground from anywhere
<buZz> all ground is common
<buZz> i guess the sata_power plug gives you an easy place to grab it
<Guest354> I just noticed the upcoming cubie3 or cubietruck will have a li-battery connector
<buZz> it will, yes
<buZz> i am not sure if the li connector is just for RTC or also for powering the board
<Guest354> there are some hi res production phase photos
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<mateobur> hello
<mateobur> I am trying to do
<buZz> cool
<mateobur> video on lubuntu/cubie
<buZz> are you succeeding?
<mateobur> but no success so far
<buZz> 'do video' <- play video? output video? record video?
<mateobur> play video
<mateobur> play an HD movie
<buZz> apt-get install mplayer; mplayer dirty_pr0n.mpg
<buZz> ah HD
<buZz> so you grabbed the cedarx libraries and the modded vlc?
<mateobur> yes
<mateobur> I followed this tutorial
<buZz> that only works on A10 for now
<mateobur> ahh
<mateobur> I have an A20
<buZz> they are working hard to get them working for A20
<buZz> but allwinner is being vague .. wait a month, i bet things will be better then
<mateobur> ok...
<mateobur> thanks for the tip
<mateobur> I lease I won't be expending more time on this
<mateobur> xD
<buZz> welcome to chinese development boards ;)
<mateobur> *least
<Guest354> so HD decoding doesnt work on cubie2?
<buZz> sure it works
<buZz> there is just no software to use it yet
<buZz> if you are looking for a HTPC machine, i recommend you DONT get a development board
<Guest354> I assume its the drivers/libraries that dont have support for functions in the a20 yet?
<buZz> yes the software
<buZz> this is what i said
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<Guest354> and if the cubie3 is also a20 and mali gpu does that mean it has the same problem?
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<buZz> there is no cubie3
<buZz> there is cubietruck
<buZz> and yes
<buZz> A20 has no software support for cedar yet
<Guest354> the question I should have asked in the first place is
<Guest354> for a low power network storage would the cubieboard be suitable?
<buZz> i'd grab a NAS for that
<Guest354> I dont thing there are any that run on batteries
<Guest354> I could get an UPS
<mateobur> what would you use the cubie for? :)
<buZz> development
<Guest354> and a NAS but that seems like overkill
<buZz> its a development board
<buZz> if you arent a developer, i dont recommend getting it
<Guest354> I did see some examples of it being used as a NAS
<mateobur> well I am using it as a bittorrent server
<mateobur> for the moment
<Guest354> it cant be that troublesome, can it?
<buZz> client, i bet
<mateobur> yeah well
<mateobur> client with web server
<buZz> ;)
<mateobur> :)
<mateobur> server for my other machines I wanted to say
<buZz> well sure
<buZz> you can use anything that runs linux for all the things that run on linux
<buZz> of course
<mateobur> with cedar support is a very nice HTPC
<buZz> i dont agree
<buZz> mele is a nice HTPC
<buZz> it works out of the box
<buZz> and is cheap
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<mateobur> at least with android I was able to view my stuff without problems :)
<Guest354> besides tons of tinkering to get it running are there other reasons not to get a development board?
<buZz> Guest354: support
<Guest354> anything else?
<mateobur> which graphics driver uses mele?
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<mateobur> seems exactly the same than A10
<Guest354> looks like the cubietruck indeed has a battery connector
<Guest354> unless I missed something, the battery powers the cubie with 2.5" hdd
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<Guest354> *cubietruck, sorry
<naquad> what does blue led blinking mean?
<buZz> it means the software set it up to blink
<naquad> hell
<naquad> trying to run cubian
<naquad> i see traffic, dhcp request, some ntp requests, other crap, but ssh doesn't start
<naquad> lost jtag and can't figure out what's going on
<buZz> nmap <ip-you-see-dhcp on>
<naquad> all ports closed
<naquad> tried that
<naquad> FrUUUUU
<buZz> put /etc/init.d/sshd start in /etc/rc.local ?
<buZz> or where is rc.local again
<naquad> auth has set up ssh to run on port 36000 :\
<naquad> *author
<mateobur> buZz, do you know how to stop the blinking?
<mateobur> xD
<buZz> /sys/class/leds somewhere
<buZz> echo "none" > trigger
<buZz> in the right dir
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<mateobur> oh, thank god
<mateobur> it stopped
<mateobur> xD
<naquad> buZz, thank you very much!
<mateobur> no way of turning off the red one right?
<buZz> nope, it turns on when there is power
<buZz> no matter what
<buZz> only the blue and green are controllable
<buZz> they look really nice in my case; http://imgur.com/a/4RPsw
<naquad> buZz, is it self-made case?
<buZz> 3d printed
<naquad> cool
<naquad> did you buy 3d printer?
<mateobur> I have exctly the same
<mateobur> 3D printed yes :D
<naquad> thinking to buy 3d printer lately. awesome thing for DIY stuff
<naquad> but pretty expensive still
<Guest354> which of the cubieboards have an eeprom for storing eth mac adress?
<mateobur> naquad, nah, get a friend that has one
<mateobur> :)
<naquad> lol
<naquad> i've got a guy that prints stuff for money
<naquad> but he's busy all the time, then out of plastic, ...
<Guest354> well
<Guest354> I have to admit I've got no idea how I would do it
<Guest354> but I need something to allow me to acces some files over internet
<naquad> nginx?
<Guest354> and a NAS is overkill, since those files arent that big that many
<Guest354> if getting a cubieboard, which I understand is a decelopment board is a bad idea
<Guest354> how would I do it?
<naquad> apt-get install nginx. configure and enjoy your files via http
<Guest354> I'm asking about the hardware part
<naquad> ah
<naquad> sorry then, can't say much here
<Guest354> I need something low powered, with a sata hdd, and ethernet
<mateobur> Guest354, maybe a raspberry pi?
<Guest354> I'm not sure raspberry has sata
<mateobur> I think a cubie is fine
<mateobur> you just need an SSH server
<mateobur> wich is going to work for sure
<Guest354> cool
<Guest354> then there's the issue of the power running out, happens sometimes
<mateobur> that's a complete different problem
<mateobur> batteries...
<Guest354> and the reason I am mentioning this is, the cubietruck
<Guest354> it has both a rtc battery and li-battery connector
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<Guest354> the cubietruck is not out yet, but it has allmost the same hardware as cubieboard2.
<Guest354> should I wait for cubietruck, or go with cubieboard2?
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<naquad> with toolchain on my primary box how do i rebuild kernel? any guide on that?
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<Guest354> guess I'll wait for the cubietruck
<Guest354> thanks to everyone
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<vectory> yay, just ordered a cb2 :D
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<mateobur> vectory, I'm guessing what to do with it xD
<naquad> i've built a kernel from sunxi source using their build.sh script, but in result lib/modules/xxx/ i see all modules piled together and there are no modules.builtin and modules.order. what am i doing wrong?
<naquad> patched build_sun4i.sh, fixed the way it was packing modules. all good now
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<buZz> naquad: i built the 3d printer myself
<buZz> only ~450 euros
<naquad> buZz, cool. i'm thinking about the same. did you manually made pcbs or just bought parts and put them together
<naquad> ?
<buZz> i bought parts
<buZz> mine is a prusa i2
<buZz> but i recommend building a prusa i3
<buZz> its cheaper and bigger
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<buZz> also less parts and easier to build
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<aep> oookay, so how do i start with connecting an LVDS panel? i got a "baseboard" thing with a connector, so the physical part is done
<aep> but obviously the kernel detects no lvds ouputs whatsoever
<aep> i doubt that stuff works without configuring something anyway
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<aep> actually, the baseboard cant power the cubie? oO
<aep> uuh there is 5V on the pins that are labeled 5V
<aep> why the frick does it not turn on?
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<naquad> any ideas why am i getting "No such file or directory" from bash while running an executable? tried it with cat .. > /dev/null, ldd shows all libs (it is there)
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<aalm> aep, are you trying to power cubie from the 5V pins for sata?
<aep> yep
<aep> found a hack.
<popolon> cubietruck in production :)
<aep> need to bridge some diode that is actually meant to prevent that..
<aalm> yup
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<aep> hm there's a serial console header, how do i get something out of it?
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<aep> at 115200 (got from here http://linux-sunxi.org/Cubieboard/TTL) i get nothing
<aep> rx and tx are labeled wrong. damnit
<aalm> labeling rx and tx is matter of perspective?
<aep> uuuh, yeah? :D
<aep> i thought its kinda standard to label it from the perspective of the component that the label is on
<aep> but yah whatever
<aalm> nah
<aalm> with these things it's easier to do the opposite
<aalm> = from the user's perspective
<aep> hurm
<aalm> clearly stated: " RX pin on adapter should be connected to TX pin on cubieboard and adapter TX pin vice versa, so a serial wires are crossed."
<aep> yeah well, my serial adapter disagrees on the perspective :P
<aalm> :D
<aep> anyway, now the hard part... lvds
<aalm> good luck with that
<aep> i like how it starts with "To use a LVDS TFT-LCD display with Cubieboard is very simple job"
<aalm> heh
<aep> and then it goes of with terminology i have never heard of
<aep> not a good start. backlight wont even turn on
<aep> mumble mumble. there's nothing wrong with it. why does my PSU say its shorted
<popolon> I will try to upload another picture on the wiki
<popolon> (for the TTL
<popolon> lat time picture uploaded didn't work
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<aep> do caps short under certain conditions or something?
<aep> its the only things thats connected at all to the backpanel circuit when i unplug the cubieboard
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<popolon> aep, should be more clear like this ?
<aep> what changed?
<popolon> reversed the order (like that's on the board
<popolon> added the wire to doesn't connect
<popolon> and a clear zoomed picture on the right
<popolon> perhaps a reloar of the page if you don't see the diff ?
<aep> uh the order kinda depends on your ttl usb thing
<aep> but cool
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<popolon> aep, on cubieboard, the connector doesn't change on board
<popolon> (title : Cubieboard/TTL) ;)
<popolon> color order could change on wire, that's the default for the 'official' cubieboard usb<-> serial adapter
<popolon> added bgcolor on table :)
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<aep> where can i find the original fex file for the a20 cubieboard2?
<ssvb> aep: it does
<ssvb> aep: which u-boot / kernel are you using?
<aep> urm. from archlinuxarm. dunno what they use
<aep> Image Name: Linux-3.3.0-2-ARCH
<aep> U-Boot 2013.07 (Jul 31 2013 - 02:10:45) Arch Linux ARM
<aep> i guess i need to find their fex thing
<ssvb> aep: at least 3.3 kernel is deprecated, everyone is better to move to 3.4
<aep> i tried 3.4 but it didnt boot with archlinux
<aep> now that i have a TTY i'll try again
<aep> yeah theirs works. didnt know its that specific. meh
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<popolon> http://www.virtualopensystems.com/ there are already some stuff for cortex-a15 kvm management => cortex-a7 is 100% compatible, so should help to add it on A20 ?
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<aep> how would i usually control the backlight? should there be something in /sys?
<aep> if i have the lvds board config enabled
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<aep> apparantly the backlight is supposed to be on at boot, but the pin is at 0V :(
<mateobur> anybody has managed to play full HD in the A20/Lubuntu?
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<popolon> Does someone know if the microphone jack of the cubieboard is mono or stereo ?
<popolon> I know that some apple smartphone devices have stereo mic jack, and that lot of android smartphone devices have mono mic jack
<popolon> the stereo mic is a + for sound recording with good microphone
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<aep> lcds are hard
<aalm> :D
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<lzg> hello
<lzg> is any body here?
<aalm> seems empty.
aalm has left #cubieboard ["WeeChat 0.4.1"]
<lzg> nice to meet you
aalm has joined #cubieboard
<aalm> :D
<lzg> are you chinese?
<aalm> why?
<aep> so anyone knows how to figure out all the crazy parameters for an lcd screen?
<aep> so far i cant get it to display anything
<lzg> 我 没有显示器
<lzg> 有中国人吗?
<aalm> !!!!!!!
gzamboni has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]