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<JohnDoe_71Rus> Who is Parker, who posted images this
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<dongs> < JohnDoe_71Rus> Who is Parker, who posted images this
<dongs> clicked this, expecting pics
<dongs> found links to lunix shit instead
<dongs> disappoint++
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<thesheff17> I'm trying to install cubian on my cubieboard2 nand flash...has anyone seen this before?
<madmaxx> YouTube Title: VID_20130901_082749.mp4 Views: 1 Length: 0:11 User: thesheff17
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<FergusL> my cubieboard finally found a home
<wooy> FergusL: rofl, I got something similar, but I just throw the parts inside
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<rm> nice :)
<rm> at one installation I have a lot of "parts thrown inside" in a regular ATX computer case
<rm> MK802 + USB soundcard + USB NIC + DisplayLink VGA + USB hub
<rm> only recently I replaced the first 3 items with just a Cubieboard
<FergusL> what is a displaylink vga ?
<rm> USB-connected video card
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<FergusL> ha nice, I see
<FergusL> any plans for small and cheap VGA /hdmi/lvds screens ?
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<Hukka> My googlefoo is failing me. Is it possible to play video from an SMB or NFS share (on cb2)?
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<Hukka> I've tried ES file explorer and File Manager HD, but neither seems to be able to connect to SMB or to SFTP
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<rm> Hukka, #android
<rm> or something
<Hukka> Well, all the general android help seems to be that those apps should work fine. Also I don't really care if the solution is on the android or vanilla linux side, but I've understood that video on A20 is working only with android
<Hukka> I can only guess the problem lies with cubie using ethernet, not wifi, as most other android devices would do
<buZz> eh
<buZz> oh android
<buZz> yeah ask in #android
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<buZz> btw, my cb2 case;
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<deasy> buZz, jealous !
<buZz> wut
<buZz> ah the case?
<deasy> <buZz> btw, my cb2 case;
<buZz> its not so expensive
<deasy> yup
<buZz> if you have a 3d printer ;)
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<buZz> or know someone who has one
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