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<cbsrobot_> hello, I cannot find /dev/cedar_dev on my Linux cubieez 3.4.43-20130531.1334-v-rm1+, do I need to add a module ?
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<taruti> Any guesses what could make gcc crash in random places on cubieboard? Memtester claims that ram is ok, but gcc keeps crashing every 1/20 of files when compiling the kernel with cubian.
<rm> cbsrobot_, try "modprobe sun4i_cedar_mod"
<cbsrobot_> rm: works thanks
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<suhanc> re
<FR^2> moin
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<FR^2> Any significant news concerning cubieboard2 since three weeks ago? ^^
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<Amnience> !ls
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<dongs> fat chance, but does anyone have A20_PAD_STD_V1_0.DSN in some less idiotic format?
<dongs> i don't have pads and nothing i have will import that shit.
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<dongs> rm: hipboi < talkin to you
<hipboi> dongs, thanks
<rm> sorry what?
<hipboi> where is A20_PAD_STD_V1_0.DSN
<hipboi> i can open it and transfer to pdf
<hipboi> rm, i don't know what is going on too
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<dongs> hipboi: i wanted to convert it to something else, or maybe export in PADS ASCII
<dongs> if you have pads, could you do that?
<hipboi> let me see if i can...
<dongs> it should be .asc or something for ascii export.
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<dongs> is it failing?
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<dongs> hipboi: any luck
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<hipboi> dongs, where is the A20_PAD_STD_V1_0.DSN
<dongs> i can send you or its on a20 sdk cd
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<hipboi> downloading
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<dongs> i heard its either orcad 16.5 or pads and i have neither
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<hipboi> dongs, i have orcad but it's lite version
<hipboi> i can open it
<dongs> ugh
<dongs> oh
<dongs> can open?
<dongs> can it export to something? i have no idea what orcad lite is
<hipboi> yes, but there is a warning
<dongs> lite = demo or seomthin?
<hipboi> export to what
<hipboi> yes
<hipboi> what do you want
<dongs> can it export to older orcad?
<dongs> or some ascii shit
<hipboi> let me see
<dongs> lemme see waht altium can import..
<hipboi> altium designer?
<dongs> ya
<hipboi> shit, Lite Edition is limited to 60 or less components
<dongs> haha.
<hipboi> i can't save as...
<dongs> ugh.
<dongs> right
<dongs> mkay.
<dongs> i gotta wait for my u..s pal to wake up then.
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<dongs> thanks for trying.
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<Phibs> lol the rasp pi is a piece of shit
<Juerd> A shitty piece it may be, but it's easier to use for unskilled users :)
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<deasy> they are just different products for different target
<Juerd> They are (or could be) direct competitors nontheless.
<Juerd> s/non/none/
<infobot> Juerd meant: They are (or could be) direct competitors nonetheless.
<Juerd> infobot: I hate you.
<infobot> You hate you.?
<Juerd> Just die, okay? :)
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<FR^2> raspberry pi is very... erm... "low-end", but it has good marketing and timing and a huge community.
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<Juerd> FR^2: Indeed.
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<FR^2> And "low-end" is more or less politely spoken ;)
<Juerd> The erm and the quotes made that obvious :)
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<dongs> < FR^2> raspberry pi is very... erm... "low-end", but it has good marketing and timing and a huge community.
<dongs> not sure i really give a shit about a "huge community" of morons.
<dongs> tho if you want instant cash on dickstarter, all you need to do is make something "raspberrypi compatible"
<FR^2> Juerd: Well, I just remembered the soldering of the usb things... one usb port, a three-port usb hub, one port with an usb-to-ethernet adapter... a bottleneck you discover very late ;)
<FR^2> And I consider myself to be more or less such a moron ;) I haven't done much with my cubieboard2, yet, as I still don't understand much about its boot process, graphics chip etc. etc.
<Juerd> I've used several pi's, but couldn't get the cubie to work. Haven't touched it in half a year so perhaps there are working images with networking now :)
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<Juerd> Someone else in our hackerspace has one working, but it didn't come with a generous amount of kernel modules precompiled.
<Juerd> It's just not (yet) something that I can get up and running in a few minutes.
<FR^2> I didn't succeed in getting my own kernel to run yet. :)
<FR^2> But I was on holiday for the last three weeks.
<Juerd> You shouldn't need to, imo :)
<Juerd> I've been using Linux since 1998. I've compiled my share of kernels, but I think I haven't done so the past 8 or so years :)
<FR^2> Hmm. Yes, well, with images for such "distinct" (in contrast to x86_64 PCs with their huge variety) it shouldn't, but then again there's always some module missing in the kernels and module sets that come precompiled by someone else...
<FR^2> distinct hardware
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<Juerd> And there's a difference with the Pi community: they tend to build kernels with as many modules as possible.
<Juerd> Not terribly efficient, but definitely user friendly.
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<rm> ...what
<rm> ah
<rm> I misread as "not user-friendly"
<Juerd> How?
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<rm> how does one misread; by trying to skim the text too quickly and not paying enough attention to the whole phrase?
<rm> or what "how"?
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<rm> on the actual topic, I don't know where the disease to ship kernels with nothing compiled comes from
<rm> but I hope it is not the distinctive characteristic of the sunxi or CB community
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<rm> there are some actual usable images and kernels
<rm> mine, for example :)
<FR^2> <-- a20
<ssvb> mnemoc: ^
<ssvb> rm says that you hwpacks suck :)
<aalm> monolithic kernels ftw.
<aalm> me luvs OpenBSD
<ssvb> rm: do you have a git repository with better default configs, which can be easily pulled into stage/sunxi-3.4?
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<arete74_> 6
<atsampson> ssvb: the thought occurred the other day that it'd be nice to have "generic A10 Android" and "generic A10 Linux desktop" configs; the first'd be liked zatab_defconfig but with all the plausible drivers as modules
<atsampson> (and the second'd be like sun4i_crane_defconfig...)
<rm> hwpacks are okay per se, where else would one get a script.bin and u-boot
<atsampson> ssvb: hansg's Fedora kernel config (in his repo) is pretty good as a generic kernel
<rm> (ok, script.bin is fetchable from NAND)
<rm> I don't have any git repositories, but my .configs are all public and even placed as separate files, not only in deb archive
<rm> afaik hramrach tried to submit some patches to defconfigs
<rm> I did not follow closely
<ssvb> rm: yes, hramrach tried, but it got stalled by bikeshedding because nobody knows what the users may possibly need
<ssvb> rm: you could possibly submit your defconfigs with a much better success, because they are being used by real people
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<cbsrobot_> Am I right to suppose using the cedarfb with vlc won't show the videooutput on x11vnc?
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<pirea> hy
<pirea> xbmc + libvdpau-sunxi is working?
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<prp-e> Hi guys. Can I implement OpenRISC architecture on cubieboard ?!
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<prp-e> Hi guys. Can I implement OpenRISC architecture on cubieboard ?!
<vectory> qemu runs openrisc, so if cubieez or sth can run qemu
<vectory> no need to repost
<prp-e> vectory, I wanna use cubie as FPGA
* jelly-home blinks
<vectory> i dont think any cubieboard has a fpga
<jelly-home> prp-e: the core of a cubieboard is a ready-made, finished SoC.
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<vectory> you can put one on a daughterboard or get a arm/fpga soc based devboard, like the parallella
<jelly-home> prp-e: do you want to emulate something, or add extra fpga hardware, or what?
<prp-e> jelly-home, I need a physical FPGA.
<vectory> well that has not much to do with a cubieboard, does it?
<prp-e> vectory, I think!
<jelly-home> prp-e: ok, and the A20 or A10 on a cubieboard is not one.
<prp-e> :(
<prp-e> What I need for a FPGA?!
<jelly-home> you want a fpga, buy a fpga
<prp-e> jelly-home,Yes, I know. but I don't know can I add FPGA to cubie or I need buy a complete FPGA board
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<vectory> how does an arm cortex a9 with two ~900mhz cores compare to the 2 a7 at 900mhz in the a20?
<jelly-home> prp-e: you can add whatever you want to the gpio available, but you still have to acquire that extra hw somehow
<prp-e> jelly-home, Is it a FPGA?!
<vectory> and fpga are rarely solder friendly
<vectory> prp-e: here's an fpga
<vectory> prp-e: what you linked is ages old
<jelly-home> prp-e: it's a very small programmable chip, I don't think that counts as fpga
<prp-e> vectory, nope, I just found it today, and FPGA or similar things are new in Iran
<vectory> it uses field gate arrays, i guess
<jelly-home> "High–density PLDs ranging from 600 to 10,000 usable gates" ... can't remember how much a 6502 had
<vectory> *gate array fields(?)
<prp-e> an FPGA board is expensive in Iran.
<vectory> is 100$ a lot?
<prp-e> vectory, With Iran's tax, It turned to $450 :)
<vectory> do you have a smart phone?
<vectory> like samsung galaxy? thats basically an arm board, and some are hackable
<prp-e> vectory, I have a samsung phone, but I need it :D . also I have 2 iPod touches.
<vectory> hack away then :D
<prp-e> vectory, I don't want to be a phoneless person :D
<Hukka> Not sure if serious...
<prp-e> Hukka, ?
<prp-e> I found another FPGA board.
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<aep> what kind of GPU does the A20 have and is there a GL2 driver?
<ssvb> aep: Mali400 MP2, with OpenGL ES 2.0 support
<aep> where do i get drivers for linux from?
<aep> thanks
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