here I create a deliberately long "file"
that is split into 2 leaves
yet neither the cli nor the api can "look" at the leaves
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What are the current plans regarding publishing more than one item to IPNS per node?
Or is the idea that you can publish an object that links to other objects, so you can establish your own namespace under your own IPNS root?
Also, if I publish to IPNS and my node is offline, will that IPNS entry still resolve?
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mib_h37d38: the raw leaves aren't objects, you can view them with block get
whyrusleeping: hm... I see
so in the case of zdvgq4UNFFSrJdbpdnYeJii5ecQukDxQL2FvLzTX9v8Yf1XFW: that unpacks to
whyrusleeping: we should link all timeouts from one package
whyrusleeping: and scale them of some constant
so if someone wants to deploy "interplanetary" link it is easy to change
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to go peeps out there, what's you stance on keeping g everything nonExported by default and only Exporting when necessary? Y/N/I?
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can you elaborate?
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Kubuxu, if me, then - whenever you create a type/function or constant - would you make it non exported if it's nor part of package's public interface?
ok, just wanted to confirm
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for example go-vet requires you to have docs for all public methods
we don't follow that, which is quite unfortunate
but it would be quite a hassle to get it fixed
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i got a bit puzzled having met quite some identifiers exported while seemingly not being part of publice interface
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will fix some as i go
Hi folks! I have the following scenario: I uploaded some files on machine A (link: /ipfs/Qmbk6Y7s8NN5gsB2pMi1EoeWhLk1cUAwiCUyLyWpJ9JjtZ) . I can access the files via browser https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmbk6Y7s8NN5gsB2pMi1EoeWhLk1cUAwiCUyLyWpJ9JjtZ. But on my machine B I dont get an answer from CLI when I do the command : "ipfs ls ipfs/Qmbk6Y7s8NN5gsB2pMi1EoeWhLk1cUAwiCUyLyWpJ9JjtZ"... Does anybody know what the problem is here? Or why I dont
Ive run the "ipfs daemon" on machine B of course and I get a LOT of peers when I try "ipfs swarm peers"
Elasticsearch, Apache’s Tika, Rabbitmq and a tiny search daemon
I am wondering if you’d appreciate if I join the ‘apps on IPFS’ call tonight
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that would be awesome
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Aye everyone! :)
dignifiedquire: checking js-ipfs-api CI
just the run with Sauce Labs fails?
and I think I know why
no nevermind
sauce labs no like js-ipfs-api
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dignifiedquire, no CI likes js-ipfs-api :p Had some troubles getting it to run on BuildKite last time but worked out in the end... What's not working? Any output to look at?
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victorbjelkholm: logs are on travis
ah, "The command "npm run test" exited with 1." but no actual error in the output. Sweet
all tests are passing
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Kubuxu: cool
I’ll try to launch the search api in the meanwhile
DokterBob, sounds awesome, is it online somewhere or only locally right now? Would be nice to have a demo of it in the call
I only need to install the Node.js ES frontend
daviddias: js-ipfs-bitswap is ready
how does the pin bot work? Do I have to register first?
ulrichard, you're not gonna able to pin stuff without being friends with pinbot :/
yeah, think whyrusleeping is the only one with keys to pinbot
How far out is filecoin?
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daviddias: need to fix this, not sure where to open an issue though, interface-ipfs-core, js-ipfs or js-ips-api: https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/pull/3352
"fix" as in, upgrade to the latest go-ipfs
it will have to remain in a PR, till go-ipfs is released though
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Kubuxu, you seem to have forgot to mute your mic ;)
just did that
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I use mute on the headphones itslef
but it doesn't have clear indicator
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Mateon1: but we can't see your face ;)
If I ever have anything to say I'll just say it here
Also, I don't have a webcam or microphone at all, sorry
Mateon1: no worries :)
flyingzumwalt, I'm pretty sure the concept of a pinning service is written down in multiple places, pincoop/openipfs which I worked on for a while is one of them, which includes a description I'm sure
I am happy to see everyone (with or without camera)
diasdavid: https://github.com/multiformats/multicodec/pull/19 -- can you CR + Merge this PR? -- it was blocked on me (sorry) but you're the one proposing/merging/controling the multicodec table
you bet, giving it a good review again, will complete the final codes and make it as ready for merge as it can be for any last minute review, if needed.
sounds good lmk if you need me to look at / confirm anything
i'll be around here for several hours
(/ tomorrow)
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anyone here work on orbit-db? Have en electron app https://github.com/zbyte64/electron-react-boilerplate and it manipulates state but when I restart the app the state does not persist. Do I have to keep track of the last hash and tell it to sync on startup?
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I've been reading and trying to understand IPLD, and I think I sort of understand what it is, however I'm not sure I understand why it's necessary.
What is the advantage of IPLD being something that's part of IPFS, and not leave it up to applications to do it?
It seems like the basic "binary blob + outgoing links" is enough to let someone else write something like IPLD on top of IPFS.
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rodarmor: I'm curious about this as well.
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you're free to use whatever data format you want, if you're willing to sacrifice the files and object apis, and work with the blocks api instead
ipld is just one of the formats
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lgierth: But why is IPLD part of IPFS? Couldn't it just be a layer on top of it?
IPFS itself is built from many blocks.
A124: Of course, but should IPFS be content neutral? Just like HTTP doesn't understand HTML or JSON, it's just a transport mechanism.
it is content neutral
IPLD is just something that ships with it, because it's so useful
doesn't ipfs also use ipld to represent things like directory structures?
flyingzumwalt: it doesn't yet, the directories/files data structure is still protobuf on merkledag
we're undecided if that particular bit is ever gonna use ipld
i think
i might very well be wrong :) it's called unixfs and i don't think making it ipld-based isn't a concrete milestone anywhere
i haven't paid too close attention to all the ipld discussion
lgierth flyingzumwalt: the goal WAS to transition unixfs to ipld. but now with CID, protobuf IS CID, so unixfs becomes valid ipld.
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(idk if that makes sense or confuses more -- the gist is: unixfs does layer over iplfs)
"iplfs". that's a mouthful.
it's not ipld in the strict sense, but ipld in the ipld-can-address-and-link-to-anything sense
(thanks to CID)
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tying that into answering rodarmor's initial question -- ipld gives us a basic format for expressing anything, which is necessary in order to really make the most of ipfs. It's primarily a format for _users_ to encode their own data that they are writing onto ipfs, but it's also useful internally.
jbenet: performance update: in the past 18 hours i've added 3 TB to ipfs on nihal :)
lgierth: mmm. we should align the terminology. this brings up interesting documentation needs. from discussions with daviddias and whyrusleeping, the protobuf merkledag will be a "serialization format" of IPLD. (i.e. IPLD does not have to be CBOR)
lgierth: :( that's so slow. i mean it's faster, but it's still slow. or is it the disk on nihal?
not sure -- it's started pretty fast and declined gradually
i'm happy it's not gonna crash
that's a huge improvement
i guess it's 46MBps so "not bad"
about IPLD, i'm thinking it'll be super confusing to see a canonical ipld example in json with embedded links, and then be told that X is IPLD too
I think I'm still confused >_<
X can be pulled into IPLD is clearer, or something like that
I think maybe the thing was confused me was that CIDv1 supports different codecs and formats, and I was conflating that with IPLD support.
but it's also likely that it's been covered somewhere, i didn't pay super close attention
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Is CIDv1 separate from IPLD?
CID is just a way of addressing something
while also carrying information what kind of thing you're addressing
lgierth: Things are getting clearer...
lgierth: Will the IPFS software have native support for working with IPLD? For example, starting with an root node in IPLD and then pinning everything it points to?
so the thing that links does have knowledge about whether it's linking old unixfs, or a git commit, or an ipld node, or some ethereum object
lgierth: how about this type of thing "if it's data that is hash-linked and you have a way to look into it and resolve through it with the standard resolver, it's IPLD"
rodarmor: yes definitely re: tooling
jbenet: yeah that sounds good -- human-readable version of the interface spec, hah
this means that, once you implement {json, cbor, protobuf, ...} support for "tree" and "resolve" (the two operations you need), that format can be used to resolve through.
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yep +1 that's very useful to emphasize hard
jbenet: Where will the implementations of tree and resolve come from? Will I need to add them to the ipfs command as some kind of plugin?
i dont want to push into "meta format land" because that's where abstraction astronomy loses us all. so "format" may not be the best way to describe ipld. it may be "standard" or "collection of formats" or something instead.
rodarmor: ipfs will ship with a bunch, and we are currently exploring how to extend.
rodarmor: there should be a way to do it "permissionless", but while also not fragmenting data.
an object could link to code to support the format of the things it's linking
^^^ that.
but we need security and ability to lock formats down.
(for those who want)
rodarmor Why did you not ask why protobuf is part of IPFS?
That is closer to your example of html and json
A124: Because it seems like protobuf is the minimal thing that makes it work, a list of links and a binary blob.
A124: If I want to pin some dataset without something like that, I need to do a ton of extra work.
A124: Like, have a program which requests the first object, parses it, pins all objects pointed to in outgoing links, etc, until I have it all.
A124: With protobuf, I can just ask my node to pin the root and it can take care of the rest.
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the program which requests, parses, etc. would be the ipld plugin which implements tree() and resolve()
rodarmor Why not msgpack
A124: The choice of format is arbitrary. The functionality doesn't seem arbitrary though.
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Buy you did talk about specific protocols
Now you say it's arbitrary.
A124: chill
we're all just trying to figure things out
The idea that IPFS should have some native format for storing a blob of data plus outgoing links seems fine to me. Protobuf seems like a valid choice. Msgpack would also be a valid choice. The format doesn't seem super important.
Not at all saying that IPLD isn't useful, it seems super useful, but the additional functionality that IPLD provides over blob + links seems like something that will be hard to get right, or that we might not fully understand the requirements for it, so it seems like something that should be left to the application layer.
I suspect that there might be things, though, that IPLD would allow that I'm not seeing, since I'm just getting up to speed now with how everything is put together.
"we might not fully understand the requirements" -- hah exactly, good thinking. we're very careful to have everything swappable, so when we find something is bogus, we can juts switch to the better alternative
that's what CID is all about
it gives us a means of distinguishing what we're getting
the protobuf => ipld switch is one instance of "we found something better"
eeh merkledag+protobuf => ipld+cbor
"protocol agility" is also the motivation for all of the multiformats
lgierth: Let's say hypothetically that there was no IPLD, just the old merkledag + protobuf.
lgierth: Couldn't you implement the same functionality using plugins that performed resolve() and tree() on the binary blobs?
then we couldn't easily tap into the vast world of linked data that already exists
and all the tooling around it
but then you need a protocol around these plugins
ion: technically yes -- we haven't ever used any other multihash encoding yet though, so it's safe to check only for "Qm"
gotta run to the train
lgierth: Hmmm, kind of makes sense to me. Just to talk about a concrete example, let's say you want to store the bitcoin blockchain in IPFS. You could use the old protobuf format to store the block as the data blob and put the hash of the next block in the outgoing links.
lgierth: What would the advantage of IPLD be here?