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should `ipfs name publish <some hash>` take a while?
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just finished, took probably 30 seconds or so
drewolson: yeah, if you arent well connected in the network yet, it can take a little bit
theres definitely some optimization to do on that end too
whyrusleeping it also seems to be taking quite a while to view the newly published hash via the gateway
it's spinning as we speak
ah, just resolved
whyrusleeping: while i've got you, how much bandwidth can i expect an ipfs node to consume? i'm trying to decide if i should run it on my digital ocean droplet
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interestingly, even `ipfs ls <hash>` takes a while from my local machine
drewolson: hard to say exact numbers, it varies day to day. But its a bit higher than i want it to be. Most of our infra nodes run on DO, and don't get any bandwidth issues
drewolson: yeah, ipns right now is set to be as secure as it can be
it doesnt make any assumptions
so it checks the network to see if a more valid record than your own exists for your key
(which seems weird, but you can share keys and others can publish names)
whyrusleeping: ah, thanks. makes sense.
figuring out a UX for the speed/security tradeoff is hard
what should the command to "resolve the latest entry and make sure its the latest possible entry" be
yeah, fair point
and what should the command to "just give me a value i don't care" be?
might be nice to have some hard cap at least (the ls is still hanging)
i think theres a 30 second hard cap
should be at least
it seems i can also generate more than one key on a node to publish multiple shas, yes?
that's pretty cool
well, regardless of current performance, the ideas here are very exciting
ipfs seems far more fleshed out than ssb
and the idea of aggressive local gc seems very good for local cache size
Theres definitely still a lot to do
But its a lot of fun, and i always enjoy hearing from new users trying things out
the concepts make a lot of sense. ipns is particularly interesting to me. it all feels like persistent data structures for the web :)
with ipns being a local variable binding
yep! its exactly that
its a pointer
are there ideas in the pipeline for making ipns more performant? or is it mostly about allowing the node to specify the "trade offs" associated with the request
for example, i published an ipfs link on my homepage to my homepage in ipfs
i don't care that it's super up to date, but i don't want to have to change the hash if i push new content, so ipns felt like a good idea
but the ipns loading seems prohibitively long right now. so perhaps i should go back to a single ipfs hash
and just update things as i update my site
except that i'd have to know the hash to refer to itself in the site _before_ it is pushed :/
yeah... it does seem to be taking a longer time than usual
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whyrusleeping is 0.4.8 the latest version of the go client?
i'm definitely seeing more than 30 seconds on resolves. will gist in a few.
(if it ever finishes)
ah, so this is interesting
if i prefix the command with /ipns/
it resolves much faster
without the prefix, it seems to hang
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drewolson: way
thats really weird
and definitely worth reporting as a bug
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kiboneu achin: i migrated the certs to gandi and all is good now
whyrusleeping: could use your feedback on several issues...
sorry for the inconvenience, i hope you have a pleasant journey
lgierth: \o/
can someone validate an assumption for me -- once i add a file to ipfs, i can stop running my local node and this file should still be accessible to any node in the network. yes?
drewolson: only if someone else requested it and received it, making it available from their own node
deltab: ah. i see. so there can still be single points of failure
you add a file to your own node's store, not anyone else's (unless they've agreed to mirror it)
yes, for content that's not popular enough to be replicated
so i have to keep my node running all the time in order to keep that file available on the network
deltab when you say "replicated", you mean pinned?
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just requesting something is enough temporarily; but without pinning the content will at some point be flushed from the cache
if i have the hash of an object and i want to get the hash of the directory it is stored in, how would i do that via the command line?
which directory? there could be many
deltab i did an `ipfs add -r dir`
there's currently no mechanism for doing that, that I know of
and right now, i have the hash for one of the files in this dir
you'd have to search dirs for it
kevina: ACK
another question -- by default, what key is used when you `ipfs name publish <thing>`
is it a key that is generated during init?
or something else
drewolson: your nodes key, "self"
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Feature I wish I had now: pin --for=time.Duration
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whyrusleeping we really need a working ipns
jamesstanley: agreed.
jbenet: it works
its just using the parameters you told me to use :P
no, that's not the problem here
is there a command to see what's pinned?
the problem is the model. the dht is not the right abstraction for it in a network capable of consensus, or a network that needs subsecond resolution
using a dht *was* one of the parameters initially ;)
but yeah, we need to find something better
yeah was sad when i got stoked on ipns then realized i had to wait around awhile for every lookup
ended up just throwing records into dns
dns has been surprisingly good here
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Hi jbenet
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All I get is `Path Resolve error: no link named "24-uncensorable-wikipedia" under QmT41msKzvzAWMosVdmY3jqnm2oQBbxUtHSNCZJ9FydkXH`. Looks like an IPNS issue?
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disable dnslink redirect
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Hi Kubuxu
Kubuxu: I am the person submitting the recent pull request
which one
see files: sum_test.go and multihash_test.go
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Kubuxu: I am a rookie at Go, more of a Python/javascript/C person... was hoping that someone can help improve the code
the code looks quite good
look at those files how other hashes are tested and just do similar tests for your hash
Go is very hard to install when it comes to home directory, it does have conflicts with SciPy's Jupyter Notebook system though
Different applications using the same variable...
what do you mean? if it is about GOPATH then set it to export GOPATH=$HOME/go
Got it
I am now trying to work with gx
don't worry about it, I can do that for you when you fix the tests
"Command not found" for gx after "go get -u" and "go get -u"
can't "gx init"
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the bins will be in $GOPATH/bin so you have to add it to your path
Kubuxu: I did "export GOPATH=~/.go" in .bashrc, is that okay?
yeah and add do export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH"
and it is best to use $HOME instead of ~ in init scripts
Kubuxu: but for my python i already have "export PATH="/home/brad/anaconda3/bin:$PATH""
it won't conflict
Donald: Add that as a separate line
Mateon1: can you guide him through? I gtg
Mateon1: How does it work?
Kubuxu: Yep, I can do that
Donald: export is a builtin function in bash, which sets variables
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So, here you're setting the PATH variable to $GOPATH/bin: and then the previous PATH variable
So you are effectively prepending "$GOPATH/bin" to the path
The same goes for the Python anaconda line
Mateon1: so what happens when Go invoke the variable? How does it know which is which?
Let's say your path before running that command is just '/bin:/usr/bin' (it's probably more complex than that)
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When you run the Anaconda line, you are setting path to /home/brad/anaconda3:/bin:/usr/bin
Mateon1: So it is basically linking?
And when you run the Go path line, you set it to $GOPATH/bin:/home/brad/anaconda3:/bin:/usr/bin - adding it in front
Donald: Well, the PATH variable is special in bash, it tells bash where to look for executable files. If you say `cat somefile`, bash has to look for the `cat` executable in the directories specified in the special PATH variable
In this case, the `gx` executable doesn't exist in /usr/bin, or /bin, so bash cannot find it
If you add $GOPATH/bin to the path, bash also searches that directory for executables, and it finds gx there! So it runs
Huh, this seems like some other issue, what command caused this error?
Mateon1: "go get -u"
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Donald: That's rather odd, for now, try running `go get -d`
Donald: Once you do that, type `cd $GOPATH/src/` and then `go install`
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Mateon1: "package context: unrecognized import path "context"" same problem, is it that I need to mkdir?
Hm, that's odd
Let me try doing that with a clear go path
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Ah, this might be caused by having an old version of Go, can you tell me what's your go version by typing `go version`?
Mateon1: 1.2.1
That is extremely old, gx required Go 1.7 or later, can you try to find a more up-to-date version?
That's old... Like, there's a 1.x version every 6 months, and 1.8 was a couple months ago too. That's like, 3-4 years old?
Mateon1: Linux Mint repos are wayyyyy behind
Yeah, repos tend to do that... Heck, Ubuntu repos are also at like 1.6, so...
Donald: Can you try downloading a .tar.gz version from ?
If your system is 64 bit, you want go1.8.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz, otherwise go1.8.1.linux-386.tar.gz
Mateon1: just direct download, unzip and /usr/local ?
Yep, there should also be a README included that details the process
After you unpack the tar.gz file
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Mateon1: Done, still 1.2.1
Can you paste the result of `echo $PATH`?
You might also want to uninstall the existing Go installation from your package manager
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Seems the linux mint package manager is `apt`, so to uninstall, you want to do `sudo apt-get remove --purge golang-go`. After that, if /usr/local/bin is in your PATH variable, you should have the up-to-date version available on your command line
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Mateon1: Haven't reinstalled, but "go version xgcc (Ubuntu 4.9.3-0ubuntu4) 4.9.3 linux/amd64" is weird!
Hm, that is weird, what does `which go` output?
Okay, so /usr/local/bin is already in path, what does `go version` say?
Mateon1: bash: /usr/bin/go: No such file or directory
Hm... That's really odd
What's the output of `which go`?
Mateon1: Nothing
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That's really confusing, hold on for a minute while I google
Ah, okay, that seems to be a different implementation of `which` that doesn't show error messages if it can't find a binary
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You should copy the files from the unpacked .tar.gz archive to /usr/local again
hash -r
Donald: ^^
locations of files in path are cached
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Kubuxu: Ah, that's interesting
Didn't know that
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Mateon1: With export GOPATH="$HOME/.go" export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH, and using "sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.8.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz", when I check "go version", it says go is not installed
"hash -r" returns nothing
hash -r makes bash forget the previous locations, so if you try typing `go` now, it should work
Mateon1: No dice. Still says go is not installed
Ah, I know what the issue is
The tar file has everything in it under the ./go/ directory
So, all the Go tools are located in /usr/local/go/bin, which is not in path
Wait, no, that's correct
You have to add /usr/local/go/bin to you PATH, in the same place as you add anaconda3 and $GOPATH/bin
Awesome, now everything from this point should be much more painless
You can try: `go get -u` again
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Mateon1: Finally, it is working
But still, I tried "go test" and it only runs the multihash_test.go
And I can't "go run *_test.go" for any test files
go test ./...
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Hi Mateon1
The wifi broke, sorry
Hello, you're Donald, right?
on my phone right now
Mateon1: Tried "go test sum.go" and it says the variables in multihash.go are undefined, and that Multihash itself is undefined
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I'm trying to reproduce this myself right now, to see what's happening there
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Hm, that's odd
I don't get "Multihash is undefined", but I do get errors regarding cids and multihashes
go test ./... is fine here too
did you clone it within GOPATH?
i.e. the repo should be in GOPATH/src/
(a symlink will do too)
For example, go test ./blocks : blocks/blocks.go:59: cannot use b.cid.Hash() (type "gx/ipfs/.../go-multihash".Multihash) as type "".Multihash in return argument
did you vendor stuff?
that won't easily work
Mateon1 I copies everything in my edited repo through github
lgierth: What do you mean by vendor? the vendor directory was created by gx install
oh. do gx install --global
it should be the default by now too (update gx)
I did just update gx, or so I thought
i've never gotten vendor/gx/ to work
gx 0.11.0
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Okay, rm -rf vendor and gx i --global fixed it
Still odd, I am running latest master for gx
What's also odd - I am getting 500 kB/s of kademlia traffic
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i'm like 90% sure i'm seeing behavior both via the gateway and the command line client where the first resolution of an ipns name takes a very long time, but if i cancel that resolution and immediately resolve (or reload the page) again, it resolves immediately
am i crazy?
it's like the resolution of the first command finishes and caches the content locally, but it does not return the result to the client
but if i cancel and immediately rerun, it pulls the content from the local cache
I am not understanding something here... IPFS seems to be a massive web of dependencies and I don't know what comes from where
Here's the source for go-libp2p-protocol: /ipfs/QmZNkThpqfVXs9GNbexPrfBbXSLNYeKrE7jwFM2oqHbyqN/go-libp2p-protocol/protocol.go
Ah, wait, it's not a function, it's a type
So all the magic happens in the Reporter
So, the reporter is a go-libp2p-metrics instance... But how does it register bandwidth use? All references Github search yields are useless
Kubuxu knows more :)
if folks want to try replicating what i'm seeing, try `ipfs resolve /ipns/QmdvfdvBsdS58AnQBbanwawYNiJGM9oZSXGBMthkQyTzjJ`. it should hang for a while. then ctrl+c it and immediately rerun. it seems to resolve immediately at that point.
Wait, so the magic actually happens somewhere else - go-libp2p-swarm? Ugh, I hate this jumping through deps
SWARM!? from ethereum!? Talk about jumping sharks!
swarm refers to a peer-to-peer swarm, same as in BitTorrent
So... go-libp2p-transport.Conn wraps conns with go-libp2p-metrics bandwidth reporter, as defined in go-libp2p-swarm, called from ipfs/core/core.go, but the bandwidth reporter is actually saved on the swarm object, so I still have a lot of source code to dig through
That's over the course of about a week, my only large download was the wikipedia pin
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we also found out recently that diagnostics endpoint is being missuses so we will be removing it from 0.4.10
it can also cause a lot of DHT traffic
Hi Kubuxu
this is Donald
which diagnostics endpoint?
Finally got go installed, but still struggling to run tests
Atomic_dNLFb: What happens when you run go test ./...?
achin: ipfs diag net
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well, i think it was always known that it couldn't survive forever
Mateon1 could you emphasise the file paths with spaces?
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go test ./...
Run in the directory $GOPATH/src/
when I run the go test go-multihash checks out, the multihash and opts subfolder has no test files
(Run in the repo file)
(my edited repo file)
I don't really know what you're trying to do, sorry
By repo do you mean What directory are you in?
Mateon1: he works on go-multihash
i have a question about running the ipfs daemon on multi-user systems. right now, it seems that only the user running the daemon can execute ipfs commands from the command line client. is that correct?
if so, is this planning on being changed in the future?
it seems like a big limitation
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No, any user can run ipfs commands from the command line, if they have read (not sure if write neccessary) access to $IPFS_PATH
Mateon1 i'm seeing different behavior on my server.
though i only have read access right now
Have you set IPFS_PATH, or is it unset?
(note that $IPFS_PATH defaults to $HOME/.ipfs)
it is unset, ah, i didn't realize that was a thing
If it's unset, ipfs assumes current user's $home/.ipfs
thanks, let me give that a shot
sweet, it works
thanks all.
is there somewhere i can read more about configuring the daemon?
Well, you can try ipfs --help, ipfs daemon --help, ipfs init --help, etc. for starters
Ok, so I could do some pipe magic and `ipfs filestore verify | <awk-magic> | ipfs pin rm <hash> | ipfs repo gc`
Note: I'm specifically talking about the filestore, not the normal store.
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Oh so you're looking for <awk-magic>?
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No that part I can figure
Just I didn't know that repo garbage collection also worked for filestore
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DokterBob: oh it does?
DokterBob: on an unrelated note, you're the one who built right?
Yes. I expect my sponsored hosting to run out any moment.
Making a backup of the index right now.
On a more positive note, I actually might have a few days to put into it - at last
check out the search on :)
Hence contributions in the form of work or sponsorship (or adoption) are greatly appreciated
the search index is a data structure on IPFS
lgierth: How's it work?
that means it's just as distributed as the data that it indexes
before adding all the files to ipfs, a primitive search index over the page titles is built
built in a way that makes it relatively efficient to query through normal ipfs paths
Definitly the way forward.
I was just discussing with a friend how it would be much preferable to have the metadata be added with the content.
However, within the limited time I have (it's a hobby project), also building an efficient IPFS-based datastructure for storing the search index seems unfeasable.
Take into account that ipfs-search is currently hitting elacticsearch' default 1024 fields limit
And the index is about 200GB
yeah it's really non-trivial
also largely unchartered territory
any worthwhile info you stumble upon is greatly appreciated
the same idea can be applied to mapping and street routing too
how much CPU / memory should i expect my node to consume? right now it's using more than any other process by a wide margin.
works well, it would be nice to hijack someone elses indexer though
drewolson: in production, I would never run it outside a container
drewolson: basically, it'll eat anything it can get
DokterBob yikes, ok
although on my MB right now it's running fine
and in production i'm running a search crawler ;)
it's running "fine", but i've only pinned 1 static webpage and it's consuming 25% of my CPU
and 25% of my memory
oh that's not good
is your computer a raspberry pi?
well, it's more like 10% of my CPU and 25% of my memory
but still, that seems pretty bonkers
my ghost blog and my hosted irc client (lounge) both use far less
do they use DHTs? :P
no, which is why i'm trying to understand what my baseline expectations should be :)
DokterBob this is on a digital ocean droplet with 1gig of ram
Well at my mom's place I'm running IPFS on a Raspi and I am seeing that kind of load ;)
I tried to add a ~30M video to my ipfs node at work earlier and got errors about too many open files
I had to try 3 times to get it to complete
but just now, testing with a 300M file, it works fine
is this something that's been fixed in git but not in the binary I downloaded at work, or did I just get unlucky?
if the former, great; if the latter, I'll try and work out how to reproduce
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ah maybe it's a thing with the release candidate
latest i'm running is 0.4.8
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Hi there!
What's going on with the tr.wikipedia snapshot?
"no link named "wiki" under Qme2sLfe9ZMdiuWsEtajWMDzx6B7VbjzpSC2VWhtB6GoB1"
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Ok, so I have enable sharding :-)
*have to
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or use 0.4.9?
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Ok, it's working on 0.4.9-rc2
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Thanks Kubuxu for that AUR package!
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drewolson: Sorry for the late response. IPFS uses a lot of memory, most likely because of the amount of connections it uses, a typical amount of RAM used ranges from 1 GB to 1.5 GB or so. It shouldn't use a lot of CPU while idle, though. Does it continue to use a lot of CPU after having a few minutes to 'cool down' after startup?
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Mateon1: yes, it seems to continually use ~10% of my CPU
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Well, that's not what I would expect, hold on while I look up some debug commands
i've seen it both on the rc and the latest stable release
Mateon1 i can do so later this evening
Hm, what's that in hours? I'm in a different timezone than you are
probably not for 8 hours or so
or perhaps tomorrow
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Ah, too bad, I won't be able to help then. You can do these steps and report that as an issue for go-ipfs on Github, we can always use more info to see what's slow
will do
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