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<fuxxy> Can someone explain to me the intention of ./source in package/addons/service/packagename ? If $PKG_URL is downloaded to sources/packagename/ and extracted to $PKG_BUILD, what sort of sources are supposed to belong in package/addons/service/packagename/source/ ?
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<swimm3r> hello. is anyone using amlogic s905d box?
<asdf28> :->
<swimm3r> I deleted the mmcblk0 partitions
<swimm3r> and now, I am crying :-)
<swimm3r> and I would like to restore them
<swimm3r> now, the box can boot only from usb
<swimm3r> ./dev/system , /dev/recovery , /dev/system are gone
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> i think you can get mmcblk0 from full firmware for your box. I could be wrong.
<asdf28> can't you re-flash the box with another firmware?
<asdf28> you will have to get the original firmware image from somewhere, of course
<asdf28> or in the meantime, use a custom firmware for your box
<asdf28> you can flash it using an usb cable and the amlogic usb flash tool
<asdf28> that's what works with my s905x box
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<swimm3r> asdf28 it can be possible to send the firmware to me?
<swimm3r> to try to flash it to my box?
<swimm3r> I do not have the firmware of my box
<swimm3r> I have only the zip file that cat be flashed in arduino (java zip?!)
<swimm3r> can*
<swimm3r> not arduino, android
<swimm3r> sorry :(
<swimm3r> my box is 1 GB of RAM, and 8 GB of flash
<swimm3r> and has hybrid tuner (DVB C T2 and S)
<asdf28> no, i don't have it
<asdf28> you have to google it, search forums, if that doesn't help, maybe ask the seller or box manufacturer
<asdf28> sorry
<asdf28> if you have overwritten the mmc, it's gone and you need a backup
<swimm3r> already ask him, but he send the the SW in zip format
<swimm3r> not in one img file
<swimm3r> that is used in amlogic usb flash tool
<asdf28> the OTA update zip?
<swimm3r> yes
<asdf28> sorry, i am not familiar with that, i don't know if that can restore the full mmc with bootloader and so on
<asdf28> i tried it myself once and it did not work
<swimm3r> it contains several img files: boot.img bootloader.img dt.img ...
<swimm3r> it is possible to create an img of full backup from other similar box?
<asdf28> yes, i think so, but i have not done it yet
<swimm3r> neither do I :(
<asdf28> what i would do is boot that other box from an SD card system, then create a dd image of the mmc
<swimm3r> which is the if in this case? /dev/block
<swimm3r> ?
<swimm3r> input file for dd
<swimm3r> ./dev/block or /dev/mmcblk0
<asdf28> dev/block/mmcblk0
<asdf28> i think
<asdf28> you could try flashing a firmware from a similar box to create the partitions and bootloader, then restore the OTA update using TWRP maybe
<asdf28> but i have never tried this
<swimm3r> ok, thanks. first I will try the "dd of mmcblk0" procedure
<asdf28> i think what's missing is that the OTA expects to find a partitioned mmc
<asdf28> and your partitions aren't there anymore
<swimm3r> the partitions of mmc is not the same for all s905d with 8GB flash?
<asdf28> i don't know
<swimm3r> thank you for your time
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<swimm3r> asdf28: it's working
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<asdf28> cool
<asdf28> how did you do it?
<swimm3r> dump from an working box
<asdf28> was it the same box?
<asdf28> you are now officially an expert hacker
<asdf28> i just thought about doing this, but i didn't succeed
<swimm3r> yes, it was identical, but "virgin"
<asdf28> what did you use as the rescue system to boot the failed box?
<asdf28> i'm just asking, because i have the same problem. one box with damaged partitions and another untouched one
<chewitt> asdf28 what box?
<asdf28> i was just too lazy to fix it but it's great to hear that it worked for you
<chewitt> make/model and SoC type?
<asdf28> chewitt: it says "s-box", it's an s905x box
<asdf28> but this is not a libreelec problem
<swimm3r> asdf28: just a second please
<asdf28> i just thought i'd boot any live distro from an SD card and then create an image of the working box using dd
<asdf28> but i have not tried it yet
<chewitt> it should be fairly simple to create something bootable for an S905X
<asdf28> it does in fact still boot, but it's running a custom firmware that i want to get rid of
<chewitt> backup the emmc
<chewitt> then zero it out
<asdf28> thank you for the link, i did not know about that
<asdf28> i wonder if it's possible to restore the function that allowed you to reboot from android to the SD card
<asdf28> i'm not sure where this function is located, is that a bootloader feature?
<chewitt> GXL and newer boot the same from SD and eMMC
<chewitt> so backup emmc, and worst caae you can write the backup to an SD card and get back to some kind of OS
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<chewitt> e.g. boot from SD with LE or CE on a USB, which should be detected once the box boots from SD
<chewitt> toggle between Android and other OS is normally setting something in the vendor u-boot env
<asdf28> sorry, i did not understand that: "so backup emmc, and worst caae you can write the backup to an SD card and get back to some kind of OS"
<asdf28> you mean backup the working emmc? or the one that does not work?
<asdf28> i mean the stock emmc as the "working" one
<chewitt> box looks for AML signed u-boot in the 1st and 512th sector of an mmc device; emmc and sd are both mmc devices
<chewitt> in ye olden days, GXBB only looks in 1st sector of emmc and 512th sector of SD
<chewitt> GXL looks in both
<chewitt> so backup emmc
<chewitt> zero emmc; this means it cannot find vendor u-boot anymore
<chewitt> and it will check SD (and USB) too
<chewitt> write whatever u-boot you want to test to an SD card, see what happens
<chewitt> if it's the wrong/bad u-boot (doesn't boot) .. rinse/repeat until you find one that works
<asdf28> is that what you wrote regarding the rxlimg tool?
<asdf28> i mean, the "bad" box is still booting, there is a custom android ROM on it
<chewitt> writing bad u-boot to emmc causes problems, since it will likely find enough vendor stuff to initiate boot, and then it only tries to boot from emmc
<asdf28> i can still boot it and boot from an SD
<asdf28> it's just that i want to replace the system with the stock firmware
<asdf28> so i thought all i need is to boot from any SD live system and write the stock firmware image to the emmc
<chewitt> even if you think you are booting from SD you are not, the box will boot from emmc and then detect/load later stage boot files (kernel etc.) from SD
<asdf28> oh, i see
<asdf28> that's why the box can
<chewitt> only way to stop that and truly boot from SD is zero the emmc
<asdf28> that's why the box can't boot from SD anymore if it's bricked?
<asdf28> i've had that happen once
<swimm3r> asdf28: I pulled the /dev/block/mmc to a .img file
<chewitt> hard to say without seeing uart output for the boot
<swimm3r> via adb command
<swimm3r> the box is rooted by factory
<chewitt> but, if you backed up the working emmc, worst case you can always write this to SD and (with emmc zero'd) boot from the SD
<swimm3r> then, I dd the .img to /dev/mmc via ssh
<chewitt> once it boots .. it can/will normally find an OS on USB (need to use USB as SD slot is occupied)
<asdf28> swimm3r: but you used some kind of resuce system on the non-booting box, right?
<asdf28> because you said that the emmc was wiped out
<chewitt> if emmc is truly wiped it's fairly simple to recover boxes with a bit of trial/error
<chewitt> if it's not and it attempts boot (but stuff is mising/broken) then it gets tricky
<asdf28> i could recover mine with the amlogic usb tool
<chewitt> worst case you have to open the box up and short pins on the emmc RAM chips (so they don't work) to force SD boot
<chewitt> which is a bit scary.. but does work
<asdf28> yes i did that, it was scary because it went bzzzzt when i did that
<asdf28> and the LED flickered
<asdf28> but honestly, i don't know if it was even necessary
<asdf28> i was just following random help guides because i was desperate
<chewitt> it's pretty hard to truly brick most boxes, but it's only simple to recover things with uart access or an SDIO debug board (which I should get/make some day)
<chewitt> I have some pre-build u-boots here if you get bored
<chewitt> mainline u-boot (2020.10)
<chewitt> vim1, lepotato, lafrite are GXL devices
<asdf28> thank you, i will have a look at it. i don't know how to install u-boot yet, though
<chewitt> ^ crib from that
<chewitt> the files I linked are signed with renaming
<swimm3r> asdf28: the box could boot from USB
<swimm3r> it does not have SDcard
<swimm3r> yesterday I deleted the mmcblk0, and formatted with only one partition (ext4)
<swimm3r> because I thought to use that space
<swimm3r> but I was wrong
<swimm3r> my friend has the same box
<asdf28> chewitt thanks, i will do that whenever i have to do this myself the first time
<asdf28> swimm3r but what system did you boot from USB?
<swimm3r> coreelec
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<swimm3r> I did not managed to start libreelec, but coreelec works
<asdf28> ah, okay that's what i wondered
<swimm3r> even if I wiped out the mmcblk0, I was able to boot from usb
<swimm3r> that was a luck
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<swimm3r> I am wondering if I can flash the dumped .img with amlogic usb tool :-/
<asdf28> i don'
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<asdf28> t think so
<asdf28> i think there are some things added in these images
<swimm3r> but I do not have a USB A - USB A cable
<asdf28> but i haven't tried it yet, would be cool
<asdf28> you can also use an usb a to usb c cable
<asdf28> if you have an usb c device
<asdf28> such as a laptop
<swimm3r> let me search...
<swimm3r> I don't have usb c
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<chewitt> swimm3r aml burn tool uses a proprietary img format, not the same as dd
<swimm3r> nope, the amlogic popup an error, the img is not campatible
<swimm3r> chewitt: thanks
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<swimm3r> thanks again for your support
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<swimm3r> chewitt: it is possible to make it boot from flash? (LE or CE)?
<swimm3r> now, CE boot from USB, but when I try to installtointernal, the box do not start
<chewitt> I refuse to touch installtointernal garbage
<chewitt> I'd rather be kicked in the nuts
<chewitt> and I have low/no knowledge of CE boot processes, best to ask in their forum for help
<swimm3r> CE or LE are almost the same
<swimm3r> I use LE on rpi
<chewitt> LE doesn't use u-boot
<chewitt> sorry.. RPi
<swimm3r> but on "the box" I was not able to make it boot
<chewitt> LE old amlogic stuff is similar to CE, but I don't understand or care for old Amlogic stuff
<swimm3r> I got the ideea
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<chewitt> I'm not against old stuff, but the point where I started to understand u-boot chronologically comes a lot more recently
<chewitt> and the vendor u-boot contains fugly stuff..
<chewitt> what state is your box in? .. and what device is it?
<chewitt> and, do you have uart connected?
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<swimm3r> no, I do not have uart connected. state of box: Android present in boot and runs from flash, CE runs from USB
<swimm3r> the box is a cheap china one called A1 pro
<swimm3r> it has hybrid dvb tuners
<chewitt> which SoC?
<swimm3r> s905d
<chewitt> are you able to reflash the Android image?
<swimm3r> yes
<chewitt> i.e. if something breaks, can you get back to a known/working point
<swimm3r> yes
<swimm3r> I got the original raw img of mmcblk0
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<chewitt> so this boots from usb if needed?
<swimm3r> yes
<chewitt> are you using Amlogic burning tool to restore?
<swimm3r> no, restore it with dd command from CE (boot from usb)
<chewitt> hmm
<chewitt> have you ever zero'd the emmc and restored from USB?
<swimm3r> yes
<chewitt> okay, so
<swimm3r> yestarday I wipe it off
<chewitt> ^ see if the VIM1 or LePotato images (written to SD card) will boot
<chewitt> the "box" image also has a bunch more dtb files
<chewitt> u-boot success is (mostly) all about RAM timings
<swimm3r> I will try
<chewitt> the only way to see success is via uart
<chewitt> or something booting to screen
<chewitt> the sml5442tw device is anther s905d with tuners box
<chewitt> used by for their 4k iptv box
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<swimm3r> should I rename meson-gxl-s905x-libretech-cc.dtb?
<chewitt> no, edit uEnv.ini to use the correct dtb name
<chewitt> in extlinux/extlinux.conf
<chewitt> meh.. ignore
<chewitt> edit extlinux/extlinux.conf to set the correct dtb name
<chewitt> I am half asleep
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<swimm3r> LePotato does not boot
<swimm3r> for... I use gxl_p231_1g_dvb.dtb
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<swimm3r> I'm back
<swimm3r> chewitt: I can not boot with those img
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<pragmaticenigma> swimm3r: CoreElec might be a better option as they have focused their support of Amlogic devices like LePotato platform. It's an option that this channel isn't setup to support, so you will need to bring issues over to their support channels and forums
<swimm3r> pragmaticenigma: I tried LE imgs
<swimm3r> that chewitt shared with me
<coreyfarrell> is it possible to set a maximum throttle the CPU? running libreelec 9.2.4 on raspberry pi 3.
<pragmaticenigma> swimm3r: CoreElec is a separate project, but like I said, they're specifically targeting your hardware platform
<pragmaticenigma> swimm3r: In other words, it may resolve your issues without all the tweaking and configuring that you've been going through
<swimm3r> pragmaticenigma: thank you.
<pragmaticenigma> swimm3r: It's otherwise the same KODI
<swimm3r> I'm here because I use LE on my rpis
<swimm3r> and I use also the box (s905d) because it has dvb tuners
<pragmaticenigma> Right, RPIs use a different CPU from LePotato ... KODI is just a software application, so plugins and everything else should be available. It's just the hardware support that you're in need of
<pragmaticenigma> coreyfarrell: this might help,
<swimm3r> I am just wondering, how is the partition of amlogic s905d structurated, to make the CE boot from the internal flash. now, I am forced to use an external usb stick
<swimm3r> pragmaticenigma: CE do not have an irc support, just a forum...
<pragmaticenigma> swimm3r: In the time you have taken to object to my suggestion, you could have downloaded the image, installed it, and tried it. So lets move in that direction first before worrying about how you are going to get support
<pragmaticenigma> In the 8 years I've owned and run LibreElec, I have rarely needed live support for anything. Most things I found were through the OpenElec/LibreElec forums and wiki's
<swimm3r> ok, but this is something that you can not find on forums nor wiki
<swimm3r> why are you pushing me away and shut my mouth?
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<pragmaticenigma> You're resistance to the suggestions. I learned by doing, and trying things. even if I wasn't comfortable with them in the first place. I've taken many leaps of faith over the yeras. Moving from Windows to Linux full time, changing Linux distributions several times. All required learning new skills and taking a chance something might not work on the next platform. I strongly believe in using the right tool for the job. In this
<pragmaticenigma> particular case and based on the log of this channel, it would appear that LibreElec may not be the right tool for this job. So I'm encouraging you to try another tool. Report back what you find.
<pragmaticenigma> My goal isn't to push you away swimm3r ... it's to encourage you to explore the other options that may work better for your situation. There is no harm in trying something new. See if it works or not. Right now, you don't have a working machine. You have nothing to lose by trying something else.
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<swimm3r> ok, I will try by myself
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