Hi, i had some issues with the sdcard after a power outage that broken the fs. I did reinstalled entirely LE (sky42 version to get luks support). I have setup my crypttab so that systemd cryptsetup can open my luks container, still the partition then does not mount automatically. Any idea what i'm missing ? I had it working in the past, but for some reason can't find again how i done it :/
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automatic mounting as in, after you boot and enter the encryption key or your using a keyfile?
i'm using a key
after a boot, the luks device is opened correctly automatically via cryptab and my partitin appear in /dev/mapper, but usbmount does not mount it automatically
i could use fstab, but it's read only, so i can ot. Can't remember how i done the previous time :)
maybe i edited a file for it, but i really doubt it
i was going to say fstab was how you do it, but its readonly?
on a regular debian system you'd do it with crypttab and fstab
maybe i should dig into how usbmount auto mount devices, maybe it does not lookup in /dev/mapper
yep, i read that at many places :)
systemd .mount files
and even the debian way is via systemd these days :)
ah just found: /storage/.config/system.d/cryptsetup.mount.sample
i guess it's wha i missed :)
and yeah reading the file is clearly what i needed - i remember its content :)
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mack-, dudz: Works fine now, thanks !
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Can nightlies do an OTA or do they always need a fresh install?
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