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<rtp> sim: I told you what to do, not how to do it :)
<rtp> sim: for instance, on my potato, I'm using an overlay:
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<sim> rtp: yeah sure :)
<sim> BTW, the overlay to enable I2CA (through the 40-pin 7J1 header) on La Frite is:
<sim> This may be useful to someone else
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<hexdump0815> just a little update regarding my tries to test native (i.e. not chainloaded as often usual) mainline u-boot and mainline atf on some amlogic tv boxes - i have it now working for g12a / s905x2 too
<hexdump0815> i again (like for sm1 / s905x3) had to read and take the memory timing config from the box itself to make it work
<hexdump0815> in case anyone wants to play around with it (and is aware of the rists to brick the box worst case!):
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<hexdump0815> narmstrong: repk: are you aware of a boot mode on g12a where the complete boot block is maybe encrypted? i have a g12a box where everything looks like random data and not even the usual @AML signature is around
<narmstrong> hexdump0815: it’s not documented but I assume this exists
<hexdump0815> narmstrong: repk: this is a dump of the bootblock (first empty 512 bytes stripped):
<hexdump0815> narmstrong: repk: and this is the boot log of trying to boot a regular (on other boxes working) g12a boot block from sd and failing (falling back to emmc after "SD:0;READ:0;CHK:1F" -
<hexdump0815> narmstrong: repk: so i guess it is (nearly) impossible to boot a native mainline u-boot on this box - ?
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