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<brads> Im sorry to hear about the attacks, thoughts are with france.
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<brads> jbrunet: minor issue in the yaml docuentation for dai-formats gx and upcomming axg, left-j should be left_j -,gx-sound-card.yaml?h=v5.10-rc1#n51
<brads> Im actually trying to work out why my sound channels are swapped using i2s mode so attempted left_j but this seems to mix everything to the left speaker. maybe I have my mclk-fs = <128> a bit wrong (but this would maximise the supported formats /rates for the pcm5242)
<tuxd3v> when you let extremist cultures take possession of your own countries, bad things will happen
<tuxd3v> I don't know about any recent attacks, but for what I read there seems to be there some news, that I didn't red yet..
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<brads> cool I can the channels unswapped using left_j and dai-tdm-slot-width = <16>; (rather than 32), wasn't able to try 24 as it it could not derive the clock "axg-tdm-iface audio-controller-1: can't derive sclk 2116800 from mclk 5644800" but maybe I could with different clock source
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<brads> sound is a bit off with dai-tdm-slot-width = <16> (some bits must be out of wack) but channels are correct
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* brads wonders what clock source for 24 slot
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<jbrunet> brads: left-j: you are right- feel free to submit a fix
<jbrunet> mixed channel usually means the format is not same on both side, often because of the i2s 1 clock cycle skew
<jbrunet> clock derivation: the problem is not the sources - notice the 3 PLLs:
<jbrunet> the rate are 24 * 32 * {44100, 48000, 32000) * 2^n -> so the rates from usual clock freqs can be drived
<jbrunet> your problem is mclk-fs. if you left 256 then and your slot width is 24 it won't work because 256 cannot be divided by 24
<jbrunet> mclk-fs must be slotwidth * channel count * n
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<brads> jbrunet: awsome thanks! I will do some more playing around
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