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<panioluka[m]> Hi
<panioluka[m]> This is linux amlogic group? My messages goes to irc ok? As i am writing from matrix.
<hipboi_> [Tom Cubie] Hi, panioluka, the message is receiving ok, I am reply from telegram
<panioluka[m]> Super, thanks! So be prepared for stupid questions ;)
<panioluka[m]> So i have x96 max + tv box. With s905x3 chip, i already booted archlinuxarm and armbian ok. Now i have qestion, how to flash mainline uboot?
<chewitt> the flashing part is simple
<chewitt> creating a mainline u-boot that boots on crap tv-box hardware is the challenge
<chewitt> i.e. you need the fip files for the box
<chewitt> with the right ram timings
<hipboi_> [Tom Cubie] can we get the fip files from the factory firmware?
<panioluka[m]> <chewitt "creating a mainline u-boot that "> ouch i thought bootloaders depends mostly on soc, not on hw
<chewitt> sadly not
<chewitt> esp. with tv boxes where cheap vendors use cheap ram chips
<panioluka[m]> Hm need to check what coreelec do, as it broken bootloader (now it boots only crappy android boot images instead of normal kernel and initrd)
<panioluka[m]> as corelec have kernel and rd in one android boot image
<panioluka[m]> mb some injection to bl?
<panioluka[m]> <chewitt "esp. with tv boxes where cheap v"> lol i can check what ram chips are there
<panioluka[m]> but why cant we use always low clock for ram?
<panioluka[m]> we dont need high clock of ram in bl
<chewitt> it's about correct timing data not speed
<panioluka[m]> oh
<panioluka[m]> <chewitt "it's about correct timing data n"> And one more qestion, as i came from mobile devices world, what about signature. Do bootrom check bl signature?
<chewitt> u-boot must be signed and then written to the correct sectors on boot media for the SoC to 'see' the bootloader and use it
<panioluka[m]> <chewitt "u-boot must be signed and then w"> And must be probably sigend with vendors private key, that is indeed not publicly avalible?
<chewitt> most devices do not have secure bootloaders, but some devices do (inc. some tv boxes)
<chewitt> Amlogic provides closed-source blobs for the early stages
<panioluka[m]> <chewitt "most devices do not have secure "> at least that makes me happy
<chewitt> panioluka[m] btw, I wouldn't bother with trying to get mainline u-boot directly on a tv box, you can chainload it from vendor u-boot if you're desperate
<chewitt> but it will be easier to just work with the known-working u-boot that's already installed
<panioluka[m]> <chewitt "but it will be easier to just wo"> makes sens ;)
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<panioluka[m]> going to reinstall stock rom and flash evrything agin
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<panioluka[m]> ok i have stock
<panioluka[m]> so how to boot something linux based, from sd and keep bl unchanged?
<panioluka[m]> so start from remote will work
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<chewitt> what distro do you want to run? .. what's your use-case?
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