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<chewitt> jbrunet narmstrong any further thoughts on what this could be?
<chewitt> nothing changed between 5.9.1 and 5.10-rc1
<chewitt> and reverting any additional audio things I have in my branch (apart from dts changes) makes no difference
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<brads> narmstrong jbrunet: some movement on the pins now (I was selecting pinmux for TDM_B GPIOA pins not the GPIOAO pins DOH!) now to try to get it to talk pcm5122 speak
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<brads> Success!!
<brads> It is actually a PCM5242 working with the PCM512x driver in PCM5122 mode with i2c control (registers are basically identical), the sound is really good im very impressed. Ill have to try some different clk's feequencies and see if it works best in master or slave clock mode and see what formats it will support nicely.
<brads> It is the hardkernel Hifi Shield 2 so the board has SPDIF output as well, will add that in also if I can.
<brads> I assume that mainline does not cater for overlay files being included in source as I want to make this work with an overlay, this is up to the user?
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<brads> Going to use this in my car as as a replacement audio / navigation + other features with gnone for the moment with a nice little touchscreen and most of the sofware is now complete with mainline linux, so happy with this now. Thank for all the help and development to make this work. Last part is panfrost (im using libMali for accelleration atm)
<chewitt> @brads if you grab anything with panfrost in the title from you should be good
<brads> chewitt: Thanks have already compiled your kernel and the kernel side looks good :) really appreciate your efforts there!. It is mesa-dev and packaging it for Ubuntu that is causing me problems atm
<chewitt> mesa 20.3 should be out within the next week
<chewitt> with bifrost support exposed
<brads> Yes but Ubuntu is really a pain to include it with, maybe I should try out your kodi work and see if I can incorporate gps, nagivation software (navit), SDR (DAB+), bluetooth CAN OBD & handsfree support, 2 camera's, some external gpio sensors, python, touchscreen, and of course the lovely media centre :)
<narmstrong> brads: can you share your DT ?
<chewitt> LE isn't really designed for desktop oriented things (which that sounds like)
<chewitt> although given enough time and motivation everything is possible
<chewitt> it wouldn't be the first time we're forked for something more complicated along those lines
<brads> narmstrong: it needs a bit of cleanup / checking / optimisation / improvments but im going to listen to some music first :)
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<narmstrong> brads: thx
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<chewitt> @narmstrong what's the position on overlays in the main tree?
<narmstrong> chewitt: still in discussions, no consensus yet on how to handle the extension connectors
<narmstrong> The privileged way is to load them from uboot and maintain them separately...
<chewitt> I just see that as encouraging vendors to hoard stuff in downstream repos (and extra packaging for distros)
<narmstrong> Yeah but they don’t want to maintain forever a broken solution, which is understandable
<brads> yes I can see the want to get overlays into mainline but the quality and maintenance would be a potential issue
<brads> escpecially if I was making them :)
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<brads> chewitt: Im close with ubuntu but stuggling with a media player interface I can customise for touchscreen in car, I can cusomise VLC skins in X11 but no accelleration and VLC segfaults with wayland libMali so panfost should help here :) Maybe KodiAuto on LE could be a new thing
<chewitt> Kodi has a skin called ESTouchy for finger interfaces
<brads> I might just setup an install and see what works :)
<chewitt> Kodi is rough for video on mainline still .. which I'm sure you know
<chewitt> but since audio is the game
<chewitt> not sure if there are any audio focussed skins
<brads> yes for this application I don't care much for video (it would be nice) but audio is the key, music library and radio intergration through SDR / DAB+ would be a must. GPS navigation (navit which is a litle lacking atm but will do on linux), Dashcam / reverse camera are the secondaries, followed by other widged bases displays (maybe on a smalish secondary display using spi/ gpio) and
<brads> handfree bluetooth phone.
<brads> Basically 1 app at a time and some background tasks
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