so I would recommend testing on a larger FPGA first
_florent_: Okay, thanks for testing. Could you give me your commit hash for litex as well as _any_ diffs you applied to pythondata-cpu-microwatt?
Also, I'm afraid I don't have any FOSS FPGA that's bigger LOL. Noted that microwatt is rather large
_florent_: Oh wait... I tested --cpu-variant=standard+ghdl+irq
That's was the variant that was failing an assert
cr1901_modern: yes, I also have the assertion failure with it, I'm currently looking at this
Awesome, tyvm
I'm going to pull and test your command line immediately
cr1901_modern: moving the BIOS to SPI Flash (as done on Fomu/Icebreaker) could help for this.
Sure... but I'm still surprised
_florent_: Can I run a simulation of my entire soc? I see yhe antmicro blog about it using renode for the cpu emulation amd verlator for som modules, but I am not sure how to set this up properly. Can I use lxsim entirely?
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nickoe: litex_sim is indeed a simulaton of a LiteX SoC. The default is something basic (CPU + ROM + SRAM + UART), but you can also enable Ethernet/SDRAM
shoragan: It just works.. :D I think it is mmapped
or can
or maybe I misunderstood you
nickoe, thanks, then i found the right part in the soc integration :)
_florent_: How do I specify the simulation to run my target?
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_florent_: by the way, I did successfully make the linux-on-litex-vescrisv boot the simulation. It appears to run on one core only (on the host) is that expected?
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mm, trying to follow the example and make a sim.py, but it keeps complaining that for example: TypeError: litex.soc.integration.soc_core.SoCCore.__init__() got multiple values for keyword argument 'with_uart'
I can't see where it comes from in the first place