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sb0: yosys helps me to translate verilog into a json tree
sb0: I actually gave it a try, converted verilog generated from migen into json after synth with yosys, and simulate it by simulating the primitives. works quite well
key2, if you use migen you already have a tree, and a simpler one than verilog's
sb0: not if I have imported verilog files
such as a lm32 for example
also yosys supports importing netlist directly
key2: There is an EDIF backend for migen; you could compile lm32 in yosys to EDIF, and then do the same for your migen design. But you'd have to resurrect the "mist" backend which hasn't worked for ages
Actually, wait. No that won't work, nevermind
EDIF is device-specific
what am interested in is to speed up by using GPU
Well, for the time being I'd agree its best to convert migen to verilog and then sim that.
key2: Did you sim yosys primitives on a GPU?
those are easy
Still I have trouble visualizing how to speed up calculations on a GPU which are heavy on dependencies; if you change one signal in your design, many other signals need to change in response at that immediate point in simulation time
And as always if you have combinatorial loops you're screwed
combinational* bleh (just woke up. Perhaps I should chat later)
and how are combinatorial loops a lesser problem on FPGAs?
sb0: I think they're two names for the same thing (I just reflexively correct myself when I say combinatorial)?
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I think so
how does TNT take over a week to deliver from PL to FR?
sb0: you're in FR or HK currently ?
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