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<cr1901_modern> sb0: What _is_ softusb? Is it a bitbanged USB 1.x impl using navre?
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<sb0> cr1901_modern, no, it's not bitbanged. navre has a uart-style peripheral attached. but USB involves a lot of polling and navre does that
<sb0> quantum sensing, more like 200 ways to generate a magnetic field and detect it with the zeeman shift in diamond nv centers ...
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<sb0> _florent_, has the board arrived?
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<GitHub8> [artiq] trxw commented on issue #767: We get the same error when connected to JTAG; so JTAG is not recognized.
<GitHub143> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #767: Please answer the question.
<GitHub44> [artiq] whitequark commented on issue #767: @sbourdeauducq based on the screenshot it's a permission problem, no?
<GitHub118> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #767: It could be, but the output of lsusb/dmesg would provide a clearer indication.
<GitHub6> [artiq] trxw commented on issue #767: The following outputs were given by lsusb/dmesg:...
<GitHub116> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #767: You have a USB problem; the JTAG adapter is not found at the USB level (as if the cable was disconnected). If you are using a virtual machine check that the USB device is attached to the VM. Also check the quality of your USB cables and that the USB connector is properly soldered on the KC705 JTAG circuit (I have seen a board that was shipped with a wrongly soldered connector there already). http
<GitHub191> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #767: You have a USB problem; the JTAG adapter is not found at the USB level (as if the cable was disconnected). If you are using a virtual machine check that the USB device is attached to the VM. Also check the quality of your USB cables and that the USB connector is properly soldered on the KC705 JTAG circuit (I have seen a board that was shipped with a wrongly soldered connector there already). If you a
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<GitHub148> [artiq] trxw commented on issue #767: We are using a native Linux machine, so that shouldn't be an issue. This is the JTAG connection on the board:...
<GitHub90> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #767: Looks fine. The KC705 model that had this problem used glue to attach the USB connector, it seems you have a different model....
<GitHub6> [artiq] trxw commented on issue #767: Removing the hdmi cable made it work. Thank you :)
<GitHub122> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #767: Uh, what? Where was the HDMI cable connected?
<GitHub111> [artiq] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub111> artiq/master 1e26035 whitequark: runtime: fix a bug causing sockets to get stuck in CLOSE-WAIT.
<bb-m-labs> build #707 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #518 of artiq-win64-test is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #1610 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
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<GitHub74> [artiq] jbqubit commented on issue #772: > Let's state that equal things are well synchronized but unequal things may have a deterministic latency difference of strictly less than one coarse RTIO cycle....