sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
<GitHub139> [artiq] jbqubit commented on issue #762: I didn't appreciate the magnitude of the effect of the balun on the time-domain output at 2 MHz. Thanks for the scipy.signal example. ...
<GitHub120> [artiq] jbqubit opened issue #771: sawg: sawg.offset(1.0) produces -1.0 amplitude
<GitHub41> [artiq] jbqubit commented on issue #764: Notwithstanding #765, resolved as discussed in #762.
<GitHub163> [artiq] jbqubit closed issue #764: sawg: saturation of summing junction involving offset
<GitHub131> [artiq] jbqubit commented on issue #644: Why is this now labeled ```type:for-contract```? It's a feature that was funded by NIST for ARTIQ v1.0.
<GitHub1> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #770: Note that if you use ``artiq_run``, a good part of those 2 seconds are from setuptools ( Master-run experiments are not affected.
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<GitHub29> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #644: Maintaining features takes work, especially when there are major code modifications or rewrites, like those involved in the ARTIQ-3 runtime. The test mode was not explicitly funded by NIST, it's just something that I had done mostly to have a way to access DDSes at a low-level; back then the ARTIQ-Python compiler was not as powerful and some of the DDS logic had to be done in C and built into the runti
<GitHub162> [artiq] jbqubit opened issue #772: sawg: sawg.frequency0 to sawg.frequency1 phase offset
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<GitHub178> [artiq] jbqubit opened issue #773: rtio: RTIOcollision for simultaneous events
<GitHub51> [artiq] jbqubit commented on issue #773: Other examples....
<GitHub108> [artiq] jbqubit opened issue #774: SAWG: doesn't flag RTIO sequence errors
<GitHub53> [artiq] jbqubit commented on issue #644: OK. That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. And yes, moninj is useful for those toggle tests. :)
<GitHub99> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #773: TTL devices do RTIO replace, so that e.g. ``.on()`` followed by ``.off()`` is equivalent to just ``.off()``. Following a mailing list discussion, this feature ought to be kept ( But it is enabled at the RTIO device level for all RTIO operations to that device, and cannot currently be applied to certain operations only. https:
<GitHub20> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #773: Having some filtering (e.g. per address) on what RTIO operations have ``replace`` enabled is doable, but it will take some work and increase FPGA resource usage a bit.
<GitHub176> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #773: TTL devices do RTIO replace, so that e.g. ``.on()`` followed by ``.off()`` is equivalent to just ``.off()``. Following a mailing list discussion, this feature ought to be kept ( But it is enabled at the RTIO channel level for all RTIO operations to that channel, and cannot currently be applied to certain operations only. ht
<GitHub79> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #773: Having some filtering (e.g. per address) on what RTIO operations in one channel have ``replace`` enabled is doable, but it will take some work and increase FPGA resource usage a bit.
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<mithro> So, I've seen a lot of work recently about "resetless optimisations" - I was wondering how things being resetless helps improve FPGA utilization / optimisation?
<attie> you don't need to route the reset signals, I would guess
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<mithro> Hi everyone - The 2019 talk / tutorial / miniconf proposals are now open - -- I'm thinking of putting together a miniconf for Migen / LiteX
<GitHub98> [migen] enjoy-digital pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub98> migen/master d8b55c7 Florent Kermarrec: genlib/record: replace leave_out param with keep and omit params in Record.connect...
<GitHub98> migen/master 2b063a3 Florent Kermarrec: genlib/record: add "do" to reserved_keywords
<bb-m-labs> build #159 of migen is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<GitHub146> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #765: You do get a collision error in the core log.
<GitHub46> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #771: The positive maximum of a signed integer is one less (`(1 << N - 1) - 1`) than the negative maximum (`(1 << N - 1)`). This is intrinsic and you will also find it with such fine hardware as National Instruments DACs. Currently, scaling involves multiplication with a power of two. Changing the behavior would make that calculation more expensive.
<GitHub111> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #774: The SAWG behavior is not a bug. Replacing events on those channels is supported....
<GitHub131> [artiq] jordens closed issue #774: sawg: doesn't flag RTIO sequence errors
<GitHub179> [misoc] enjoy-digital pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub179> misoc/master e205c2e Florent Kermarrec: global: replace leave_out with omit in Record.connect
<bb-m-labs> build #216 of misoc is complete: Failure [failed conda_build] Build details are at blamelist: Florent Kermarrec <>
<GitHub141> [artiq] enjoy-digital pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub141> artiq/master 2910b1b Florent Kermarrec: artiq/gateware/rtio/dma: replace leave_out with omit in Record.connect
<bb-m-labs> build #1600 of artiq is complete: Failure [failed python_unittest_1] Build details are at blamelist: Florent Kermarrec <>
<rjo> _florent_: you need to bump the migen build dependency in artiq:conda/artiq-dev/meta.yml
<bb-m-labs> build #217 of misoc is complete: Failure [failed] Build details are at
<_florent_> rjo: ok thanks, I look at ath
<_florent_> that
<bb-m-labs> build #219 of misoc is complete: Failure [failed] Build details are at
<rjo> _florent_: ... and misoc once it has built.
<bb-m-labs> build #218 of misoc is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<_florent_> rjo: probably a very stupid question, but where do I found the py_xxx I have to put on meta.yaml? (it's ok for the sha1)
<_florent_> found/find
<rjo> in the buildbot logs or at
<rjo> that buildbot url above has it as well.
<rjo> _florent_: thanks a lot for carrying the changes through!
<_florent_> rjo: no problem, I was thinking I was the only using this feature in my cores
<_florent_> rjo: and that's a good case to learn how to use the buildbot :) (thanks for the infos)
<GitHub161> [artiq] enjoy-digital pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub161> artiq/master 42476c6 Florent Kermarrec: conda: bump migen (Record.connect leave_out --> keep/omit)
<_florent_> rjo: I was expecting misoc to re-build with this ^ commit. Or do I need to do something else?
<bb-m-labs> build #695 of artiq-board is complete: Failure [failed conda_build] Build details are at blamelist: Florent Kermarrec <>
<bb-m-labs> build #1601 of artiq is complete: Failure [failed] Build details are at blamelist: Florent Kermarrec <>
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<GitHub58> [artiq] jordens pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub58> artiq/master 78d1f0f Robert Jordens: sawg: fix PhasedAccu resets
<rjo> _florent_: artiq also depends on a specific misoc verion. that also needs to be bumped. did that.
<GitHub77> [artiq] jordens pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub77> artiq/master 60809d1 Robert Jordens: conda: bump misoc (migen change)
<_florent_> rjo: yes, I was just waiting the build bot to report misoc build results. Now I see how it works, thanks.
<bb-m-labs> build #696 of artiq-board is complete: Failure [failed conda_build] Build details are at blamelist: Robert Jordens <>
<bb-m-labs> build #1602 of artiq is complete: Failure [failed] Build details are at blamelist: Robert Jordens <>
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<bb-m-labs> build #697 of artiq-board is complete: Failure [failed conda_build] Build details are at blamelist: Robert Jordens <>
<bb-m-labs> build #1603 of artiq is complete: Failure [failed] Build details are at blamelist: Robert Jordens <>
<GitHub92> [artiq] whitequark commented on issue #765: Related to #691?
<GitHub1> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #765: Yes.
<GitHub153> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #765: Yes. Thanks for digging that out.
<bb-m-labs> build #698 of artiq-board is complete: Exception [exception conda_build] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #699 of artiq-board is complete: Exception [exception conda_build] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #700 of artiq-board is complete: Exception [exception conda_build] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #701 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #512 of artiq-win64-test is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #1604 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #702 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<sb0> mithro, 2019?
<mithro> sb0: Opps, I bumped the year one to many :-P
<mithro> 2018 - beginning of next year, it's here in Sydney
<bb-m-labs> build #513 of artiq-win64-test is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #1605 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<GitHub87> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #771: The positive amplitude of a signed integer is one less (`(1 << N - 1) - 1`) than the negative amplitude (`(1 << N - 1)`). This is intrinsic and you will also find it with such fine hardware as National Instruments DACs. Currently, scaling involves just a simple multiplication with a power of two. Changing the behavior would make that calculation more expensive. You have the choice.
<GitHub0> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #771: Could the gateware have one more bit and then clip?
<GitHub12> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #771: This is not just gateware. If there was one more bit, it would make each of the four coefficients on that spline one **byte** wider, from the kernel support, all the way down into the gateware. I'd much rather change the scaling factor.
<GitHub132> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #771: Better just to leave it as is, and add an extra explanatory note in the documentation?...
<GitHub185> [artiq] jbqubit commented on issue #771: @hartytp This would result in an inconsistent API. sawg.offset has the 2**N issue but sawg.amplitude1 and sawg.amplitude2 do not. ...
<GitHub93> [artiq] jbqubit commented on issue #771: I'd be fine with a non-linear solution like the following...
<GitHub49> [artiq] jbqubit commented on issue #771: I'd be fine with a non-linear solution like the following...
<GitHub148> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #771: @jbqubit no. amplitude1/2 have the same issue. just there the scaling factor is already dense and therefore I moved the problem from "1.0" to "1.0 + epsilon" and thus "out of your zone of curiosity"....
<GitHub162> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #771: That "nonlinear" solution would be even more expensive. I'll just change the scaling factor....
<GitHub95> [artiq] jbqubit commented on issue #771: I'd be fine with applying a scaling factor as for amplitude1 and amplitude2.
<GitHub138> [artiq] jbqubit commented on issue #774: >For TTL.pulse() it is also not a bug....
<GitHub48> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #771: We can also test that the floats passed are in the range ``[-1.0;1.0[``? (or ``]-1.0;1.0[`` if it makes it easier to test with any applicable bit twiddling hack)
<GitHub42> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #771: I don't think testing will help. It does give the user some error message. But it is more expensive than changing the scaling factor and it fails as soon as someone becomes curious and expects those tests to be applied to the spline outputs as well.
<GitHub10> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #774: @jordens This issue is about sequence errors (non-increasing timestamps on the same channel), not collisions/replacements.
<GitHub36> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #774: @jbqubit `ttl.pulse()` are two events. `sawg.smooth()` is one event. With one event you can only ever get a replacement or a collision. With two events you can also get sequence errors. you can not compare those two cases....
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<GitHub18> [artiq] jordens pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub46> [artiq] jordens closed issue #772: sawg: sawg.frequency0 to sawg.frequency1 phase offset
<GitHub18> artiq/master 8e0a1cb Robert Jordens: sawg: advance dds 1/2 by one sample group...
<GitHub18> artiq/master 91ca9fb Robert Jordens: sawg: also give offset some headroom...
<GitHub65> [artiq] jordens closed issue #771: sawg: sawg.offset(1.0) produces -1.0 amplitude
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<bb-m-labs> build #703 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #514 of artiq-win64-test is complete: Warnings [warnings python_unittest] Build details are at blamelist: Robert Jordens <>
<bb-m-labs> build #1606 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<GitHub137> [artiq] sbourdeauducq closed issue #767: Help with KC705 board
<GitHub164> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #772: Na. That's not a solution. I'll revert it....
<GitHub130> [artiq] jordens pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub130> artiq/master 2f1029c Robert Jordens: Revert "sawg: advance dds 1/2 by one sample group"...
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<bb-m-labs> build #704 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #515 of artiq-win64-test is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #1607 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<GitHub62> [ionpak] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub62> ionpak/master 2ac07d7 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: add logo
<GitHub62> ionpak/master 1444882 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: update errata
<GitHub196> [ionpak] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub196> ionpak/master d0889ed Sebastien Bourdeauducq: README: use logo
<GitHub104> [ionpak] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub104> ionpak/master 23ba68b Sebastien Bourdeauducq: Revert "README: use logo"...
<GitHub154> [ionpak] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub154> ionpak/master 13f614f Sebastien Bourdeauducq: add mechanical drawings
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<GitHub195> [artiq] whitequark pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub195> artiq/master 7a5fbc1 whitequark: devtool: forward port 1383 (moninj).
<GitHub195> artiq/master 4e5ea1b whitequark: dashboard: fix a crash touching moninj without a connection.
<GitHub128> [artiq] whitequark closed issue #301: detect dark color theme and color log appropriately
<GitHub100> [artiq] whitequark commented on issue #301: This no longer annoys me and I couldn't come up with a better set of log colors anyway.
<bb-m-labs> build #705 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #516 of artiq-win64-test is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #1608 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<GitHub195> [smoltcp] whitequark pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub195> smoltcp/master 6bb9200 whitequark: Annotate all simple getters with #[inline].
<GitHub195> smoltcp/master 5dfc861 whitequark: Remove *Socket::{process,dispatch} from public interface....
<GitHub195> smoltcp/master a15bc81 whitequark: In {Tcp,Udp}Socket::process, make protocol check an assertion....
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#140 (master - 6bb9200 : whitequark): The build passed.
<GitHub63> [artiq] whitequark pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub63> artiq/master 86c027e whitequark: artiq_flash: don't require binaries to merely restart FPGA.
<GitHub63> artiq/master ee1d5db whitequark: runtime: allow a much larger log buffer and avoid hacks.
<GitHub63> artiq/master 3ab8a4d whitequark: aqctl_corelog: add missing script definition to
<bb-m-labs> build #706 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #517 of artiq-win64-test is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #1609 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
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