<lekernel_> juliusb, no, I do not have any UK trip planned
<johnnyhah> someone complile llhdl successfully?
<wolfspraul> johnnyhah: I would think lekernel_ was the last, and maybe only (?) person to build and use it?
<johnnyhah> sigh
<wolfspraul> yeah well
<wolfspraul> pioneer land
<wolfspraul> don't give up when you sail into uncharted territory :-)
<johnnyhah> i have try it under cygwin and ubuntu,but always fail
<kristianpaul> dance-directed?
<kristianpaul> sure it _is_ posible but i wonder if M1's main feature
<kristianpaul> also high performance bsd  tcp/ip stack even when max posible trougput is no more than 1MB/s? (if i remenber well) :-)
<kristianpaul> ahhh sorry
<kristianpaul> thats for rtems in general ;)
<kristianpaul> wow, that conductive silver ink video from  lekernel_ blog very nice, now azonenberg have some video guidelines to follow later too ;-)
<lekernel_> making nice videos like that is a _lot_ of work
<kristianpaul> i know, jsut kidding  but is really nice video still !
<wolfspraul> which video?
<lekernel_> it can be a reasonable choice to focus on the technical qualities of your project instead. this conductive silver ink thing has both good technical background and video, but it's more the exception than the rule
<wpwrak> fun video. and it sounds at if she's about to start laughing while explaining all the lab process :)
<rigid> this is one of the best chemist-tutorial i've seen
<rigid> how hard would it be to compile flickernoise on linux (as shell app) to output some raw RGB values (to feed into SDL for example)?
<rigid> without the GUI
<lekernel_> needs a bit of work, it makes a lot of RTEMS calls
<lekernel_> you can use QEMU though
<rigid> ah
<rigid> well, i'd like to feed the output to LEDs
<rigid> so qemu is not an option for productive use... but i'll have a look at the source
<lekernel_> get a M1 and connects the LEDs to it :)
<rigid> what's an M1?
<rigid> ah, the milkymist hardware?
<rigid> yeah... that would be obvious.
<rigid> can you select different output-resolutions? e.g. scaling everything on a 800x600 VGA output to 64x64 pixels in the upper-left corner...?
<rigid> lotsa LED setups work like that
<lekernel_> sounds feasible, yes :)
<lekernel_> actually you could perhaps render everything in 64x64 right away
<lekernel> there's one DMX output on the M1, which you could connect directly to the LED panel. if you need more universes, you can add up to 12 extra ones via the expansion connector and a little hw hack
<lekernel> then you'd need some software mods... which we can help with