[nmigen] porglezomp opened issue #316: Case pattern syntax improvement - https://git.io/JvGOA
whitequark: is there a way i can cause nmigen to evaluate an expression / propagate constants? i am running a Python function over a list of Consts and what i get back looks basically like Lisp code
mm also printing as hex would be useful
awygle: hmm
you could (ab)use the simulator
it's not very ergonomic though
how would i do that?
just like... assign the Consts to Signals and lookat them in GTKWave?
[nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #316: Case pattern syntax improvement - https://git.io/JvGZR
spose that works lol
you're right about the ergonomics tho. want i should open an enhancement request? seems like a useful capability to have although idk how difficult it'd be to implement
[nmigen] porglezomp commented on issue #316: Case pattern syntax improvement - https://git.io/JvGZy
how can i do math on Consts without them changing in width?
i want the wrapping behavior of a 4-bit value
but every time i add two together the width increases by 1
mm, i made this work by putting .part(0, 4) after every math operation...
awygle: i actually meant using the internals of pysim
which has a nmigen-to-python compiler
but yeah
re consts: .part(0, 4) does work but it's an overly complex way to say [:4]
huh, thought you couldn't slice values. guess that only applies to non-consts?
the default is that width is truncated only on assignment, i.e. intermediate results are "infinite width" (or rather, extended as needed)
you *can* slice any value
it's literally defined on ast.Value
you can't slice Python numbers, since, well, Python numbers.
Value.cast(12345)[:4] works
though it's sort of verbose
Const(12345)[:4] works and is less verbose
i'm not sure if there's a good way to add opt-in wrapping arithmetics. it's not even elegant in haskell
it's inelegant in different ways there.
i think this is fine, i just had to figure it out
probably what i'll do is let it expand and then at the end do something like map(lambda x: x.part(0, 4), consts)
that works *if* it's safe to let it expand
Should be in this case
I think
I'll double check tomorrow after sleep and caffeine....
_whitelogger has joined #nmigen
You think? Seems like I'd be just as likely to have bugs in the spec
Unless I could do formal comparison against a known working C or Python implementation, which would be cool
awygle: I mean, comparison of a dumb approahc that stuffs [:4] after every operation
and a "smart" one which only does it at the end
Ah, yes, fair enough
Cross language formal would be cool though.... Must be some prior art there
you really don't want your specification language to be either "unmodified C" or "unmodified Python" for reasons that are hopefully obvious
(also, please don't use .part() for constant index slicing, if you use it on LHS to get n bits out of an m-bit signal it generates an m-n input mux)
(er, on RHS, on LHS it generates even more logic)
Duly noted
it'll work just fine (well, .part is deprecated, it's .bit_select now, but other than that) but it just hurts to see, like heap allocating nine individual floats for a matrix
[nmigen/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±4] https://git.io/JvGCi
[nmigen/nmigen] whitequark dfcf793 - hdl.{ast,dsl}: allow whitespace in bit patterns.