I like the general (just make all the index pointers wide enough that they won't overflow in the life-age of the universe and then mask off the top of 'em to find the slice you're looking for, and you have a nice async queue that's super readable)
that is elegant indeed, particularly the way it decays to the natural pot ring buffer
(i got to line 74 before i figured out what the difference was)
ktemkin: the thing is i'm really low on RAM there so i really want NPOT queues
and i also want addition to be cheap and atomic
this problem still exists even on cortex-m!
m3 only gives you 32-bit atomics which are small, and m0 doesn't even have that
especially since all the extra bits are compile-time constants
you pick up a single extra branch
yep :D
afaik i'm the first one to publicly document one
though i guess it should get a lab note or something to make it searchable properly
(or like, a cmov or something i guess)
i wonder if there's an unconditional formulation....
(I wasn't suggesting applicability for a use case as much as leading to they're polar opposite types of elegance; but apparently I can't string two sentences together without being distracted)
this is the problem with multi-monitor setups sometimes; I can start typing a message about $A and then wind up distracted by reading $A on the other monitor between sentences
truth. i "solved" this by keeping text on my two side monitors small until i need to read it.
part of my problem is that my work area looks like this:
it's an infinite collection of distractions
and everything's off in that picture because I'm sitting across the room on a laptop because I haven't even made my way over there yet today >.>
gah, now i'm branch golfing wq's q
oh gods: it's 2020 and I'm considering running an nMigen design on a Cyclone 4; someone bring me to my senses
hmm, why not cyclone 3? :p
cuz I’m only five years late to doing bring up on this lil board:
it's kinda cute, despite the weird USB routing
the engineer who in theory assembles our prototypes put one of those on my desk like a year ago and was like "I put all these together years ago and no one ever even touched 'em"
(I say in theory because I'm too impatient to give a project to someone else and then -wait- for it to be soldered)
one of the great joys of the latter half of my 20s has been realizing i don't have to solder shit myself, i can pay somebody to do it for me
i find microsoldering, especially on ancient, barely laminated PCBs strangely calming
you have a device from 1998 with a fine pitch QFP and it has no testpoints? that is EXACTLY the thing i love
and i am very glad people who feel that way exist :)
but i really don't have patience for modern SMT assembly with 0402s
ironically, i feel like i don't have the hand dexterity, whereas this is clearly not the case based on the above
[nmigen-boards] whitequark commented on pull request #48: Add Alchitry Au board definition - https://git.io/JvcEo
can't debug my internal logic analyzer because my internal logic analyzer is broken :(
do i have to like... set up the clock somehow? that should just be in the board file, right?
if the clock domain is automatically created, it's done so with the board's default clock
(e.g. if you just use sync without explicitly instantiating a ClockDomain for it)
I don't think the ClockSignal is created if you create the clock domain yourself; lemme look
yeah, it's done in `create_missing_domain`
persistence of vision is a bitch
my blinky didn't seem to be working, because it's _totally invisible_ until you go up to a timer of at least 21 bits (naturally the example uses.... 20)
led going too fast?
like i can't even tell that it's dimmed, which is what i expected
lol, yeah
well there goes the "something's wrong with the clock" theory of why this ILA doesn't work
zignig has joined #nmigen
levi has joined #nmigen
peteut has joined #nmigen
[nmigen] mszep opened issue #318: pysim: Throw Error or Warning on writing to non-port variable - https://git.io/Jvc6I
[nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #318: pysim: Throw Error or Warning on writing to non-port variable - https://git.io/Jvc63
[nmigen-soc] jfng commented on pull request #7: Add support for extending the address space of a memory map - https://git.io/Jvc1r
[nmigen-soc] whitequark commented on pull request #7: Add support for extending the address space of a memory map - https://git.io/JvcMm
[nmigen-soc] jfng synchronize pull request #7: Add support for extending the address space of a memory map - https://git.io/Jvn3T
[nmigen-soc] codecov[bot] edited a comment on pull request #7: Add support for extending the address space of a memory map - https://git.io/Jvn3L
[nmigen-soc] codecov[bot] edited a comment on pull request #7: Add support for extending the address space of a memory map - https://git.io/Jvn3L
[nmigen-soc] jfng synchronize pull request #7: Add support for extending the address space of a memory map - https://git.io/Jvn3T
[nmigen-soc] codecov[bot] edited a comment on pull request #7: Add support for extending the address space of a memory map - https://git.io/Jvn3L
[nmigen-soc] codecov[bot] edited a comment on pull request #7: Add support for extending the address space of a memory map - https://git.io/Jvn3L
is a nmigen sync design supposed to be fully deterministic?
lemme be 100% sure but it looks like my current sim isn't
if you have one clock domain and no combinatorial loops, then i think every design will be fully deterministic so long as it passes timing
oh, sim!
sim should be always deterministic
even if you have really weird code
I may have some other mistakes, so let me be 100% sure
ok so, it's a transition timing issue, entirely my fault as far as I can tell
cir is col, you can see there's a one sync delay between ca changing and ci3 changing
ci3 is col that is
pushed the code in that exact state
lower down in the log I can actually see that the top bits of ci3 follow ca while the bottom bits, the ones coming from the rom, are delayed by one sync
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(feeling like I'm the first external person really shaking cxxrtl. Not a problem, someone has to be it :-)
Sarayan: try using the "more compatible" code
as it happens, I am using it
overdrive.p_clk.next = value<1>{1u};
overdrive.p_clk.next = value<1>{0u};
try -O0
since the previous problems, I didn't want to have that being the cause of, well, anything