Lofty changed the topic of #prjmistral to: Project Mistral: Yosys (and hopefully nextpnr) on Cyclone FPGAs - - logs:
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<hansfbaier> Lofty I have a de0_nano and a terasic sockit (Cyclone V). I would like getting into reversing bitstreams and help with the symbiflow project
<Lofty> So, uh, a few things
<hansfbaier> Lofty I am still kind of a n00b with FPGAs
<Lofty> 1) we're actually pretty far with Cyclone V, but we're keeping it under wraps so we don't become a victim of our own hype
<hansfbaier> Yes, I would really like to get more use out of my SoCKit
<hansfbaier> It has been sitting in the box for too long
<Lofty> 2) it turns out you don't really need to bother going the long and painful route of reverse-engineering the bitstream in the case of Quartus
<Lofty> There's an undocumented option that just dumps the databases as ASCII
<hansfbaier> Wow, cool!
<Lofty> 3) Project Mistral...isn't really a Symbiflow project. We've mostly tried to keep the team small because it means less overhead communicating things, but we still try to sync up
<Lofty> That being said, I think you mentioned you had a Cyclone IV?
<Lofty> The Cyclone IV's up for grabs, though it's quite different to the V
<hansfbaier> Yes a de0_nano and a WaveShare EP4CE10 board
<Lofty> What you'll probably learn is that Intel/Altera are an incredibly lazy company
<Lofty> You've seen all the Cyclone V SKUs, right?
<hansfbaier> SKU = part numbers?
<Lofty> Yeah
<Lofty> Stock-keeping unit
<hansfbaier> Ah
<hansfbaier> What is the deal about their SKUs?
<Lofty> Like, the DE10-Nano has a 5CSEBA6 part.
<Lofty> That's an se120b model
<Lofty> *se120b_v
<Lofty> But if you have 90k-LE unit (I think that's 5CSEBA5), you can unlock it to 120k-LEs
<hansfbaier> Ooooooooooh
<hansfbaier> That. Is. Nice.
<Lofty> There are seven Cyclone V dies
<Lofty> If you know the die for a model, you can potentially unlock it up to the maximum for that die
<hansfbaier> I really would like to play with Cyclone V a little, to get acquainted with the code and the process and to have something to imitate, for starters
<Lofty> So, uh
<Lofty> Do you mean the bitstream code? (which is very WIP)
<Lofty> Or the synthesis/programming flow?
<hansfbaier> I thought bitstreams might be easier, because low level
<Lofty> Hah. hah. hah.
<Lofty> Yeah, uh
<hansfbaier> Also I can learn more about the smallest building blocks
<hansfbaier> Mi mind is wired in a bottom up way
<Lofty> What's your GitHub username?
<hansfbaier> hasnsfbaier
<hansfbaier> hansfbaier
<hansfbaier> sorry typo
<Lofty> Check your email.
<hansfbaier> Thanks!
<hansfbaier> Let me see... The SoCKit has a 5CSXFC6DF3
<hansfbaier> They say it's 114k LUTs
<hansfbaier> DF31
<Lofty> That seems like an sx120f die
<Lofty> So, no joy there
<hansfbaier> Ah it is already maxed out
<Lofty> Yeah
<hansfbaier> So, what would be something useful I could do?
<Lofty> hansfbaier: Have you seen my attosoc demo?
<hansfbaier> Lofty: Where can I find it?
<Lofty> This uses my Yosys frontend - synth_intel_alm - to synthesise a simple demo program for the DE10-Nano
<Lofty> And then uses Quartus for PnR
<Lofty> Because we don't have PnR yet
<hansfbaier> Ah thanks. Google did not give me anything useful
<Lofty> I guess the biggest thing is that I'm not confident enough in my front-end
<Lofty> There are missing IP library cells
<Lofty> Which need to be added
<Lofty> RAM initialisation is also something I need to consider
* hansfbaier installs yosys
<hansfbaier> Lofty: from what google tells me, it looks like synth_intel_alm is already upstream in yosys?
* hansfbaier gets some food
<Lofty> hansfbaier: has been for a good while, yeah
<Lofty> But you'll want to build from Git
<hansfbaier> Yes
<hansfbaier> Lofty: I am following the getting started instructions from the symbiflow website
<Lofty> Mhm
<Lofty> Don't bother
<Lofty> They don't do anything for the Intel flow
<hansfbaier> But their setup script (make env) seems to install a lot of required dependencies
<Lofty> They're required
<Lofty> for Xilinx
<Lofty> And useless to Intel
<Lofty> (this is one of the reasons why I mentioned that Mistral is not a SymbiFlow project)
<hansfbaier> Lofty: So directly install from yosys github?
<Lofty> Yes.
<hansfbaier> Lofty: Do you think it is a good idea to get an ECP5-board for getting started with the toolchain? (The colorlight board is ridiculously cheap, but I have to beware of gear acquisition syndrome...)
<Lofty> hansfbaier: yeah, the ECP5 is very well supported
<hansfbaier> Lofty: How do the mistral and the mistral-cyclonev repositories relate to each other?
<hansfbaier> The cyclonev one seems to be MUCH bigger
<hansfbaier> And the mistral one has some rust code... Cool! I always wanted to play with rust
<Lofty> hansfbaier: I started off with mistral, Sarayan went off and did his own thing, I decided to leave him to it
<Lofty> Heh. The fuzzers I wrote were.. eccentric
<Lofty> More or less using bash scripts to map work, and then Rust to analyze it
<hansfbaier> Will nexpnr or ypr be used for PnR on intel/altera?
<hansfbaier> Lofty: s/nexpnr/nextpnr/
<Lofty> nextpnr
<hansfbaier> vpr
<hansfbaier> cool
<Lofty> If you want VPR you can use Quartus tbh
<Lofty> I'm not joking
<Lofty> Quartus' PnR is a very heavily modified VPR
<hansfbaier> Yes that is what I've heard
<hansfbaier> In Mithro's talk
<mithro> VPR is the "grandfather" of Quartus II
<mithro> VPR -> RightTrack CAD -> Quartus II
<hansfbaier> I just ran intel-yosys-attosoc-demo and it succefully produced a .sof file
<hansfbaier> Lofty: ^
<Lofty> Yay
<Lofty> And there's also a quartus_pgm line in the script to program it
<Lofty> But you probably want to change the pin settings if you haven't already
<hansfbaier> Lofty: Yes, different board
<hansfbaier> I just was curious if it compiled
<hansfbaier> yosys/examples/intel/DE2i-150/ seems to be outdated
<hansfbaier> Error (288000): Verilog Quartus Mapping File contains a syntax error -- stopping at "7'b1111000" File: /home/jack/HDL/yosys/examples/intel/DE2i-150/top.vqm Line: 332
<hansfbaier> Lofty: just programmed the adapted attosoc.sof, and behold, it blinketh!
<hansfbaier> Lofty: Thank for the help, now I have enough to dig into!
hansfbaier has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Sarayan> Fuck, my quartus has stopped working
<Sarayan> yay, managed to make it run again
<Sarayan> wow, 425 models
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