<qwebirc79405> Hey everone, new nanonote user.  Updated the firmware and now it boots to gmenu2x how  do I  get back to the command line or stop gmenu from booting at start
<vegyraupe> qwebirc79405: hey, try ctrl+alt+f1
<vegyraupe> that shoudl get you a console
<vegyraupe> maybe ctrl+alt+f2
<vegyraupe> let me check the file you'll need to change
<qwebirc79405> ctrh alt f1 worked
<qwebirc79405> gosh can't hit the keys straight
<qwebirc79405> Thank you
<qwebirc79405> Been trying all day
<vegyraupe> heh ok
<vegyraupe> and in /etc/rc.d/S99start you will find gmenu being started
<vegyraupe> you can either remove the file completely
<vegyraupe> or comment out /usr/bin/gmenu2x with a leading #
<qwebirc79405> thx for tip will comment out
<vegyraupe> qwebirc79405: no prob :)
<vegyraupe> I will add it to the wiki right away :)
<vegyraupe> tuxbrain: morning, what is ur nick on the wiki?
<zear> larsc, i think going up a dir in gmenu2x is still broken
<zear> unless the version of gmenu2x in the latest image isn't the one with applied patches
<larsc> zear: it's not in the image
<zear> ah
<zear> btw, i don't know who is responsible for the image, but you can easily add gmenu2x entries for "console" and "poweroff", "reboot"
<zear> i'd like to find such entries preinstalled with the image
<larsc> zear: send a patch
<zear> larsc, first i'd need to have a newest version of gmenu2x installed
<zear> the one with the fixes
<zear> is it easy enough to compile with owrt?
<larsc> yes
<larsc> edit feeds/qi/gmenu2x/Makefile
<kristianpaul> ls
<larsc> and set PKG_REV to HEAD
<larsc> then you'll get the latest version
<zear> larsc, i must have an outdated version of owrt as i don't have the ./feeds/qi dir
<larsc> zear: what is in your feeds.conf?
<zear> actually, i don't have one
<zear> i only have feeds.conf.default
<larsc> ah ok
<larsc> cp feeds.conf.default feeds.conf
<zear> now do scripts/feeds update and i'll have the qi dir?
<darfgarf> attempting to do an ipkg of nupdf, what's the best place to have it install to (on the nanonote)
<larsc> zear: if there is an qi entry in feeds.conf, then yes
<zear> larsc, i copied feeds.conf.default to feeds.conf, then ran scripts/feeds update and scripts/feeds install -a and i still don't have ./feeds/qi dir
<larsc> darfgarf: /usr/bin/
<zear> larsc, oh, there is not
<darfgarf> larsc, is it ok to have the data folder there aswell?
<darfgarf> as i've done it to be self contained, as that's easier for the dingoo
<zear> darfgarf, that's the reason i hate the "linux" way of storing the data on embedded devices
<darfgarf> yes, spreads out all over the place
<larsc> darfgarf: data is /usr/share
<larsc> zear: do you have openwrt from openwrt.org or qi-hardware.org?
<zear> larsc, git clone git://projects.qi-hardware.com/openwrt-xburst.git
<zear> though it's about a month old
<larsc> zear: git checkout xburst
<zear> larsc, i need to do it inside the openwrt-xburst dir?
<larsc> yes
<zear> error: pathspec 'xburst' did not match any file(s) known to git.
<larsc> ah, sorry
<larsc> origin/xburst
<zear> Note: moving to "origin/xburst" which isn't a local branch
<zear> i understand that is safe?
<zear> i still don't have the ./feeds/qi dir
<larsc> yes
<larsc> now you need to copy feeds.conf.default and run feeds/scripts update
<darfgarf> how do you disable gmenu form launching? much prefer the terminal as i mostly do program testing/etc
<darfgarf> thanks
<zear> np
<darfgarf> and how do we install ipkg's to the nn? doesn't have ipkg at all it seems
<larsc> zear: i hope it works, have to go now
<zear> larsc, nope, doesnt :)
<zedstar> opkg install ....
<darfgarf> ah, what architecture does it want in the ipkg? and kmod-sound-soc....list + directfb.list aren't found
<zedstar> i just ignore those errors or touch the files and it goes away :)
<darfgarf> right, that's those covered then, so what should the architecture be in the control file?
<zedstar> u making this by hand or something?
<darfgarf> packaging the binary into one
<darfgarf> so yeah, pretty much
<zedstar> not sure but could look inside one built through openwrt to see what it says
<darfgarf> don't think so, it removes the control file when it packages it up, just for ipkg-build
<zedstar> Architecture: xburst
<darfgarf> trying it righ tnow, i just assumed it would accept mipsel
<zedstar> the control file was inside package
<darfgarf> really? because when it's being packaged it removes it
<darfgarf> or at least says it does...
<zedstar> yeh was control.tar.gz one of the 3 files untarrred
<darfgarf> odd, it's still giving the missing .list errors, yet they exist
<darfgarf> think i might update first :D
<kristianpaul> Miro around?
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: hey
<kristianpaul> the ubifs guy
<xiangfu> kristianpaul, hi
<kristianpaul> i was reading http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Ubifs
<kristianpaul> so i can do ubifs the 1700MB of remaining NAND and then add it to shole filesystem=
<kristianpaul> ?
<xiangfu> yes. we can do ubifs on the 1700MB nand.
<kristianpaul> how?
<xiangfu> ubiformat /dev/mtd3 -y
<xiangfu> ubiattach /dev/ubi_ctrl -m 3
<xiangfu> ubimkvol /dev/ubi1 -s 1730MiB -N data
<xiangfu> mkdir /data
<xiangfu> mount -t ubifs ubi1:data /data/
<kristianpaul> but i need do mount at boot time with a script or i can tell kernel use it?
<kristianpaul> actually thats the quetiona i want to make :)
<kristianpaul> or at least i way after every system upgrade i dont have to coy scripts again
<xiangfu> I am not find a method let "/etc/fstab" auto mount ubifs now. :-(
<kristianpaul> :/
<kristianpaul> well i'll keep using the script at initd
<xiangfu> kristianpaul, I will keep searching the method :-)
<kristianpaul> script !
<kristianpaul> but will reduce startup time
<kristianpaul> may be i need find how how to laucn gmenu and the same time i mount the /data
<xiangfu> launch gmenu is at /etc/init.d/start
<kristianpaul> yeah i replaced with a script that mounts and then lucnh gmenu2x
<xiangfu> great
<heow> Afternoon guys.  Anyone get Debian running on the NN?   Followed the directions here http://pyneo.org/howto/debian/nano.html  it starts to boot but won't complete.
<kristianpaul> try again
<kristianpaul> i had the sample problem
<kristianpaul> no luck yet but i was told to try again
<kristianpaul> it dint work at first
<heow> Cool, will give it another wack, thanks!
<kristianpaul> but it works
<kristianpaul> jsut dont desesperate
<kristianpaul> as may be id did :(
<kristianpaul> s/id/i
<heow> :-)
<tuxsmouf> thanks for the link. I'm gonna try to install debian too :)
<heow> Well, now it's booting as soon as I plug it in, it's not waiting for the power button.
<kristianpaul> are you plugging to usb directky?
<kristianpaul> or already placed battery?
<heow> Yup
<kristianpaul> it happens if ^
<heow> Removed battery, plug it into USB (direct to laptop) and it boots.   Well, tries to boot, get's stuck with a blank screen
<kristianpaul> yeah that black screen happens to me
<heow> What the hell.  Ok, now it just stopped autobooting and I'm back to usbboot.
<kristianpaul> tuxbrain: ping
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: gpio-charger: exit should be in __exit section. http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/b3eaf21
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: jz4740-fb: init and exit should be static http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/228e339
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: jz4740-adc: Add missing __devexit_p http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/7da4da3
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: jz4740-udc: probe and remove should be in __dev{init,exit} sections http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/0c14655
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: jz-mmc: remove should be in __devexit section http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/14ac3b0
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: jz4740-battery: probe and remove function should be in __dev{init,exit} sections. http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/8e1c092
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: jz4740-fb: Fix clock error checking in probe. http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/838ee54