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you've gotta love it when you send in a satisfying 'delete large swaths of code' patch, and the linter tells you you should delete more :P
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I was like "aw, the error count went up not down" and then realized it was all "is not used" errors.
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I think I need to like, actually test the install flow for myself again a bit. It's been so long since I've laid eyes on it. Since we're gonna need to update docs.
The CLI stuff looked pretty straightforward. Three commands, only two of which you need for Sandcats, I think.
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So I decided to try to debug the upload problems with davros, but I can't even get it to build. There seems to be an 'npm install' step missing from the build scripts, but when I try to run that within the vm, I get errors about some missing files. Has anyone else had any luck?
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What the heck is ember-cli-vagrant-spk?
Did you read the readme stuff? I usually just assume a vagrant-spk app builds itself but perhaps look at that stuff?
Apparently he has some custom way to launch vagrant-spk dev.