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I'm not sure I think I really want to label this as "best practice" -- tighter integration would be better. i.e.
Rather than TTRSS prompting the user for a feed URL and then asking sandstorm for that URL, it should just ask sandstorm for a feed URL. That way the user only gets one prompt for the same information, and the permissions check is implicit.
So this is kindof a concession to the fact that we're porting a legacy app.
Still, good to have more example code out there.
And I'm a little stumped on the bug I mentioned for now. So hopefully I'll figure that out soonish, but hard to say exactly when I'll be able to pull the trigger on this.
Aha, there's an update daemon you need to run.
I mean, I think a lot of people want to port apps and then get stuck without a good way forward.
Yeah. I think it will be useful for porting legacy apps that need to grab arbitrary URLs.
I like Sandstorm native apps better when we have them, but we're not big enough to support a lot of us-specific apps.
Ok, it does work now, though it's a bit wonky because it doesn't seem to pull in articles immediately, waiting until the next update cycle in the background daemon.
Also, when it goes looking for a favicon it generates like 5 requests, which is annoying as heck.
I'm going to put together an spk so other folks can play with it though.
Ah, I tried to work around that in a more complex way. That's much more straightforward.
Ok, take 2: updated the filedrop grain
works! after half a dozen powerbox requests.
even without your slash patch, in the case of ttrss forum.
Yeah, depends on the URL. for my blog adding a / to the end of rss.xml gives you a 404.
I should tweak it to block for a bit rather than return an error immediately if a request comes in and there's no way to send a pb request yet.
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In rpc-twoparty.capnp, comments imply that there might exist a C++ proxy for Capn Proto RPC which is generic over two-party connections. Are there example proxies that one can look at?
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afaik there is no such proxy
No worries. Thanks.
If you're referring to what I think you are, the comments are basically saying, once you have one level 3 implementation, you can use it to bridge level <2 implementations to an N-party network by writing a proxy. But there are no level 3 implementations out there.
That said, proxying between to connections is fairly trivial; you just establish two connections and you can start passing objects between them; it kinda just works.
I'm not sure what you mean by "generic over?"
Like, working with any two-party implementation. This all makes sense.
Ah. If you're interested in general examples of code that proxies, there are a bunch in the sandstorm codebase. sandstorm-http-bridge is not a bad one to look at, as it's fairly self-contained.
But, like I said, it kinda "just works"
If you're interested in the other halves of the conversation, in #monte I'm working on getting LeveL 0 to actually go, and in #erights we're discussing the design of CapTP.
I was reading rpc-twoparty.capnp and wondering what stuff in the wider ecosystem might already be compatible.
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