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isd: your recent change to add `->stream` to util.capnp breaks the build of apps which (like gitwebpages) use capnp 0.7 to build binaries against /opt/sandstorm/latest . do i have to build capnp from source as part of my VM setup now?
or should i stop using /opt/sandstorm/latest and pin my setup to a particular sandstorm release?
As a quick fix you could just revert the change I made the schema. Upgrading to capnp 0.8 is the longer-term fix.
(probably also not that hard)
any plans to release capnp 0.8 to buster? who maintains it anyway?
Now I'm wondering why the feature was added with new syntax, as opposed to just an anotation; that would have allowed this to not be a breaking change.
(looks like Tom Lee maintains it for debian, and 0.8 is in experimental currently)
No idea who maintains the debian package. But I think they don't typically do feature release bumps
(except for testing/unstable that is)
Probably the expedient thing is to just patch out the -> stream when building with old capnp
tangentially related: my makefile runs `pkg-config capnp-rpc --cflags --libs` , and with 0.7.0 installed, this does not print `-lpthread` , even though /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkj.a and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ have pthread dependencies in them. Is this something I should take up with Tom Lee too? (also very possible i have just borked my VM up badly)
On arch I get: -pthread -lcapnp-rpc -lcapnp -lkj-async -lkj -pthread