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No, but that's not a blocker as it wouldn't be a regression. Though I plan on it.
Good news is that it doesn't seem to be prohibitively annoying to do a separate request per URL (as opposed to per host).
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https works. Still hunting down a bug where it doesn't actually pull stuff in on the first go; you have to do debug feed -> force refresh
I'm confused about per url vs. per host...
Is it asking about each individual article?
ocdtrekkie: It's asking for each distinct URL ttrss tries to fetch.
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But it does not appear that ttrss actually tries to fetch the upstream articles, at least from the web UI; the short version is included in the feed which is one request, and if you click to open the article it pops out in a new window and just has you visit the article directly.
<isd> it only actually needs to make one request once it's worked out the feed URL.
I am curious how well that will work when you try a feed like Kotaku which embeds images.
Have a few images in the feed I tried. It looks like the server doesn't actually download them, the web UI just links to them direction in the page it renders
Ah, so the client side loophole.
Fine for now, I guess then.
I wonder if we can detect missing images via CSP's reporting mechanism, and then display a banner "images have been blocked for your privacy. [load images]" like you see in email clients that support HTML...
(The [load images] button would cause the page to refersh with a loosened CSP)
As far as I can tell there's no way for a server to tell the browser to block webrtc though.
I'm not sure the kind of isolation we were going for is actually even possible with modern browsers as they stand...
Can we like block client-side loading and then have the server load them through the Powerbox and serve them? Without requiring an app be rewritten from scratch?
I mean, otherwise we just detect Chrome and warn people that they should switch a browser with tracking protection. Which is literally every browser not made by an ad company.
Like, the stuff I used to have to depend on Privacy Badger for is mostly now just... standard behavior for browsers by responsible developers.
If we have the server load them we somehow have to rewrite the client-side html to point to the right URLs.
I think the CSP solution I outlined is more promising in terms of compatibility.
Seems reasonable.
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I love the idea of CSP reporting looping back and causing a UI update.
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So, realization: TTRSS ships with a couple "example feeds" already subscribed to. This means it's going to need to prompt for access to those immediately on first run, which is kinda annoying.
It is not doing this now, presumably because of the bug I mentioned above, but once I fix that it will become a problem.
What if that were changed to a first-time onboarding experience that could be skipped?
"Would you like a demo? [Add an example feed] [Skip]"
(I'd *love* a way to say "I know this app and don't need sample content" especially for things like Davros.)
I wonder if ttrss has a config option for this.
That sounds like a reasonable flow, but also a lot more work.
I half considered writing my own RSS reader; you could do much better on Sandstorm integration than ttrss currently allows. But I have way too many projects already
...A sandstorm-first reader could just use the powerbox as the prompt for the feed URL in the first place, so you wouldn't need an "extra" permssion prompt.
The current experience is janky in a lot of ways, but I only want to write so much php.
I am still sad we have sample script in Etherpad, but I think the discussion was that it was the preferred way to distribute the app. Even though it's kinda annoying as a regular user.
But yeah, my personal preference is not to add example anything by default on a new grain, unless we add some sort of API to determine that it is a user's first grain with that app or something.
This is a merge of upstream/master into jason's port, with none of ian's fancy new stuff
Shoot. this spk doesn't work correctly to upgrade an old DB. So you can only test with new grains for now.
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ok, got a fix, uploading the next RC
Cool, let me know when it's ready! Though I am guessing with Ian's work sounding like it's close to ready, hopefully we can focus on the modern version soon.
(I am both really excited about a TTRSS update and the idea of having a good example best practice app for using the Powerbox with an app that needs arbitrary-ish domains.)