Title: Different bit names on the same bit position in CLBLL · Issue #456 · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at github.com)
I'm still waking up
But I did start playing with the cloud build stuff that Rick setup a long time ago
I also kicked off a manual build last night
digshadow: it would be good to do some gardening of the prjxray issue tracker
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howdy, folks
Hi halosghost
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ahhh SLICEL doesn't have the "dynamic write port" that's why it can be used only for combinatorial logic !
oups WW sorry
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digshadow: Should 051-imuxlout be working?
I think I made my first patch for fuzzers, is there a way to have someone to test the patch and make me some remark about it to know if it's good enough ?
Title: All output products should go into "build" dir · Issue #171 · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at github.com)
I have a problem with the Fuzzers 072 it seems it get stuck but maybe it's just Vivado not outputing message after some point.
INFO: [Common 17-14] Message 'Vivado 12-2683' appears 100 times and further instances of the messages will be disabled. Use the Tcl command set_msg_config to change the current settings.
mithro digshadow any hint on that ?
(vivado still running 100% in top)
(eating 11GB of ram now)
the process got killed after going over ram limit at 16GB
nats: Ya, fuzzer 072 consumes a lot of memory. 16 GB is typically enough, but we typically run it on a 32 GB or 64 GB system. I believe there is an issue for attempting to lower the memory usage.
oky feel free to close my issue on the github so
I'll buy few ram stick to reach 32
Feel free to take a shot at lowering the memory usage. The tcl code was written in a very simple way, but I believe with more care the peak memory usage could be lowered. This work is likely important when running fuzzer 072 on larger parts.
I'll take a look but I think it's way above my knowledge for now :)
I'm patching simple things for now
anyway in the log vivado is giving some hints apparently
WARNING: [Vivado 12-2548] 'get_pips' without an -of_object switch is potentially runtime- and memory-intensive. Please consider supplying an -of_object switch. You can also press CTRL-C from the command prompt or click cancel in the Vivado IDE at any point to interrupt the command.
It's actually pretty small and understandable, but you would need to understand tcl to work on it
I understand tcl but not really what it call in vivado batch mode but I'll take a look just after finishing the patch of build process for fuzzer
Title: All output products should go into "build" dir · Issue #171 · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at github.com)
why the issue reference all the different commit I amended in my fork
Because you have the #171 in the commit description
Github is being "smart"
but........ I made a lot of testing on my fork exactly to not pollute the main one...
Am I wrong or this is really stupid ?
(yep never really used for working on big projects)
Nothing to worry about
oky thanks you're reassuring me :)
for pull request should I make them atomic to the smallest commit possible or group some higher level commit ?
for example i'm fixing different fuzzer build process, should I PR each fuzzer fix or all at once ?
litghost, if I'm understanding correctly it creates a list of the PIPS in two file uphill and downhill
but it doesn't flush while running
It's unclear where the memory usage is going. If adding a flush in the loop solves the issues, great. But that seems wrong to me, as typical buffered file writers flush on newline or # of characters.
I'll dig a little more to understand that
but for what I saw the file are empty while the loop is running
https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:CsB7PWFna0QJ:https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Vivado-TCL-Community/Is-it-possible-to-navigate-through-a-path-automatically-in/td-p/757323+&cd=5&hl=fr&ct=clnk&gl=fr I'm wondering why this page is no more available on the website directly
Title: Solved: Is it possible to navigate through a path automati... - Community Forums3rd Party Header & Footer (at webcache.googleusercontent.com)
when trying a little in tcl shell I see some interesting things
foreach pip [get_pips] {} <= is not really a problem it consume about 2.3GB but foreach pip [get_pips] {foreach dnode [get_nodes -downhill -of_object $pip] {}} <= seems to already be a a big problem
maybe because dnodes is never freed
I'll try something using intermediate value
nats`: back for a bit sorting through things
feel free to ping me again if you need something asap, otherwise will sort through messages as I can
no problem
nats`: I removed the -j because it was failing, will figure out how to reenable once I figure out why it failed...