uhhmm tbh vivado is way above ise, if you want argument we could discuss that in private
so I'd like to be able to use said minispartan6 with something else at some point ;)
I don't know if there is a known effort on serie 6 maybe ask digshadow
sxpert: theres definitely interest in 6 series, but nobody working on it
is that something you might be interested to add support for?
digshadow: unfortunately, I'm rather unqualified
sxpert: if you are interested but aren't sure how to start, we can help with that
the idea is not stupid because serie 6 despite being really expensive compared to serie 7 keeps some advantage like static consumption
(and lack time)
thats a bigger issue :)
nats`: the 6 series is in a large number of blackmagic devices
sxpert: have you used them? how was your experience?
which are pretty cheap, and could gain from opensource firmware
blackmagic the video manufacturer ? (if the discussion continue we may have to switch to private or an other channel to not pollute chan)
nats`: yeah
I think he means the 1bitsquared product
nats`: but yeah thanks for keeping OT
is it a good idea to have a linked chan where we could put related but not totally ontopic discussion in case it interest more people in the chan ?
something like symbichat
(I'm not fan of having tens of channel but may be useful here)
well theres ##openfpga
ah sure :)
which tends to be looser
get it :)
I'll add it to my chan list again, if you want to keep going on the discussion sxpert ping me there :)
digshadow, Bug #501
are you talking about the output of get_pips ?
if yes I tried to do that because 072 relies on it but a simple puts seems not enough each item of pips is stored with a string and it seems that's not good
nats`: I think someone is working on that
marked as assigned
oky so I'll wait to integrate it in 072 because i didn't manage to do that well
unless kgugala wants to hand off to you?
ah? its used there as well?
in 072 yes
and I call it a lot of time now
in each job
but beware get_pips with no -ob_object return something like 2e6 results on the 50T
gotcha. So making it common would speed that up quite a bit
that's why I tried
but failed :D
nats`: just talked to him
sounds like you should be good to take that
hes mostly working on 052
ohhh if he wants to do that no problem !
I don't want to take it from him
no, I think you should go for it
hes focusing on the core logic of 052, not list pips
so the idea is to find a way to store that
it could be binary or text ?
it should be the same file format as it is now right? just only generated once
are we talking about the same things, the output of get_pips command ?
it's not a little overkill for a "run once" script ?
I'm looking it I'm not sure it's usefull to go into such complexity
If you want to chat about alternative firmware for Blackmagic products I recommend joining #timvideos channel
sure but I was more discussing making an opensource board :)
If you want to avoid complexity, then avoid introducing threading to being with. If you want parallel execution, multiprocessing.Pool is the safe and recommended way to do it
citypw has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
litghost what's your opinion ? I think I should modify the way I call thread and calculate the index
oky I'll rewrite it
but for what I saw the current version is working well at catching signal
The code will actually get simplier using Pool, because it will handle the nbParBlock logic for you
I have to read about that I really don't know those module it's literally 10 years I didn't write real python code :)
If should just be #1 create pool, #2 start worker, #3 add work, #4 get results (or handle error) , #5 close pool
Opps, #2 start workers isn't required, creating the pool starts the workers
after building the latest yosys, prjtrellis, and nextpnr, I successfully managed to compile one of the examples included with prjtrellis (soc_versa5g); But after connecting the LFE5UM5G-45F-VERSA-EVN board via usb, and running "make prog", I get an error from openocd (https://pastebin.com/udAHnXFQ). The board stops blinking and spinning its segment-LED thingie, so *something* happens, but not quite what *should* happen. Any clue as to what I'm
screwing up (I'm a n00b at openocd and jtag) much much appreciated!
somlo: you need to set J50 to bypass the ispclock
short (1, 2) and (3, 5)
* somlo
digs around for magnifying glass...
for some reason openocd can't cope with the ispclock in the JTAG chain, even if you give it the IR length and other details
3,5 --that would be the two upper-left-horizontal ones and the far-right vertical two (in a ":::" pattern) -- right ?
I had (1,2) (3,4) and (5,6) from the factory
I get the same behavior
same error too?
would you be able to post a photo of your jumpers?
daveshah: same error, same numbers (except for at the bottom, where I get different READ values each time
daveshah: I'll upload a picture in a few minutes -- and thanks a ton for your help !!!
one more thing to try would be to put the CFG0, CFG1 and CFG2 jumpers all up (off)
litghost, I still have to make a loop to create pool of 4 thread no ?
there's four dip switches (4,3,2,1) with (3,2,1) labeled cfg0, 1, and 2, respectively
and they're down,down,up,down
somlo: yeah, try all four up
that forces it to JTAG mode, which shouldn't be necessary but might be for some odd reason
ahh no if I understand correctly you tell the pool to create 4 worker and feed the data and it'll do whatever needed to process all the data while using only 4 parallel thread
now I don't get the blinky default behavior on power-up, and still the same error
somlo: actually I think your versa board might be from the bad batch
nats: No, create the pool of 4 once. Then add all of the work at once (either via map/map_async/imap/imap_unordered). Once all the work is added, it will be batched to each worker.
what is the text in the top right corner, and what is the text on the FPGA?
Title: Imgur: The magic of the Internet (at imgur.com)
somlo: yes, you have a bad versa
Lattice accidently built a batch of Versa 5Gs with non 5G FPGAs
This is the second I've seen now
somlo: replace the nextpnr command in the Makefile with `nextpnr-ecp5 --json attosoc.json --lpf versa.lpf --basecfg ../../misc/basecfgs/empty_lfe5um-45f.config --textcfg $@ --um-45k --freq 50 --speed 8` and try again
so basically s/um5g/um/g :)
isn't the non-5G architecturally the same whenever both meet timing?
I guess, they have different IDCODEs in OTP and that confuses openocd?
hehe, if anyone anywhere ever makes a bad batch of anything, I will probably end up with it :D
sorear: yes, the idcode is in the bitstream too
Timing is complicated here, because the 5G version runs at higher Vcc which accounts for the faster fabric
wonder if I can get them to send me a replacement...
I guess this board runs the non 5G version at the higher Vcc, so timing is anyone's guess, although probably closer to the 5G
somlo: yes, I'm sure you can
However, there's a risk of getting another from the same batch if you go through the distributor
general semiconductor process question: how correlated are process variations on nearby transistors? on a "slow" chip, are all of the transistors slow, or just a few of them?
I guess there must be some correlated variation since I've seen in-circuit measurement devices that rely on being "near" the operational circuit, but a spatial power spectrum would be very interesting here
daveshah: thanks again, make prog now doesn't error out anymore, and I get 8 flashing LEDs next to the usb connector, four red, and for yellow
Connect to the second uart (ttyUSB1 with no other devices) at 9600 and you should see hello world
whoo hoo, it works! thanks again for the handholding!
litghost, I wrote that but I'm sure it's good enough to handle a crash in one of the thread
can you explain to me how it'll be handled ?
because in case of crash of one it should stop all other
the pool context manager should call terminate
I need to fix the fact that map can't take multiple argument
while I'm on the topic of ECP5 dev boards, is there anything out there with e.g. a LFE5UM5G-85F and at least 128MB of DDR RAM (i.e. something comparable to the nexys4-ddr or Arty)?
Not at the moment
The only board with significant DDR is the Versa
If only they made an 85 kCell version...
any guesses why they didn't?
just send an list of arguments
you'll certainly laugh but I don't know how to construct it right :p