hehe i just noticed the rapidsmith site is a .doc file saved as .html
mithro: i threw more eye-time on the rapidsmith site and the terminology file. what i understand is they don't store a flattened rr_graph in the device file(won't fit into 539kb), but can somehow do routing. what i don't understand is how do they do it without storing or expanding into a flattened rr_graph(it's impressive if their rr_graph for virt
ex 4 takes 34mb in java heap). unfortunately not much information on this is given on the site.
duck2: I assume they expand the graph on demand
looks like wires(nodes) are enhanced int objects which run queries on the file when they are asked about their edges
only a guess
mithro: if we had magic implementation wand, would it be feasible in VPR? i expect an awful lot of such edge queries to be made. and then there are maps of metadata
duck2: A lot of that data is de-duplicatable
duck2: I assume they store the data in a similar manner to tileconn
duck2: I was hoping to get that Python example for you done both yesterday and today but I don't see it happening.... will try again tomorrow
ok. i should take a look at the rapidsmith source sometime.
nextpnr also does not load a flattened graph in memory afaik
duck2: It has a bunch of different modes - it is unclear to me which ones are being used - it definitely uses a flattened graph for ice40 at some point
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<acomodi> litghost, mithro: I have pushed the progress relative to the equivalent tiles (https://github.com/SymbiFlow/vtr-verilog-to-routing/pull/36). Pin mapping works fine (at least within the regression test I have added), and I have started working on the actual equivalent tiles placement in the placer. Right now the placer consumes all the locations of the original cluster type, and, if no locations are available anymore
it places the cluster in the equivalent tile.
<acomodi> I still need to adapt the `swap` algorithm to look for more suitable location in equivalent tiles (if they exist)
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<kgugala> @litghost @mithro I'm looking at the possibilities of adding the timing information to architecture definition and there seem to be two options
<kgugala> one is to implement a script to read the arch.merged.xml file and add/update timing entries basing on sdfs generated with timining fuzzer
<kgugala> this option is pretty straight forward - it will add one step between xml merging and carry chains specialization
<kgugala> I'm not sure if this scales, though
<kgugala> the second option is to generate all the arch xmls from verilog (this is something @mithro mentioned some time ago)
<kgugala> this is much more work, because we'd need to reimplment all the arch.xml generation
<kgugala> but this would allow us to create verilog templates for every BEL and CLB structure
<kgugala> a separate script can use the verlilog templates and merge them with timings from sdf
<kgugala> in the end v2x tool can generate arch xml
<kgugala> this approach is much more versatile, but requires more work
<kgugala> what do you think
<mkurc> I wonder whether it is possible in the second option to include the timings in Verilog models and use them for simulation. (just a random thought)
hackerfoo: What changed? I'm also working on writing a testbench for the FF SR/CE test should we should probably commonize some things, at a minimum an assert of some kind
kgugala: I think we should proceed with a v2x solution, with the follow caveat: Let's write tests as we god
kgugala: I am working on some FF tests, which also does a little combintorial testing
Title: WIP: Improve the Verilog to XML conversion process by acomodi · Pull Request #316 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
<mkurc> My status update: I changed the grid location map implementation to use foreign keys. There are two tile grid tables in the database and a mapping table which references their pkeys.
mkurc: Is your latest stuff pushed to the PR?
<mkurc> @litghost Yes
<mkurc> @litghost But I still cannot find a solution of the problem with routing of const nets
mkurc: I just made a suggsetion
<mkurc> @litghost Thx, I'll try right away
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Title: Enable kokoro on symbiflow-arch-defs by litghost · Pull Request #556 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
hackerfoo: There is an advantage to using a testbench with the "top" of the design, you can run testbinch to run against the fasm2verilog version of the design. I recommend using the "top" module if you want to check the post-PnR results
Okay. I'd rather avoid duplication, but top included UART logic that I didn't want in the testbench. Is there something like CPP for Verilog?
Nevermind, I see "ifdef" in the code.
hackerfoo: I specifically was suggesting you test with the UART, so you can run the testbench against both the pre-synthesis and post-PnR design. Adding #ifdef's for testing would undo that
hackerfoo: Maybe two testbench's are needed for your purpose
litghost: We currently run out of io pins if you try and place and route the non-top.v module, right?
mithro: That is one problem, yes
mithro: ROI breakout would help with that
mithro: But in this case running the UART on both sides of the top module is probably a good idea
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litghost: I think we probably want a test helper with the uart then
mithro: Don't disagree
mithro: The UART module itself can serve that purpose, combined with a deframer/read queue
mithro: I avoided adding a queue to the current FIFO module because eventually we will want to use a BRAM FIFO or something, unclear
Title: Makefiles for formal proofs with SymbiYosys (at zipcpu.com)
Dunno if that is useful at all...
mithro: I think that is for build up of cumulative proofs
mithro: I think most of our proofs should be single instance
mithro: If we try to prove say, the picosoc, then that will be usefull
litghost: If the proofs work on the original verilog, they should still work on the verilog from the bitstream, right?
mithro: We haven't been proving the original verilog though
mithro: To date, we've been proving that pre-synthesis is equivilant to post-PnR
mithro: I believe those links are about proving verilog "assume" statements
mithro: Which would be lost through the PnR process
mithro: That being said the documentation (including that blog) on the Yosys proving process is pretty terrible
mithro: The Yosys documentation on $equiv cells is literally a TODO
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litghost: You could try poking zipcpu and daveshah in #yosys
mithro: Nah, I think the problem I have is an actual error, either in our PnR or fasm2verilog
mithro: I was stuck for a bit, but the testbench will help prove to myself that the equivilance error is real
litghost: I think we should poke zipcpu about doing a tutorial about equivalence proving anyway
litghost: Maybe it would be best to just use a single error signal pin for testbenches instead of a full UART.
mithro: If I find that I cannot replicate the equivalence failure in the TB, I'll poke upstream
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hackerfoo: Sure, and on hardware just have the pin connect to an LED? That will work
One reason I want to avoid complexity is to make the FASM easier to analyze.
Hello, mithro
ZipCPU: we were just chatting about formal equivalence proving
Alright, wow, go on
ZipCPU: I was saying that your other formal tutorials / blog posts are pretty good
* ZipCPU
is looking through the log for some context
and litghost was complaining "The Yosys documentation on $equiv cells is literally a TODO"
ZipCPU: i was say that the equiv documentation in the yosys manual is pretty close to non-existant
That's pretty close to reality
It's not an "advertised" feature
I've tried to help coach some folks through it before, but it's always befuddled the both of us
ZipCPU: so, was wondering if we could persuade you to look into documentation :-P
Supposedly SymbiYosys can do it, I just haven't been successful at it
e.g. it has the documentation?
Well, back up a bit, what are you trying to do?
What type of equivalence checking?
Some types are doable, some not so much
I'm trying to prove a simple design pre-synthesis matches post-PnR. It has some combintorial elements and 1 FF. I believe there is a true equivilance failure, but I haven't been able to find the problem as of yet
How many bits? Up to 32 bits of input + state is easy.
Indeed, sorry, trying to say 1 FF per input
So, 32 bits then?
What is interesting is the led[9] led[10] and led[11] are failing to prove
If I change the xor reduce to say Q[5:0
It proves
Check all 4 billion cases. Should take a few minutes on hardware.
But Q[7:0] fails
hackerfoo: The goal is to have a test that runs without hardware
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ZipCPU: It's unclear at this time if the equiv check is failing because of an actually PnR bug (very possible) or a bug in the newly written 7-series fasm2verilog code
ZipCPU: Or simply a case where the equiv check cannot prove the situation
litghost: Oh, well then can you use Verilator?
Heh, yeah, one of the reasons why the equivalency support isn't yet "advertised" ;)
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So, there's a couple of basic types of equivalency checking
One checks things from the top level inputs and outputs alone.
I'm currently use the equiv cells at top level inputs and outputs
The second type does a check between FFs
You are refering to equiv_struct?
for the second type
It's the second check, the input->FF, FF->FF, and FF->output that's practically doable for the case you are interested in
Yosys was unable to add equiv cells using equiv_struct
I wasn't able to diagnose why that was the case
FYI, I am using latest Yosys master as of yesterday
* ZipCPU
is browsing yosys doc's, for anything starting with "equiv"
It's pretty sparse
* ZipCPU
reads the "miter" page ...
ZipCPU: miter might make this worse, it only adds the equiv cell for the 1 output yes?
No, it's much more powerful than that
What is the relative utility of equiv_make and miter -equiv?
e.g. why choose one over the other?
So, the example I have uses: read_verilog -sv miter_src.v; prep -top miter_src; fmcombine miter ref uut; flatten; opt -fast; and it runs in SymbiYosys under mode bmc
The miter_src is a file including both example logic files, asserting that their outputs are identical
The outputs can be concatenated together, and so look for any output differences
fmcombine is not in the yosys documentation, presumably that is not in the open source version?
No, it's there. You might find the most up to date yosys documentation by running: yosys -p "help fmcombine"
Title: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite (at www.reddit.com)
ZipCPU: That example uses equiv_struct, which was unable to find places to add $equiv cells
in my case
Do the two designs have different FF structures?
In theory no, one is the post-place and route version of the prior
Do they have the same number of FF's?
ZipCPU: Yes. In fact of the led wires, all but 3 prove equivilant
Do you have a trace showing the differences?
VCD file?
You mean a testbench wave file?
I mean a counter-example waveform file produced by the formal tools, such as by SymbiYosys when using the script I just mentiond using fmcombine
ZipCPU: I'm not sure how that is done
Can you post a tarball somewhere where I can set see if I can set it up for you?
litghost: The two circuits you gave me are equivalent
ZipCPU: That's great!
ZipCPU: How did you prove it?
I didn't use equiv at all, and threw out the fmcombine and miter stuff, etc
I just created a design containing both, and then asserted that the outputs would always be identical
When running with "abc pdr" as the engine, it was able to prove the two were equivalent
Send me a PM with an e-mail address, and I'll send you a copy of the files I used
Thanks, ideally I'm looking for a solution that just consumes the top level verilog files, and says "yep those are the same". I'll take a look at your approach and think about how to achieve that
Other than the middle file, I think that's what I offered
The trick, though, is that "abc pdr" works on the simpler designs. It will struggle with more complex designs
However, without some form of a full proof, you might only know that the first N clocks have identical outputs, and nothing about anything beyond that
ZipCPU: Thanks, I'll take a look.
ZipCPU: What is a sby file?
A SymbiYosys configuration file
Is see the "[engine]" section, does that translate into a yosys script command?
Only the [script] command translates into a yosys script. Even at that, it's not a complete script. SymbiYosys will add more to it
ZipCPU: FYI the miter.vs was not required, the following script is equivilent:
ZipCPU: Thanks for pointing me to how to prove that circuit, I'll take that to my toolbelt for equivalence proving!
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ZipCPU: I just noticed a weird behavior in SymbiYosys, might be a bug
Really? What's that?
ZipCPU: I intentionally broke equivilance, and SymbiYosys started to use other engines
ZipCPU: In particular ones I did not have installed
Oh, dear
File an issue?
What engines did you have installed?
Right now just the ones that Yosys provides
I've make an issue and test case
Which engine did it try to use?
litghost: I need a synthesizable assert, right? Something that just takes a register and sets it high? I don't think `tbassert` is what I need.
asserts are synthesizable?
hackerfoo: Why does it need to be synthesizable? I guess I don't know what you are trying to do
ZipCPU: abc, then yosys-smtbmc (which I have) and then yices-smt2, which I don't
hackerfoo: FYI, the issue is almost certainly on Step 5, and step 5 is missing the really check
I did the first one yesterday, but I would like to have only one testbench that I can use for all steps, and then be able to automate all the steps in the future.
hackerfoo: Which is compare the bit2fasm output from both VPR and Vivado and check to see if things are different
Heh, which step 5? There's two, apparently.
hackerfoo: The second one, post PnR
hackerfoo: I actually think what is written there is incorrect
hackerfoo: The first place to look for a problem if it doesn't work on hardware (after step 2) is to compare bit2fasm output from both VPR and Vivado, especially for new features
hackerfoo: fasm2v is only as good as our understanding of how the FASM features is. If there is a bug in how we understand the FASM features, that will be mirrored in both the arch def and fasm2verilog behavior
hackerfoo: Step 3/4 is worth checking if you are messing with how yosys generates output, but I wouldn't suspect them at the outset
hackerfoo: Step 1/2 is worth doing to make sure the verilog isn't totally bonkers
So then, can I use the testbench I wrote, or do I need one for top.v?
hackerfoo: I don't recommend a testbench at all for debugging VPR PnR errors when we are testing new primatives
I don't have 100% confidence in my verilog yet, either.
hackerfoo: I would do step 2, e.g. make sure when compiled by vivado it works
hackerfoo: And step 1 is good hygien no matter what
hackerfoo: Steps 3/4 are overkill unless you have reason to believe there is a synthesis error, but can always be revisited
I believe mithro recommended I remove the UART and error logic to make it easier to analyze the FASM.
hackerfoo: That was a misstep
hackerfoo: Because there is only 1 DRAM, you can filter the FASM down to the CLB that contains the DRAM
hackerfoo / litghost: I was suggesting that it was easier to write a test bench without the UART / error logic initially
mithro: Oh sure, but that is on the testbench side of thing
Okay, I guess I misunderstood. Still, there wasn't a testbench that dumped to a VCD that I could look at.
mithro / hackerfoo : I suspect the error has to do with which FASM features are emitted by VPR, in which case just doing "grep <CLB tile> bit2fasm_VPR.fasm" and "grep <CLB tile> bit2fasm_vivado.fasm" will reveal the problem
Title: RAM32X1D not working · Issue #409 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
Okay, thanks. I'll try that.
hackerfoo: As part of generating FASM output, you will have a vivado generated bitstream, which you can load and verify that it generates good UART output
hackerfoo: Which resolves the "Step 2" question, e.g. is the verilog remotely correct
btw litghost, hackerfoo was suggesting we add a build target to run the verilog through vivado and produce a .bit + .fasm files, what do you think?
Is there a documented way to get FASM output from Vivado? I don't think it runs when building *_bin or *_prog.
One minute
hackerfoo: Vivado doesn't get invoke from symbiflow at all, you'll need a prjxray tree checked out if you don't already have one
hackerfoo: I'm tarring up an example script for running the vivado flow and getting FASM out
hackerfoo: Once you have prjxray checked out, run the shell script download-latest-db.sh
hackerfoo: And then source database/artix7/settings.sh and then source minitests/roi_harness/basys3-swbut.sh
hackerfoo: That will set up the required environment variables to make everything line up
hackerfoo: And you need to set XRAY_VIVADO_SETTINGS to point to the vivado settings.sh per the prjxray README
hackerfoo: Then run "runme.sh" and it will do the rest
hackerfoo: Just follow the startup steps in the README actually, it's mostly documented in there, minus sourcing minitests/roi_harness/basys3-swbut.sh
hackerfoo: One additional thing, the output from bit2fasm has some additional pretty grouping that the output from VPR doesn't. If you want to compare files with "diff", I recommend generating the FASM from the VPR bitstream. The ${target}_bit_v will do this automatically as a side product
hackerfoo: However if you are generating from vivado, "diff" isn't useful because Vivado doesn't respect the way we have setup the ROI
hackerfoo: So greping each files for the relevant 10 or so lines is the right idea
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Do you think it would work if I just sort the lines? The order doesn't matter, right?
hackerfoo: Vivado and VPR will choose different CLBs, you'll need to narrow the output
hackerfoo: If you want, you could create a constrain on vivado for the CLB tile, but the difference is usually pretty obvious